Ummmmm .... I don't know, but reporters sure have different work outfits in the 21st Century - that's for sure.
A reporter for Azteca TV, Ines Sainz, was reportedly harassed and catcalled when she made a trip to Jets practice yesterday to interview quarterback Mark Sanchez. Now, the NFL is investigating, and the team may be in hot water.That is what she was wearing at the time. I don't know what a bunch of heterosexual men would find all that special about her .....
I do know what is says about Spanish culture - and I support it.
I don't know - read up on what that young lady caused. Ponder. Print off a copy and take it to read in detail later if you need to.
Helen had a face that launched a thousand ships. I guess Ines is something altogether different.
You're right LT B - more data is required and we have to help Sid keep his job.
That pic came along just in time to wile away the last hour of a 10 hour shift...
Somehow, I never really tire of gazing upon such vistas.
Reminds me of the scene from "Mr. Roberts" when the chief walked by the nurses and made that 'horse in heat' sound: HARUMBPHHH!
Yah know, this is why I watch those Spanish channels even though I can't get much past cerveza por favor
All them chicas are smokin'HOT.
And, from local observations, such cultural emphasis on certain "things" helps explain the exploding Latin birthrate in this country too.
Just sayin....
Wow, oh wow, oh wow.
Incredible. Almost as nice as Mrs. Wharf Rat. Just sayin...........
But wow. It keeps a guy young.
I couldn't agree more. In fact, back in the day I was a church youth director, and took kids to do short term service trips in Mexico. Some of the gals my age (23-25 at the time), where smokin' hot. In their white blouses and flowing skirts.
She's hot. Get a bunch of boys/men together - politically incorrect behavior will ensue.
Wharf Rat:
There is no need to specify age when referring to beautiful latin women, other than setting a legal minimum (14 in Puerto Rico according to Geraldo Rivera, who should know, just the facts, not an evaluation or recommendation - so put away the pitchforks and torches)).
Many remain stunning for decade after decade.
Alas, not all. There are also some number of unfortunates who have great personalities, and all the other girls really think they are a nice person, really good cook, from a good family etc., etc. Just not very pretty.
See also fredoneverything for the many other charms of ladies latin and others. Fred is married to a classy and lovely Mexican lady, and knows which side his bread is buttered on, as my sainted grandmother used to say.
"What does it say about our culture?"
That we are way too uptight in the USA.
Why can't Erin Andrews dress like that? I'd watch more football.
Of course, everyone on the field treated her like they never would Erin Andrews. Why?
Because the networks hire hot chicks to roam the sidelines, but then tell them not to look TOO hot, so they might be taken seriously.
Not to denigrate Erin. She knows more about more sports than I ever hope too -- but she is hot.
The problem is that someone higher up in the network still thinks that we all think that hot chicks are dumb.
Apparently Azteca TV isn't on board with that.
After watching the Jets' opener tonight I think that they need as few distractions as possible.
And I'm sure that if you are one of those people who are too lazy to 'press 1 for English' you didn't bother with that video (awesome) because 'we speak English in this country' -- no bilinguals allowed!
What did she expect, they are friggin football team...
The only 2 ways for her to be treated seriously by them would be as a nun or in full tactical gear with M-4 in hand, pointed at their c...s...
I was never the one to catcall a lady, and it has landed me where I am right now, 38 and alone.
That's a sweet lookin' transom...
No offense, but when you put an exceptionally good looking woman in close proximity to a large group of men, the biological imperative is going to kick in big time. She could have been at a Jesuit run high school and while the young men might have been silent for fear of the brothers, you could have heard the eyeballs click for miles....
I suppose this was considered a settled issue years ago, but what was she even doing in the locker room? Would we let a male reporter get live commentary from the womens locker at say the US Open?
I knew you'd like her Phib. She is gorgeously put together. I thought it funny that she said they kept looking at her. Umm, yeah. Do you think Tom Jones complained when women threw panties at him or meat gazed when he wore super tight stuff? I saw a woman ask, "How do you think a man would feel if he was working a WNBA game and they cat called him?" Uh, it depends... What did the women look like? Sheesh! No brainer. It is amazing how differently men and women think, what the concerns are, etc.
Stellarly built though. The Mrs. said I am a pig.
Robbo...She is conveying a universal language in that video....
Even this no habla'n gringo gets it.
Are those back pockets or tattoos?
