Most importantly, I think all military officers MUST consider doing the same. Forget the citizenship thing; I'm in.
How much do you hate PowerPoint? Probably not as much as Matthias Poehm. He’s founded an entire political party dedicated solely to the eradication of the dreaded (but oh-so-user-friendly) presentation software, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The Anti-PowerPoint Party, or APPP, held its first meeting earlier this week, with the goal of “decreasing the number of boring presentations worldwide.” If they can collect 100,000 signatures, they can call a public referendum to ban the program.Hat tip Ken.
Sounds interesting. I'd like to learn more ...
Perhaps he has an INFO powerpoint file I can download and read first ?
Well, imagine the same amount of senseless infodump now printed in x copies for everyone attending meeting... how much paper it will be? think of the trees...
BTW, I've seen brilliant powerpoint presentations. But they are as rare as brilliant people...
I want to get a PPT SEAL rocker made for the ACUs. See how long it takes me to get yelled at. I can't do a PPT Ranger, wrong service.
Blaming Power Point for boring presentations and lousy ship design is like Rosie O'Donnell blaming her fork because she is a disgusting fata**....
I use Power Point daily, and it is startlingly effective if used properly. And those who use it for stupid, mind-numbing, irrelevant, misguided, pie-in-the-sky crap would just find something else.
"The fault, dear Salamander, lies not within our laptops, but within ourselves."
Check out Dilbert for the last few days, there has been an ongoing focus on PowerPoint that is entertaining as heck
Warning shot: if you follow the link you'll notice this quy recommends "Flip-Chart" instead of PowerPoint. Google "Flip-Chart" and software and you'll find that this is not paper charts but another software product. Hmmmmmm.
Loved the patch, though. I've sat through a number of thousand hour PowerPoint presentations myself.
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