Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
In 1906, W.J. McGee, Director of the St. Louis Public museum, published one of the most detailed and graphic descriptions of the ravages of extreme dehydration ever recorded. McGee's account was based on the experiences of Pablo Valencia, a forty-year-old sailor-turned-prospector, who survived almost seven days in the Arizona desert without water....Nuff said.
Saliva becomes thick and foul-tasting; the tongue clings irritatingly to the teeth and the roof of the mouth .... A lump seems to form in the throat ... severe pain is felt in the head and neck. The face feels full due to the shrinking of the skin. Hearing is affected, and many people begin to hallucinate... [then come] the agonies of a mouth that has ceased to generate saliva. The tongue hardens into what McGee describes as "a senseless weight, swinging on the still-soft root and striking foreignly against the teeth." Speech becomes impossible, although sufferers have been known to moan and bellow.
Next is the "blood sweats" phase, involving "a progressive mummification of the initially living body." The tongue swells to such proportions that it squeezes past the jaws. The eyelids crack and the eyeballs begin to weep tears of blood. The throat is so swollen that breathing becomes difficult, creating an incongruous yet terrifying
sense of drowning.
Finally ... there is living death, the state into which Pablo Valencia had entered when McGee discovered him on a desert trail, crawling on his hands and knees: "His lips had disappeared as if amputated, leaving low edges of blackened tissue; his teeth and gums projected like those of a skinned animal, but the flesh was black and dry as a hank of jerky; his nose was withered and shrunken to half its length, and the nostril-lining showing black; his eyes were set in a winkless stare, with surrounding skin so contracted as to expose the conjunctiva, itself as black as the gums...; his skin [had] generally turned a ghastly purplish yet ashen gray, with great livid blotches and streaks; his lower legs and feet ... were torn and scratched by contact with thorns and sharp rocks, yet even the freshest cuts were so many scratches in dry leather, without trace of blood" (Philbrick, 126-128).
TO: The Law School Community
FROM: Harold Hongju Koh
DATE: February 1, 2005
RE: Military Recruiting and the Spring 2005 Interviewing Program
As you know, the Defense Department has lately interpreted the Solomon Amendment to require denial of federal funds to institutions of higher education that withhold assistance from military recruiters who will not pledge to refrain from discrimination in recruiting.
Last year, groups of Yale Law School faculty and students filed suit in the federal district court in Bridgeport challenging the legality of the Defense Department's interpretation of the Solomon Amendment. On December 9, 2004, Judge Janet C. Hall (D.Conn.) heard argument on motions for summary judgment in these cases. A few weeks earlier, in the FAIR litigation, the Third Circuit directed entry of a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the Solomon Amendment, stating that "[t]he Solomon Amendment requires law schools to express a message that is incompatible with their educational objectives, and no compelling governmental interest has been shown to deny this freedom. ... In this context, the Solomon Amendment cannot condition federal funding on law schools' compliance with it."
Yesterday, Judge Hall granted summary judgment in favor of the faculty plaintiffs. Judge Hall's opinion confirmed that the Solomon Amendment has been unconstitutionally applied to Yale Law School and permanently enjoined the Defense Department "from enforcing it against Yale University based upon Yale Law School's Non-Discrimination Policy." Judge Hall's opinion declared: "The Solomon Amendment violates the [faculty] plaintiffs' First Amendment right to freedom of speech.. . . " Yale Law School, "acting through the Faculty, has been unconstitutionally coerced into foregoing its own message [of nondiscrimination] and into assisting DoD in the dissemination of DoD's message of its "Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy...." "In addition, DoD offers no evidence to support a finding that the Solomon Amendment, and the suspension of the N[on-]D[iscrimination] P[olicy] for the past two years at YLS that it caused, has advanced its goal of raising an army through effective recruiting." ... "[T]he Solomon Amendment is not narrowly tailored to advance a compelling government interest, and thus unjustifiably burdens the Faculty Members' First Amendment right of expressive association."
I am gratified by Judge Hall's judgment, which seems to me clearly correct. Her ruling brings us closer to the day when all members of our community have an equal opportunity to serve in our Nation's armed forces. This Thursday, February 3, 2005, the Spring 2005 Interviewing Program will begin. In light of the District Court's opinion and injunction, Yale Law School will enforce its nondiscrimination policy during the Spring 2005 Interviewing Program without exception.
