In Britain, Wales saw its coldest ever November reading; in Germany, Der Bild reported the coldest start to December for centuries (!); and here in Northern France, today, snow has been falling all day long, paralyzing the entire Paris region, causing both of the capital's airports to shut down (temporarily), and closing the Eiffel Tower while making the landmark totally invisible from across the Seine (01:08).
9 hours ago
The Great Global Warming Swindle--
The meteorologists can't get the weather forecast right nearly half the time, who would believe that a "D" level divinity student could forecast Global, uh climate change? Al Gore; half PT Barnum, half Luddite, half assed!
I'll say this about my 12th winter down south here: I've had two cold winters (deinfed as more than 2 weeks not able to wear shorts...and those were both occuring in mid January.
We've now had three days in a rwo, where we were below the 45 mark, next to the Gulf of Mexico, and tomorrow is supposed to be chilly again(translate "no shorts day" for you Yankees).
while no one day has broken any records, yes, the weax radio guy said today, this afternoon "usually we don't get these kind of cold streaks until mid January." Me: "DUH!"
But, you know the record snows last winter across the Bible Belt, which saw no FEMA response, BTW, were caused by AGW. This summer was warm, but not actually oppressively so, as most central FL sunmers, and it was hot because of I'm sure the abnormal clod is a result of AGW.
The amazing thing, is the AGW disciples will keep motuhing this crap, in the face of the actual conditions, and then get really pi$$ed when you point out they have fallen off the big ride of logic in the world.
As with most other things: "Follow the money." One thing AlBore hasn't failed at is bilking the US Gov out of $3B for he and his two partners, let alone the lost productivity he has stolen from the world as a whole.
Yeah, dumb all the way to the bank, even if it may well be offshore.
As soon as we can sell our house, my wife and I are retiring to Florida ! So we will be your future neighbors ! Even if it is bad weather down there for perhaps a total of 3 or 4 months per year, that is still better than New England, where weather is only good about 3 or 4 months of each year.
There you go, Commander, ruining a perfectly good theory with objective facts.....
Complete traffic chaos following heavy snowfall here in Szczecin, Poland, and next to us in Berlin...
You say drinking and paragliding like that's a bad thing. :)
P.S. It has been proven that extreme cold weather can also be sign of climate change .
I think, my reading of the history of the planet says, yes, there is climate change. In both directions even.
Just about a year ago it was "AGW." It would end the world. Now, since it's not a steady trend upwards, the AlBore legions of Chicken Littles" then moved their own goal posts to be "Climate Change." Oh, and let's not get messy and get that Time cover from the early 70s where we were gonna get that really, really extended winter just any day now.
Bottom line, the planet has been a "Ball of Fire" well before AlBore flew his person jet around the world to set himself up to line his own pocket with Nobel Prize money. Heck, even before I owned a 95 4WD Pathfinder even. Guess what: Science says the Sun will go Red Giant on us in about 5B years and toast us beyond a hot, sweltering summer at the Equator on a "hot day" at high noon.
It's mostly about grant money for those in academia.
As fas as humans affecting the climate, I'll give you that. I'll also say it has about as much effect on the planet's temperature as any one middle class working stiff in the US, or any nation for that matter, has on changing the mind of the leader of their country. Even Joe the Plumber, while it was big, didn't stop or over turn H's election (my new shorthand for the W-ness we're seeing today!).
Humans aren't the Masters of the Universe, despite what Hollywood and the UN cap-n-traders tell us.
What isn't so humorous is how "scientists" tell us they have "settled" this science, trumpeting "new" discoveries all the time, which can sometimes markedly revise entire scientific disciplines (read about geology and tectonic plates...just for a fairly recent example, then add hydrogen-sulpher based life at the undersea chimneys to that) - yeah...settled sceince...we alwyas know it all, right up until someone shows us something "new."
It wold be nice if they could actually use the scientific method themselves, but that's like thinking politicians will live by the laws they set for the "population."
Check in when you do. I can translate Yankee for you, until you get Byron to teach you Southern.
And we can have Sal's southern posrch waiting to talk among ourselves down here.
I'm thinking the AGW Supporters in the snarls would appreciate some AGW just about now.... :)
I settle for 3 or 4 nice, warm months here in the extreme PNW. We get anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks of summer per year...and those aren't neccessarily in consecutive days, let alone weeks. It was nice to get to Annapolis for Turkey Day and get out of the snow.
Light follows darkness, as darkness follows light.
Manbearpig couldn't find his own balls with two hockey sticks.
Usual Suspect,
I guess I am weird I actually like the PacNW's weather. I like that in the winter it doesn't get really cold and even when it rains it only rains at an almost constant pattern, not like FL or VA where when it rains it starts fast, heavy, and then suddenly stops just as quickly. Where in the summer time it starts to get muggy again cause the sun comes back out and converts all that water into humidity. The biggest thing I always tell someone when they check in here at Whidbey is give weather a chance, you will be suprised. For as many grey and dreary winter weeks I have seen up here, there have been just as many that start off like snot and then turn into really nice days by the end of the day where if it wasn't for the lack of daylight I would go out and do something outdoorsy. The rest of the week stays like that as well.
As to AGW/Climate Change/Global Cooling/Global Warming/whatever; the problem is the science has become advocacy in and off itself on both ends of the spectrums. For as many people claiming there will be global warming, the same where claiming almost 50yrs ago that there would be massive global cooling. For as many that were talking about sinking islands and loss of land due to climate change, just as many were claiming 60yrs ago that this decade there wouldn't be enough room for the massive population boom coming and that everyone would be living on a about 100sq ft of land. Really interesting is that according to google, bing, and nexus search engines some of the same clamouring about global warming were doing the same about global cooling, ditto for the population boom.
