Thursday, December 22, 2011

Diversity Thursday

Now and then you just have to laugh. The original reasons for the entire Diversity Industry are so far passed, that it is little more now than racialists justifying their jobs by, well, being racialists.

A fact. As a generalized ethnic group, Americas of Asian extraction have the highest economic success as any other general ethnic group.

From family stability to academic achievement - they are thriving. Here is one reference - there are many more.

Do they, as a group, really need any help to "level the playing field?"
With Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders representing just 3 percent of the Senior Executive Service, a pilot program seeks to prepare more Asians for the government's top ranks.
The year-long program, run by the Asian American Government Executives Network, will give 20 Asian hopefuls training, one-on-one mentoring, networking and placement assistance to "help them through the last leg of the journey to the SES," AAGEN chairman Tommy Hwang told Federal News Radio.

Six percent of the federal workforce is Asian, which mirrors the U.S. population. That proportion holds true at all levels of government except for the SES.
Of course not - but the Diversity Industry is not about equality. It is about promoting institutional discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color or national origin. Why? Simple. Because they can.

When will the Diversity Industry start to demand that their ranks reflect the population as a whole? Have you ever been to one of their conferences? Let us see that study, then we can talk about SES jelly bean counting.