Harold Hongju Koh Dean, Yale Law School
"I'm not afraid of dying, and killing doesn't frighten me," Algerian-born Canadian Fateh Kamel said on an Italian counterterrorism intercept. "If I have to press the remote control, vive the jihad!"
Kamel, who jet-setted among Afghanistan, Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, was arrested in Jordan on December 15, 1999, and extradited to France. He was convicted of distributing bogus passports and conspiring to blow up Paris Metro stations. He was sentenced April 6, 2001, to eight years in prison.
But after fewer than four years, France sprang Kamel for "good behavior." (What is it about iron bars and German shepherds that mellows people so?) Kamel flew home to Canada January 29.
"When Kamel arrived in Montreal, the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] was not even at the airport to greet him," Canada's National Post reported last month. "As far as they're concerned, he is an ex-convict who has done his time and has committed no crimes in Canada."
Paul Martin, Canada's Liberal premier, attended a May 2000 dinner while finance minister. Its hosts: The Federation of Association of Canadian Tamils, a front for the Tamil Tigers, a Sri Lankan terrorist group. It has killed at least 60 people, including two Americans, and injured more than 1,400 others, the State Department reports. Martin, and international cooperation minister Maria Minna, ignored security officials who urged them to stay away. Wooing Canada's sizable Tamil minority apparently was irresistible
The warm U.S.-Canadian relationship, illustrated by our 3,145-mile unprotected boundary, cooled somewhat when Ottawa recently refused to help Washington develop defenses against incoming nuclear-tipped missiles. But that modest dispute will pale beside the northward-flowing rancor that will erupt if a terrorist attack kills innocent Americans, and U.S. officials discover that the butchers slipped past complacent Canadians.That is an understatement. The results would be horrible for both political and economic reasons. You think the beef ban is bad? To top it off, have a Canadian terror cell kill a few thousand Americans and then disrupt the HUGE energy exports from Canada to the U.S. Just not pretty.
And for the rest of the world, uhhh, for other nations, strengthening the United Nations is vital because contrary to the assumptions made in this debate so far; there is no country in the world that can guarantee its own security..Speak for yourself. Just because you have made yourself impotent, it doesn't mean we have.
"Secondly, as far as we're concerned, war always means failure,"Sure Jacques, that is quite true; if you
"(Osama bin Laden) sees himself as something of the George Washington of the Arabian peninsular"Argghhhh, there goes that vein in my forehead again. This is a disgusting thing to say, but even worse coming from a retired 4-star (though as a
Yep, my first thought, was, “Where in the hell were the teachers and administrators?”Three invited pro-military speakers were shocked last Friday when they arrived for a West Seattle High student assembly to confront a theater stage strewn with figures costumed as Iraqi men, women and children splashed with blood.
It was a warm-up for the "Iraq Awareness Assembly"….For Nadine Gulit of Operation Support Our Troops, the spectacle was sickening.
She had been asked by student organizers to provide three speakers and she delivered."I was told there would be three on each side. No debates. No rebuttal," she said in the e-mail she fired off to members of the Seattle School Board. "At no time was I referred to a teacher nor did a teacher contact me. As I walked into the theater there was a young girl wearing a mask and crawling on the floor. And, over the loud speaker (someone) was denouncing our military, saying 'Americans are killing my family!' "
Not a good thing for "impressionable students who may have family serving Iraq," Gulit told student organizers. "Two of our speakers had returned from Iraq and Afghanistan." teachers or advisers were on hand or evidently even aware of the content although that part is one of several things still under investigation.OK…. That means one of two things:
Ah, the diversity cult is coming after the most free (and I mean free-don't cost 'nut'n), open, and painfully full of feedback public areas ever created, The Blogosphere.At a recent Harvard conference on bloggers and the media, the most pungent statement came from cyberspace. Rebecca MacKinnon, writing about the conference as it happened, got a response on the "comments" space of her blog from someone concerned that if the voices of bloggers overwhelm those of traditional media, "we will throw out some of the best ... journalism of the 21st century." The comment was from Keith Jenkins, an African-American blogger who is also an editor at The Washington Post Magazine [a sister publication of NEWSWEEK]. "It has taken 'mainstream media' a very long time to get to [the] point of inclusion," Jenkins wrote. "My fear is that the overwhelmingly white and male American blogosphere ... will return us to a day where the dialogue about issues was a predominantly white-only one." ...
Does the blogosphere have a diversity problem?
