Back to the media-military divide? The reasons that the military is so distrustful and in some ways hostile to the major media outlets are legion - but one is that they are too lazy even to have an interest in getting the basics right.
Perfect example - you want to post a belly-button picking reprint of a speech that might have to do a bit with the, ahem, "Cult of the Uniform." You go to the Getty image bundle and search for "uniform." You say - "Hey, there's one!" You pick it and run.
The editors say it is fine, and after all - you are the NYT writing on the military and all the military looks the same anyways; what could go wrong?

Lazy, ignorant - wait, scratch that - stupid and insulting.
UPDATE: Greyhawk has some good commentary on the substance of the issue.
Hat tip Steve.
The picture perfectly matches the column: Lazy, ignorant, stupid, AND insulting. A quadfecta of liberal condescension.
Support the troops but not the war? So you support us but not what we're trying to accomplish? Eff you, buddy:we're professionals, not mindless victims who couldn't do better.
Cdr, you aren't really shocked with this from the NYT are you? This article is just more proof that journalism is dead in this country. NYT- All the news that's fit to wrap garbage!
There is so much Diversity win in this photo...we have a non-white dyslexic aviator wearing a state trooper uniform with Navy SDB shirt and tie, a Vietnam service ribbon with two stars yet the young man wearing the uniform looks to be about 12...a NAM outranking a COM and a NDM outranking both, two NROTC ribbons on the bottom.
Wow. Is this our new Diversity Commisar?
That there is a sharp example of the famed "Corporal Captain" experiment. He should have been wearing his Legion of Achievement Medal on the pocket, where it really belongs.
Stupid and insulting, yes. Lazy? Maybe not. I've long thought that the Left went out of its way to insult people. There's too much wrong with this for it not to be deliberate. Especially when it's so pathetically easy to research it these days.
Where's BGEN McSoulPatch when we need him to provide correct uniform guidance? =-O
Good grief, even this ol' blue suiter's head is to as-plode from looking at this image... >:o
Do those jackrabbits even understand that pockets are starched shut instead of sloppy looking? And the rest? Time to get some editors down to Parris Island...
Only thing worse than that f...cked up uniform are the ugly, ignorant and uninformed comments to the NYT article! I'd like to see one of those trust fund babies go out and really tell a grunt to their face that a) they are not a hero b) they are too stupid to get a 'regular job' and c) that they deserve the Nations' pity for fighting for the Empire.
I am on the verge of nausea because if these ass clowns actually met some active and reserve duty folks they would be quite suprised at the (gulp) diversity that goes beyond their stereotypical image of the all volunteer force. Also these guys need to stow that 'bring back the draft' crap, heard way too many horror stories from my Dad and Uncle.
Weird, the print version had an appropriate Army photo, I wonder why the online photo was not quality checked? The article itself was well presented and made some good points - are we all really Heroes? I always feel uncomfortable when people say that to me, I do not like the easy adulation when I know true heroes that deserve it, they are just not in easy reach, you would have to go to a VA hospital or volunteer with remodeling homes for our WW to meet them. Though I disagreed with quite a few parts of the article I do remeber one phrase very well - "It’s a lot easier to idealize the people who are fighting than it is to send your kid to join them. This is also a form of service, I suppose: lip service." I think I see to much Lip Service and not enough Service.
What a beautiful way to start a Monday morning! When those who never had a heroic impulse in their lives look at themselves in the glaring light of day and consider the real possibility they are men who have done nothing of import and are probably endowed like hamsters, the rage-filled urge to ridicule real men chews through their brains like a malicious encephalitis and ends up spilled all over the NYT. Uniform envy is never a pretty thing.
Never fails. But it amuses me nevertheless.
Iraq descended into a stalemate? I guess that's better than "quagmire." Though that country certainly has a better future ahead of it now than if Saddam had passed it along like a warped family heirloom to his batshit crazy sons to abuse for another 3 decades.
As the story goes...WW2 vet is asked by his grandchild, "Were you a hero, Grandpa?" to which he replied, "No, I was not...I served with a company of hero's".
Hey, it is the NYT. With articles like this, they just say what the Obammunists in office are thinking but are too politically cautious to verbalize.
<pre>Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
The only thing the NYT is suitable for is lining the bottom of Marshall the Macaw's cage - including the book review section. He likes to bombard Obama photos.
"I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumros and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast."
Wise man, that General Sherman.
It is the sign of pure laziness when you cannot even be bothered to get the number of ribbons consistent, let alone correct in the order of precedence.
Even the dumbest of non-military newspaper folks should realize that the pretty ribbons actually mean something and that it might be worth a minute to see if this is "fit to print" !
And in this day of google it would take you all of five minutes if you could locate a veteran in your office to double check the photo.
DB, you forget that to the NYT/MSNBC crowd condemning the "hateful oppression" that our government and military uses on the world IS "heroism".