Once served with a Marine Captain who was one of those incredibly fit, incredibly built types. Ran like the wind, but was also exceptionally well proportioned.
She would wear a bubble-gum colored halter top, tighter than a coat of lacquer. And then complain "Why do all the guys stare at my boobs?" I wanted to say, "Because the Ad Council coudn't do a better job of advertising those things!". But I didn't. It would have been insensitive.
I do hope the NFL will have a word to say about appropriate attire for female reporters.
Oh, and does she know Paula Coughlin?
What does it say about our culture?
Hmm. I personally can't think that big given the photgraphic evidence...
Meanwhile, back at tha ranch...
Not sure if those are related commentary.
Or not.
The Jets are an embarassment. I enjoyed their enept offense getting humiliated in the big stage last night.
I think what it says about our culture is women wanted to have the freedom to express themselves. like men did sexually, so they did and they have since the late 60s. Side efect: Dress to get noticed, but the game rule is only the one you want to notice you gets permission to react in the manner you are asking for.
Are you that one? You don't know until you get kissed and invited in, or a knock on the door by a process server.
Had the right guy, and only the right guy by her choice, made a move/cat call, and she smiled back, well, then this would be an entirely different story of love at first sight. Living on the razors edge....
Ayyy caramba!!
She sells it but gets pi$$ed when people buy. Nice.
Maybe for the Gangreen they'll call this A$$gate
The video. It's in Spanish.
I was joking that some of the same people who don't like people speaking Spanish (press 1 for English) still enjoyed the video.
I hate to press 1 m'self Robbo...
You want to enjoy the fruits of this country...THEN ASSIMILATE AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE.
Totally seperate issue.
I think Barry at Deadspin says it best:
"<span>To these players (and not a few members of the media), Sainz is an actress, or a celebrity, being given a microphone and shoved into a locker room. To them, she's not a reporter, but just another random attractive woman.</span>
Does this justify the Jets' behavior? Not by a long shot. You see an attractive woman on the street, or at your workplace, you don't stare like a cartoon character. You don't go out of your way to bump into her. You don't catcall her. If you do, you're just a jerk.
But then, no one ever said professional athletes weren't good at being jerks."
Ewok, I don't know why you're alone, but I"m absolutely positive it's not because you never catcalled at women. Being a gentleman really isn't a drawback to most women. :)
Yes, she dresses to attract attention, but they took it too far and they ought to get scolded for it. On the other hand, women do NOT belong in the men's locker room. That's just absurd.
Ok, I have a little more time, so let me write something a little more nuanced. Like most women, I enjoy looking nice and I like it when I get appreciative looks or smiles from men. If they take it further and say something bluntly sexual, that's unpleasant. From a female point of view, being the target of a group of men yelling sexual things at you is not fun. It's ugly and demeaning and scary. I don't know exactly what they said in that locker room, but I can understand why she was shaken up by it. I think it's hard for men to understand how threatened and insulted a woman would feel in a situation like that.
Looks like the NFL was fooled by this reporter's publicity stunt. (Some commenters here too, apparently.) There is no way she did not want to be cat-called. And once she "complained," now all of the U.S. Football world knows that she considers herself to be the hottest sports reportr on the planet. And now everyone in the US knows about her TV station. How soon do you think it is going to be carried by your local cable provider? By the way, she has since backed off her complaints saying that she never felt "threatened." Of course not. She is treated that way by all of S. American "futball." She loves it. It is part of her gig.
<span>"I do hope the NFL will have a word to say about appropriate attire for female reporters."</span>
You're kidding, right?
I think it was a stunt, too, but I doubt it will work out the way she hoped. Her network will now shy away from refusing to send her anywhere she wants to go, and the rest of the sports media will treat her with kid gloves. However, the problem she hasn't anticipated is that the players will also treat her with kid gloves and will shy away from having to deal with her.
True, Kristen, but do you dress the way she does?
If it was a stunt...Wonder if she will bare any details....
Just askin'
I am guessing we'll see her in Playboy in the not too distant future, maybe then a movie or two. Just a guess, but figured it was a way to get her butt out into the world.
Yeah, but bring your Latinas. All of my female friends from S. America, are, in fact, HOT. :) I don't need to speak their language to ignore them. Ask my wife; according to her, I seem to miss what she says all the time.
