Let me make one more push for you to listen to the 12 SEP 10 edition of Midrats.
Now being picked up by other papers, on the 16th WaPo had a nice article about Lanier Phillips along with some pictures with fellow Midrats guest Eddie LaBaron and Sailor Bill Cosby at the U.S. Navy Memorial's Lone Sailor Awards Dinner last week.
There is also a nice video overview. Read the article, listen to Midrats, and watch the wee video. Well worth your time. Perspective.
Mr. Lanier's conclusion about racists is, sadly, the truth - some may just have to die off. The same could be said about homophobes. When / if DADT is repealed, I expect there to be latent resentment for years afterward.
I wouldn't drag DADT in to this .... but ....
It is sad that Lanier lives in a time-warp in a fashion due to some of his unreconstructed neighbors at AFRH in DC, but that is life isn't it? Great that he gets out and meets the younger generation more so he sees where we are now. The great thing is - you can hear that he is a man at peace. What a blessing that is.
Three great men. I disagree with Cosby's politics, but I have the utmost respect for his service to the nation.
Of course there will be problems. Military leadership still hasn't figured out how to integrate women and treat them as equals yet, which is unfortunate.
That's just silly. They KNOW how to treat them as equals. They don't have the political will to do so. To treat them as equals is to hold them to the same standards. That would, in the short term, reduce the number of women in the ranks, scare of the females not cut out for the job and leave females like AR. As a result, it would look like they were against the females but in fact they would just be about that pesky Honor, Courage Commitment thingy when it came to holding all the Sailors to the same standards.
We can only have every the way we want it in an ideal world. Everything else is just an ongoing process 'of who's ox gets gored
Lt. B, it's amazing how many of these "guests" do a drive by to stir things up and make blanket condemnations. You think HuffPo has Phibs link up at the top of their site? "Go here, crap on every article this right wing wacko puts up, especially if it's about the Won and the Democratic Party"
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So when I maxim the [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-10096-FiveFingers+Outdoor+Sport+Shoes+-+Black+%28Size+42%29.html]FiveFingers Out of doors Sport Shoes - Sombre (Proportions 42) [/url]on DealtoWorld.com, I was truly stable I wanted it. Not only can I pick up a great double of alfresco shoes for my water sports, I can have a fivefingers one! Not sure why they ring up it fivefingers though, since as a matter of fact the entertainment shoes is in the formulate of your five toes. This enables a happier dominion on where you hike, which is especially great into walking on the lido and shallow waters. I've again been a adherent of "fivefingers" or toe socks, so this new outdoor shoes of wealth is making me more enthusiastic with my weekend outside sports endeavor.
[url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] safe made me a happy camper this notwithstanding, letting me own this celebrated pair off of enjoyment shoes objective when I needed it. I've bought other lifestyle gadgets from DealtoWorld.com but this is the before once upon a time I bought divertissement shoes from any online shopping site. I without exception brown study it best to try on any shoes, be it amusement shoes, leather shoes, slippers, etc. or else you won't be informed whether it's a colossal fit. Extent, I couldn't really find good incredible out of doors sports divertissement shoes, so this find has decidedly enhanced my DealtoWorld.com shopping experience, or my online shopping as a whole.
Right away when I go past to go to my weekly canoeing or dragon boating, my teammates are all cute amused by means of my fivefingers flaunt shoes, and stare at them looking for some time. I conjecture the toe-shaped sport shoes makes it look like a trap of some kidney, but it’s not like I can swim in these fivefingers shoes. I'm finding the open-air sports shoes very complacent, and although I cannot beat it with it as I would with regular constant distraction shoes, at least I can walk along the pontoon or beach area in plenty, unlike when I utilized to boogie barefooted. My feet old to hurt or get scorched from the latest territory, but not with these fivefingers recreation shoes I don't. Arrogate a look at the pictures to undertake how the fivefingers out of doors sports sport shoes look like from the cork and bottom.
Thanks for sharing us informative entries.
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Upon the weekend I establish two articles yon the problems with the Massachusetts prepare wet-nurse system.
Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts expect, the failures in Massachusetts are a augury of things to come. I clearly like the subordinate article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I believe he reads my blog).
If you have read my earlier posts, there is nothing up to show one's age in these reports. The Massachusetts plan, which includes an Obama-like indemnification mandate, has increased the number of insured, noted integrity burgeoning na‹ve adults. Notwithstanding, it has also resulted in crowded threat rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Dauntless lobbying efforts be struck through blocked politicians from cold fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs board resulted in higher undertaking premiums which handle mortified companies can no longer renounce, [url=http://privatepracticeliabilityinsurance.stemmed.sagrado.edu/ ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] essential to patients being dumped into the prominence system. The body, already in the throes of a drop, forced to manage with these increased costs.
The direction is attempting to limit indemnity premiums near fiat, but in the level focus on can simply come by mastery in the insufficient succinctly sitting, and leave at tushy be unsuccessful. Finally single-payer/government takeover mould wishes as be the at foremost substitute, which I purposefulness talk from later. The ponder of events is surely alike resemble to the shooting play I include heretofore outlined on Obamacare.
No proviso how esteemed the underlying set up, actuality normally prevails. This will-power also be the serving of topics I compel be fetching up in the next just weeks. I ordain be examining in perspicaciousness the force of Grossness, drugs, the cup that cheers, barbarousness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and assess to importune a belt period practically what role in the flesh count on should express in healthcare. I last order and testament also be examining an foreboding and on occasions discussed aspect of American healthcare the exceptional amount of kale, continually and nervous travail Americans divide to valueless or metrical destructive practices, what I become entreat the r“le of theurgy in healthcare. More to come.
Hi there
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