Lean over on the book caseMmmmm. Ideas.....
If you really want to get straight
ReadDr. Thomas Sowell
Get a new towel
One of the world's most widely read Bibles, the New International Version, has been modernised by a team of 15 American and British scholars and is published today....the term "saints" is deemed to be too "ecclesiastical" and has been banished, to be replaced with "God's chosen people". The Virgin Mary is no longer "with child"; she is "pregnant".Harumph. Define fair. From a distance, a
And, to the dismay of traditionalists, who will suspect a feminist agenda, "inclusive" language has been introduced throughout.
Where the original read: "When God created Man, he made him in the likeness of God"; the new version says: "When God created human beings, he made them in the likeness of God."
More than 45,000 changes - about seven per cent of the text - have been made. Even the title has been changed to Today's New International Version.
The new version has already caused a stir in the United States, however. Paige Patterson, a former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, said that the translators had gone beyond trying to clarify meaning.
"They have an agenda - to attempt to force egalitarian and even feminist perspectives on readers in the name of translation," he said.
But the scholars who worked on the book rejected the charges, saying that their changes were a fair reflection of the original Greek or Hebrew texts or updated colloquial English words.
An Associated Press estimate put the number at least 800,000. Either way it was the biggest demonstration ever in this country of 3.5 million.To put that number, 800,000 (some estimates are 1,000,000 plus), in perspective it is:
Cars and buses carrying protesters jammed the main roads into Beirut, forcing some people to leave their vehicles and walk. Druse descended from the Chouf and Aley mountains east and southeast of the capital, Christians came from the heartland in the northeast and many Sunni Muslims came from Tripoli, Dinniyeh and Akkar. Others traveled to Beirut from Hariri's southern hometown, Sidon.
Yong Tang: According to the opinion polls, the image of America has been becoming less and less popular in the world today since after the Iraq war. As a top leader of a major American newspaper, how do you think of this growing anti-American sentiment?Wow, nice opener Philip! We throw out the Zionist boogeyman early; we beat the Iraq drum; and to get on your self-hating knees first you have to mention the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia during the Clinton Administration. TRIFECTA!!!
Bennett: The world image of US is so clearly linked to its foreign policy and particularly its policy toward Iraq and Middle East, say its support of Israel and its occupation of Iraq.
I was in China once shortly after the missile hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and of course there were demonstrations in Beijing before the US embassy and elsewhere. So I think it is easy to understand in many ways why the US image has decreased.
American movies are remarkably popular all over the world to the extent that you can buy them on the streets of all major Chinese cities.Ummmm, I guess we can expect a Post expose on the rampant movie piracy and assorted copy write violations practiced wholesale in China any day now. Philip? Philip?
The ideologues in the Bush administration are very influential in decisions made toward Iraq and other provocative moves by the administration.Provocative? To whom? Define “provocative?”
Yong Tang: In such sense, do you think America should be the leader of the world?Arghhhhh!! I’m sorry, I have to put a vein back in my forehead. This needs a sub-Fisk.
Bennett: No, I don't think US should be the leader of the world. My job is helping my readers trying to understand what is happening now. What is happening now is very difficult to understand. The world is very complex. There are various complex forces occurring in it. I don't think you can imagine a world where one country or one group of people could lead everybody else. I can't imagine that could happen. I also think it is unhealthy to have one country as the leader of the world. People in other countries don't want to be led by foreign countries. They may want to have good relations with it or they may want to share with what is good in that country.
That is also a sort of colonial question. The world has gone through colonialism and imperialism. We have seen the danger and shortcomings of those systems. If we are heading into another period of imperialism where the US thinks itself as the leader of the area and its interest should prevail over all other interests of its neighbors and others, then I think the world will be in an unhappy period.
No, I don't think US should be the leader of the world.Philip you ignorant slut. You know power abhors a vacuum. If not the U.S., then whom? China?
I also think it is unhealthy to have one country as the leader of the world.Oh, the moral relativist swamp we find ourselves in. Of course things would be much better in a multi-polar world…
People in other countries don't want to be led by foreign countries.Like
If we are heading into another period of imperialism where the US thinks itself as the leader of the area and its interest should prevail over all other interests of its neighbors and others, then I think the world will be in an unhappy period.Unhappy for what country? China?