<span>Yeah, but bring your Latinas. All of my female friends from S. America, are, in fact, HOT</span>
<span>Some "a priori" evidence to that....</span>
EMMMK...I'll give one month's worth of sea pay & sub pay combined for a 30min 1on1 session with her in the lockeroom.
Yes, I'll kick in a nice amount of Per Diem for drinks and dinner there after.
She was interviewd on Goodmoring America this morning. I caught part of the interview after morning colors and she didn't appear to be too oofended by the comments some of the players made towards her.
MT1(SS) WidgetHead
Saw her in an interview on Fox today. She may sound smart as a whip doing futbol reporting in Espanol, but in English she sounds a little light in her loafers. She definitely won the "most exposed female on Fox" award - at least for today. Wife says she is going to have back problems when she grows up.
Just a casual sports fan here but this whole thing has been heavy on innuendo and light on details since it was first reported. What I heard about were catcalls, footballs being thrown in her direction (you know, like in that "Corona Beer" commercial), and other female reporters feeling "uncomfortable for her".
The reporter may, in fact, have been made uncomfortable by the situation but now she appears to be getting as much publicity out of this as possible. The Jets ("Watch reruns of our reality show on HBO") are probably happy that this is distracting people from their on field performance until they can get another game under their belt. Professional athletes acting like morons...nothing newsworthy here.
She certainly has good posture :) That's the first thing I noticed.
Pfft. As a woman... forget it. She's either a liar or a fool. My grandmother always said a woman should wear clothes tight enough to show she's a woman, but loose enough to show she's a lady. This woman knew exactly what those pants look like. No respect here. Either advertise your wares and accept the consequences or dress like a professional. Can't have both. It's a stunt. Her wounded dignity rings hollow. She asked for the catcalls. She liked it, or she wouldn't have dressed like that.
Today I've learned that it is OK for me to be rude to a woman if "she's asking for it."
this takes me back to when I dated a Spanish national back in my freshman year in college. Ay caramba! Muoy caliente!
For you gentlemen desiring a little bit more practice with the King's Spanish (more or less):
No Robbo,
Today you learned to tell your daughter not to dress like a professional streetwalker and then hang out at football practice.
No Robbo, I am not.
I am still waiting for my LPGA interview in the locker room with Natalie Gulbis.
It's either a double standard or it's not.
Right, because she's asking for it
Because she will be dressing like she's asking for it.
Let's just break out the burqas. We don't want those boys to get too excited.
Really, you don't think the footballers did anything wrong? And you tell your son it's OK to do what they did if a girl dresses 'too hot'?
BTW, I looked up callipygous up in the dictionary, and BOOM! There was her picture.
Nummmy. That's all, ain't going anywhere else.
Suzy Kolber and Rachel Nicols are both way better looking, but they are respected by coaches and athletes, both coz they know their business, and coz they don't dress like tramps...
I think the NFL is largely populated by steroid-infused adolescents with immense physical gifts containing a very high per-capita percentage of idiots and criminals. Which is yet another reason not to dress like a trollop and show one's wares as this young lady did.
I would tell my son that if he acted like the average NFL player did, he would get his head broke. That includes this kind of behavior. But that is irrespective of the fact that this woman was extremely inappropriately attired.
So when do I get my interview with Natalie? Or are you okay with the double standard?
Well it only seems logical that because of the way Sainz was attired of course you get your interview.
regardless, I wouldn't want my daughter wearing those clothes, or at least as tight as they are - ever.
But for me - wow, wow, wow.
Ultimateratioregs said it right: what happened by the guys isn't right, but why put yourself in that situation? (paraphrasing here)
With clothes that tight, good posture is a given... ;)
Robbo, I have a question for you. If a wealthy young man decided to go downtown to party, then decided to decided to "slum" (i.e. enter blocks of territory of questionable safety), then waved a fat roll of benjamins around, is he "asking for trouble," or is he just very, very stupid?
Three Rules for Safer Living:
-don't wave around a big chunk of cash in a bar in the bad part of town.
-don't wave your ta-tas and culo around in the same part of town, unless your date is a Para, a SEAL, or a Marine.
-don't tell watermelon jokes in downtown Atlanta, unless you can run really, really fast.
Whoops, almost forgot: don't burn a flag in front of a combat vet, unless you want to spend the next year eating through a straw.
Get the point, holmes?
Gator, I work with a lot of Mexicans, and you are way too right, mi amigo! :)
They're almost as hot as the Russian chicks.
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