They are utterly convinced that they are far more virtuous, and far more important to the world, than any mere sailor or Marine because in their narrow little world they are - everyone they know tells them so!
and they have closed the comments
Upon reading the article, I believe the photograph was a deliberate choice -- to violate uniform standards to a clownish degree. Perhaps, too, to illustrate that many civilians cannot properly interpret the various insignia and design elements that convey so much information to those "in the club," i.e., service, rank, rating, specialty, performance.
Still, a tiresome article that really didn't say anything new.
Let us not forget the Aviator Wings on the wrong side. A Reserve Service ribbon and if this person is a ten+ year reservist and only a corporal in the ARMY no less (look at the buttons) then something is wrong here. Obviously someone has not heard of ribbon mounts either. Further, how did an Army get both a Navy Achievement Medal and a Navy Commendation Medal at such lowly rank? Left Hand Pocket flap mot tacked down either. I think I have picked on this enough.
What is the one fibbon beside the Vietnam Campaign?
Except that the NY Slimes never seems to get around to the "Saviour of 'is country" reporting, despite our being engaged in the two longest wars in our history.
However, they do have time and ink to provide aid and comfort to the enemy by revealing intelligence methods and sources, and to cover the tracks of Marxist-socialists running for President and their nefarious associates.
I would not insult small animals by lining their cages with this pulp fiction rag. Maybe send copies to GTMO in lieu of Charmin for use as butt-wipe, but that is about the only good use for it.
hence my "dyslexic aviator" comment :)
hence my "dyslexic aviator" comment :)
Wow, I read all the comments. Aside from a few who claimed military service, most, save a very few, all serve the meme "Haters gonna hate!" Oh, and it's all George Bush's fault.
The "uniform" was annoying. The comments at the NYT ranged from saddening to disgusting.
I couldn't make it through all of them...but the sampling I read was more than enough
7 of 9 ..... sigh
OMFG what is that? I think it might vaguely relate to an Army uniform, but am totally confused here. That is some scary shit...
This has been updated at the NYT:
<span>This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:</span>
Correction: August 22, 2011
A picture with an earlier version of this article was posted in error. It showed a uniform with mismatched military insignia, rank and badges. The current image is the one that was published in print editions on Sunday .
If they remotely gave a sh*t, they would have done it right the first time.
This isn't just laziness, it is contempt.
Behold the power of the Salamander.....
Qaddafi's a goner anytime soon now, can't you guys now bomb the NYT? Might benefit the US even more.
Speaking of Qaddafi CDR, didn't I say he'd crumble in the end? Looks like it, isn't it? Mind you, I expect as good as nothing from whatever comes in his place, but we've sure helped the tide of history along a bit.
All Hail, Salamander!
Two shows that always make or made an effort to get the uniforms right: JAG and Army Wives. I'm not making any claims of plot accuracy for these shows though I am sure there MUST be a Marine LTC that looks like Catherine Bell somewhere. As for the comments, a truly sickening array of puke from the elites who would just as soon urinate on a returning vet(if they thought they could get away with it) as look at him. Sickening.
We know how the libs see the military...
Sorry GH...didn't see this earlier...
Last account I had the good B -err- G...
... was sporting a nasty head wound incurred during some kind of self-induced combat.
Cuts a valiant swath, don't he?
Did that dude get finger printed before putting on his cover?
Well, Quaddafi will probably end up the Ceausescu way. I dont have an ounce of sympathy for that particular devil, but whatever becomes of Libya is now on the Libyans. Expecting nothing good means you are often pleasantly surprised :)
re: bombing NYT - I am afraid this would be only making them martyrs... sound polemic based on facts is the way to deal with information warfare. That's what made tons of people down here east of the Berlin Wall listen to VoA and BBC back in the Cold War days.
Oh, JAG did it's own share of mistakes, like URL flag officers without warfare badges (but impressive ribbon rack and comand at sea badge), the same advisor who advised JAG also advises "Bones" and their military uniforms are worse (a Lt Commander with a scrambled egg visor, no warfare badge on blues, next scene with dolphins on whites...).
What is the Fibbon next to the Vietnam Campaign?
Navy and Marine Corps Presidential Unit Citation, which used to be as giving a Silver Star to everyone in a Unit.
Once upon a time, the media actually attempted to pay the same attention to detail as the military does. Now, it's all about scooping the competition and the 24hr "news cycle"...accuracy and relevancy be damned...
<span>Did that dude get finger printed before putting on his cover?</span>
No kidding. No self-respecting Marine that I know would wear a cover that soiled.
I knew BGEN McSoulPatch would show up eventually to save the day...
Jeri Ryan would have an impressive rack even without the ribbons.
They have her looking just hard enough to look right as a WM field grade type.
"Never ascribe to malice that which may be ascribed to stupidity."
"Never ascribe to malice that which may be ascribed to stupidity."
I, for one, would like to welcome our new amphibious overlord...
Excellent Kent Brockman reference. He is, on the whole, a more accurate and reliable news source than much of the MSM, despite the fact that he is a cartoon.
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