Yong Tang: So the world order should be democratic?You spineless twit. As a
Bennett: Democracy means many things. How do you define democracy? As a Chinese journalist, you may have your own definition of democracy which corresponds to your history and your way of seeing the world. I may have another definition. Someone else may have their own definitions. Democracy means a lot of different things.
We don't have any political point of view that we are trying to advance.Ask almost every Republican elected in the last 75 years or so if they think that is an accurate statement.
One of the jobs of our correspondents in Baghdad is to tell our readers what the Bush administration is trying to hide.Interesting concept and worldview. You sure aren’t interested in telling the truth about the good things going on over there, we know that.
… it is a big thing for the Washington Post to be the first major newspaper in America to publish the pictures about the Iraqi Abu Ghraib prisoners abuse scandal.
Major American newspapers endorse Democratic candidates every time. I think that endorsement means nothing. I don't think people will vote according to that endorsement. It is just an old tradition which really doesn't have lot of meaning any more today.Sorry, my mind is still boggling. Clueless arrogance wrapped in a package of condensation is just, well, hard to comment on. Just let it sit there and season in the sun. Oh, wait, it does have an impact;
Furthermore, there is a mood of great suspicion about the media. Every time when we publish a story about Iraq that suggests the war is not going well for America, I get lots of messages from people saying that we the Post are not patriotic and we are reporting negatively on the war only because of our political bias against the Bush administration. I think there is a perception among some of our readers that we are hostile to the Bush administration or representing our own political point of view in our news coverage.Those silly rubes out there. Where could they have gotten those ideas? Must be that lack of education compared to yours.
I think there are areas in which the mainstream media has ignored or not been as touch with the development of the society as we could have been. It is not so much about expressing the mainstream views. I think the primary job of the Post is to provide people with information, not views. The primary job of a newspaper is to inform people of what is going on in our community and the world in an impartial and fair way.Nice words Philip, now ACT ON IT. You’re not as bad as the NYT, but gee wiz you’re close.
Even before readers being our God, credibility is our God.Speaking of editing. May want to review the proper capitalization of the word “god.”
Yong Tang: The Washington Post often describes China as a dictator communist regime without democracy and freedom. Why is the newspaper so fond of playing with such negative words?Of course not,
Bennett: I disagree with that. First of all, Neither The Washington Post, nor the New York Times, nor any other big newspapers, refer to China today as a dictatorship regime. We don't use these words on the paper any more. Now we say China is a communist country only because it is a fact. China is ruled by the Communist party.
Yong Tang: But it seems to me that the Washington Post stories about China are still focused on such things like political dissidents?This is almost too painful to read. Kowtow like a pro Philip. Your knees must be getting sore by now.
Bennett: No, it is not true. If You look at all the stories published on the major newspapers about China last year, you would find the widest variety of stories of any time since US journalists were allowed back in China…… We have only three correspondents in China, a country with a population of 1.3 billion. We are trying to do our best.
Yong Tang: Do your correspondents in China have difficulties in getting the access to the information?Sigh. Relativism again. This guy must have had NO lunch money at all growing up.
Bennett: Yes, but we have difficult in the access to the information here in Washington DC too.
“At 5 o'clock no men have showed up at school to lug the fold-out tables around and set out the baskets of napkins and line up neat rows of cookies, arranged by type.”“…no men have showed up…” Nice Hanna. Too bad you weren’t homeschooled by
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon theeThe Spanish response,
'We are going to issue a fatwa (religious decree) against Bin Laden this afternoon,' Mansour Escudero, who leads the Federation of Islamic religious entities (Feeri) and co-secretary general of the Spanish government-created Commission told AFP.Isn't that sweet? And timely too. And so quick!!!
The Commission has also drawn up a document designed to 'thank the Spanish people and the government for their attitude towards Muslims' since last March 11, in particular for not taking 'disproportionate' measures similar to those which the Sept 11 attacks sparked in the US.Of course not. We don't want Spain to properly defend itself. We want Spain to retreat, surrender, and act like nice little Dhimmi. Set a good example for your dying European neighbors in
In a single night, 334 B-29 "Superfortress" bombers carpeted Tokyo with a half-million incendiary cylinders, sparking fires that spread with deadly speed through the cramped wooden homes and buildings of densely populated downtown quarters.Update:
The official death toll was 83,000, but historians, considering the destruction of records and the chaos following the attack -- generally agree that about 100,000 people died in that one night of fire.
