I have voiced my opinion about what is fair and what is not fair to beat politicians over the head with this season.
One thing has always make my puzzler puzzle though is the following; we could not get a rest from hearing about President Bill Clinton's Mother and Father and Stepfather and how they formed such an important part of making him what he is.
Heck, even Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) has had the impact of her parents folded into her story.
Senator John McCain (D-AZ) could fill up a library with what has been written about his father's line, and his 95 yr old Mom is getting the press after her every chance she gets.
There is, however, a rather large gap in Senator Obama's (D-IL) public discussion space about how his Mother, Father, and Stepfather influenced him besides some of his own stuff and bits of fluff.
Like I said before, I really don't care all that much about non-issue subjects and believe that this stuff is a distraction for the most part. That being said, it is important to understand the parents in order to get a handle on the prism a person sees the world through. You can't hold a person's parents against them - but it does add context to a persons foundation.
My original thought was that there was a gap out of respect for the fact that his parental reference points have all passed on, as we say back home. However ..... maybe the books just haven't been written. When/if they are - all I have to say is based on this from the Asia Times - oh my!
Yep, if you were a member of the MSM and wanted to both be invited to the cool parties and keep your job - you may not want to be the one to start writing about this stuff.
Use this as background information (note I am not quoting from the article), and I still recommend to stick to the issues - but YIKES!
Another recommendation for the Obama campaign. Without sounding defensive and without using all soft-filter and cheese cloth, get this stuff out in the open. Tell the story before someone else does it for you. Heck, maybe it already has been done by Sen. Obama's supporters and it is just hard to find.
Most of the stuff out there are about melanin-fetishists like this. About the only substantive review of the Senator's mother is from the Chicago Tribune last March.
I think though, that I will just post this video every few weeks.
Hat tip Bookie.
55 minutes ago