OBAMA: You know, I've heard from an Army captain who was the head of a rifle platoon -- supposed to have 39 men in a rifle platoon. Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24 because 15 of those soldiers had been sent to Iraq.Name please. OK - just his unit. Then again, I think finding that guy would be like trying to find Brian's Canadian girlfriend.
And as a consequence, they didn't have enough ammunition, they didn't have enough humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief.
O'kie-DOH'kie. That is why I wear this too, Senator. The Navy Exchange almost never has a size 7-3/8 pis......I mean garrison cap.
UPDATE: Tapper has more information on the "Captain," though we don't have any more specific information on him.
If we take what Tapper has at face value, which we should, it still doesn't change the core problem with Obama's comments. The context in which he used it, that the CINC is at fault for spare part problems and vehicle breakdowns, is just goofy. The,
"We should have had 4 up-armored humvees," he said. "We were supposed to. But at most we had three operable humvees, and it was usually just two."...sounds like standard issue equipment challenges I experienced during Gulf War I, DESERT FOX and the post 911 deployments. That wasn't Bush 41's, Clinton, or Bush 43's fault. That is fighting wars supplied by the lowest bidder. Comes with the work permit.
Tapper gets in a snit at the end,
I might suggest those on the blogosphere upset about this story would be better suited directing their ire at those responsible for this problem, which is certainly not new. That is, if they actually care about the men and women bravely serving our country at home and abroad.Sooooo ... if you challenge Obama's half-cocked misuse of a poorly researched and incorrectly referenced story during the debate you don't "...actually care about the men and women who are bravely serving our country ...", well Jake - kiss my a55.
The way Obama used his mis-told story was clunky and a load of BS. I quote the Senator again,
I've heard from an Army captain .... They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief....and the anon "Cpt",
The Captain has spoken to Sen. Obama, he says, but this anecdote was relayed to Obama through an Obama staffer.Stop spinning for the Obama team Jake, if you actually care about the men and women bravely serving our country at home and abroad.
"The purpose of going after the Taliban was not to get their weapons," he said, but on occasion they used Taliban weapons. Sometimes AK-47s, and they also mounted a Soviet-model DShK (or "Dishka") on one of their humvees instead of their 50 cal.
Oh, and again, kiss my a55. Don't you dare imply anything about my motives about who I serve with.
Hat tip The Corner.
UPDATE II: Electric Boogaloo. Via and email to a blog-buddie, I shared a couple of things with him I though would be good for all.
If, unlike Tapper, you are interested on the real challenges in Afghanistan, there are two reports that came out this month and represent some of the best open source information available on Afghanistan. I don't agree with all the commentary in them, but they are both very accurate and mostly spot on. I give it a 90%+ rating.
First the International Crisis Group report that came out 06 FEB of this year. George Soros is on the Executive Committee, so you know it isn't a right-wing flunky think tank.
Secondly, try the SENLIS report from this month as well.
There are lots of things about AFG and South Asia in general that are worth Sen. Obama's time - this tired AFG vs IRQ is very 2006, stale, not that accurate - and not worth the political capital.
UPDATE III: My, my this has some feisty legs on it. Via Allah we see that Senator Warner has chimed in via a letter to Sen. Obama,,
What I need from you are the essential facts of when — the dates — the unit was deployed, to which brigade combat team, or other unit it was assigned, the name and current location of the captain, or other military personnel who shared the alleged facts with you, so that committee staff can debrief them.Flopping Aces has some solid comments, more from HotAir, BLACKFIVE, the Pentagon is roll'n its eyes as well.
Ace, of course, has managed to find the Captain (well, a Captain) in question, in the hills, facing a dangerous and primitive enemy, without the weapons he needs.
Fun times. Fun, fun.
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