As they headed to their destination a civilian vehicle pulled on from a side alley and attempted to get into the convoy. Apparently, the convoy gunners were too green or some how did not perceive the car to be a threat. They did not wave the car off, throw anything at him, cut him off, or shoot to try and stop him. A nearby IP (Iraqi Police) SUV witnessed the intruding vehicle and immediately intervened. It pulled up to the rear of the convoy and tried to force the intruding vehicle off the road. The IP’s had successfully put themselves between the vehicle and the US convoy. Unable to deter the vehicle from approaching the US convoy or make it pull over, the IP’s fired at the engine of the encroaching vehicle. At this point, the driver detonated the IED inside his vehicle. Yes, this was a classic VBIED.Hat tip
This suicide bomber killed himself and the four IP’s in the vehicle holding him at bay.
NatureWhile working on this post, via
There is a delight in the hardy life of the open.
There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm.
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.
Conservation means development as much as it does protection.
A man's usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can.
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
All daring and courage, all iron endurance of misfortune-make for a finer, nobler type of manhood.
Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life.
I want to see you game, boys, I want to see you brave and manly, and I also want to see you gentle and tender.
Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground.
Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life.
Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.
The State
Ours is a government of liberty by, through, and under the law.
A great democracy must be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy.
Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.
In popular government results worth while can only be achieved by men who combine worthy ideals with practical good sense.
If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness.
The most obvious feature of Theodore Roosevelt’s life and thought is the one least celebrated today, his manliness. Somehow America in the twentieth century went from the explosion of assertive manliness that was TR to the sensitive males of our time who shall be and deserve to be nameless.I think we know who he is talking about, but I would still love for him to name names.
TR appeals to some conservatives today for his espousal of big government and national greatness, and all conservatives rather relish his political incorrectness. As a reforming progressive he used to appeal to liberals, but nowadays liberals are put off by the political incorrectness that conservatives rather sneakily enjoy.
His father’s advice had been to lengthen the reach of his mind by strengthening his body, using sheer will-power.Beats any gov'munt school "self-esteem building" program ever invented.
“Life is a great adventure, and the worst of all fears is the fear of living.”
We have abandoned—not reason for manliness like the pragmatists, nor manliness for reason like their tender-minded opponents—but both reason and manliness. We want progress without a rational justification and without the manliness needed to supply the lack of a justification.That last quote from Professor Mansfield is right on target; for Blue State males and those that think like them. Again, in Red State America I think there is still a large swath of Roosevelt manliness out there. I know in my line of work my opinion is warped a bit by my subset, but I think it is largly accurate.
Below are the articles on the MilBlogs:
The Blogs Of War (New MilBlogging Article)
A Penny For Their Thoughts (MilBloggers Cash In?)
Learning From Blogs (Editorial)
"Time and again in the last two centuries, France has refused to come to grips with its diminished status as a country whose greatest general was a foreigner, whose greatest warrior was a teenage girl, and whose last great military victory came on the plains of Wagram in 1809."BAAAWAAAHAAAHAHHA.
There were conflicting reports on the extent to which Italian authorities had informed their American counterparts about the operation, in which a reported $6 million was paid for the journalist's release.OK class, lets go back to ECON 101. If a product can gain substantial profit through the marketplace, there will be entrepreneurs out there that will trade in that product. If there is not a market for a product, no one will attempt to trade in it.
Mr. Berlusconi won plaudits last year when Mr. Calipari obtained the release of two young volunteers kidnapped in Iraq known as the two Simonas, also through payment of a multimillion-dollar ransom.
Well the upUS Navy stopped using Lead Base Oaint in 1996, which would have made Cdr. Michael William Brannon, USN the first of the post 1996 Rust Navy Commanding Officers or Cdr. Charles Ferguson...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
How about for the period actually under discussion in the article? When that picture was taken. I'm guessing the ship didn't look like that when it came out of the builder's yard, so maybe that guy...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
For what timeframe! USS Fort McHenry had twenty-four CO’s from 8 August 1987 to 27 March 2021! The last being Cdr. Michael J. Fabrizio, which last known whereabouts was in Mayport, Florida of the...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
All these years later, I'm curious--does anyone know where the then CO ended up? Retire at 3-star or something?
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
The detailed breakdown of NATO's shifts in policy and military posture provides a lot of food for thought. speedy...
CDR Salamander: NATO's Evolution in Response to the Russo-Ukrainian War with Jorge Benitez - on Midrats · 9 months ago