Really what we need to worry about is Dihydrogen Oxide. It is the most dangerous chemical out there, it contributes to AGW; and yet no government out there is willing to attempt to ban it. This chemical kills millions every year, and yet no one does a thing about it. It causes more ecological damage then any other chemical out there the EPA still allows various companies to produce it. If anyone really cared about AGW they would protest at the various governmental levels to ban DHMO. Oh, the government has known for years that it is a potential cancer causing agent, but out of fear from the DHMO lobby does nothing to limit or even outlaw its distribution to citizens by irresponsible big business
Its' adverse effects are typically mitigated by dilution in a distillate of sour mash corn or rye.
Pithy...I like
Probably not large enough to fit in a goalie's glove either
Sometimes, but even in that dillluted form it causes massive brain damage and people to contract footinmouth disease. A very dangerous and tragic disease that afflicts millions every day.
Mere inhalation of Dihydrous Oxide causes rapid death. Nasty, nasty stuff.
It's also the most addictive substance on earth, with the highest number of "junkies". It's truly Big Business to fulfill the addicts needs for this dangerous substance and no government interdicts trafficking in it.
AH, but Govts are being requested to start to regulate trade in this most dangerous Green House Gas.
Actually, it's falling accessability in big cities is being proposed as the NEXT problem. Replacing growing CO2. I guess, like ignoring temperatures fluctuating in a rather short range, they are ignoring this little fact, it covers 70% of the plant's surface.
Yes, but when distilled in such a manner it has allowed ugly people to breed for centuries now. :)
True, change is evidence of change. The Milankovitch Cycles are not anthropomorphically driven and have been around for millenia. But, you can't gain control of the populace by pointing out natural cycles.
In remember the same kinds of assholes - and some of the same assholes - in the 70s telling us that risising CO2 would cause a new ice age and that we would all die. The solution hen was the same as now: give up your freedom and your money.
Funny how no matter what the problem is, their solution is always socialism.
Wait a minute... Gore invented the internet, and then global warming. Are you guys pulling my leg?!?
Even if it is not as bad as it is made out to be- I can't help but think that industrialization has had an effect on the planet- and that the affect is aggravated by the increasing industrialization in places like India and China.
Denying that climate change is taking place is just another facet of this nation's unwillingness to accept that the world has changed.
Skippy, the geologic record is full of records of glaciation and vast savannahs and forrests in the same location. Was the last warm period the fault of mans abuse (so called) of the planet? Skippy, humans have only been keeping serious records for a finger-nail slice of our history. That does not make for a accurate predictor of something so complex as the weather, something that your local weatherman routinely provides good joke material for.
So Skippy,
You are another that is going to try and convince people that one of the signs of global warming is temperatures getting colder?
Green. It's the new Red. Environmental bolshevism.
Just wait until the polar magnetism shifts. We should start the redistribution of funds now to prepare for it. BTW, the time it takes that to happen is on the order of 10k years. George Carlin had it right when he talked about environmentalists. Maybe the good Lord put humans on the earth because he wanted the Earth and Plastic! I can't provide the link, but go to youtube and look for Carlin and environmentalists.
Not this crap again. Where were you for the record temps this Summer? As somebody already stated, extreme climate change in both directions is predicted by climate scientists. Al Gore never said it wouldn't snow ever again.
Huh? The Internet causes Globull Warming?
I thought Globull Warming caused Pirate decline:
It's so hard to keep up with the news these days...
Light followed by darkness. Darkness followed by light. I blame Amerikkka; or at least Bush.
Its the largest component in acid rain, too!
Record high temps? Really? I live in the South and it wasn't nearly as hot as it had been in previous years. We had a late spring, an early fall and a damned early winter (we've already broken all kinds of records this winter here). And please don't think that AlGore doesn't want'd ruin his vacation to Gstad to go skiing.
Oh, by the way, if AlGore is so dedicated to give mother earth relief from our nasty carbon footprints, then why does he have the highest electric bill in his county and why does he have his own private G3? Can't he fly commercial like the rest of the Spam in the can?
(waving the BS flag as hard as I can....)
The scientists say the climate is changing? What models are they using? Have they mastered the feedback mechanisms? Have they managed to avoid selling their souls when they write grants? I have been in this field a fair amount and have not seen the scientist having a true grasp on this. To paraphrase Einstein, if we knew what we were doing we would not call it research.
Alos...I hope you are enjoying the koolaide.
There are lies. Damned Lies. And Statistics.
AGW will turn out to be the most dramatic scientific miscalculation since the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
Bottom line...Even at some .gov entities...Its ALLLLL about the money.
A worthwhile contrarian view
A worthwhile contrarian view from last March.
Watch it with an objective eye in light of recent events.
(And I gotta go to Paris next week! Brrrr)
One of the things that gets me about TRUE believers of climate change. And by true believers i mean "MAN CAUSED GLOBAL WARMING PERIOD QUICK CARBON CREDITS NOW!!!!! WERE ALL GONNA DIE!" and such. Is that the Global warming/climate change thing is almost entirely Political in nature.
They've said as much. Its all about politics and certain people getting their money. Well that and wealth redistribution. Which they have also admited.
Reguardless there hasnt been enough science done that is impartial and truely scientific. Is the Climate changing? Yes it always is. Always will be. The idea that you can take something as insanely complicated and say its JUST carbondioxide which is the Problem is to me the height of arrogance. There are many possible reasons and many possible answers.
However do more research. But at the same time you can still continue to develope other sources of power such as thorium and nuke reactors all around the world to replace your own dependence on fossil fuels and reduce emissions there. Paying poor, corrupt and underdeveloped people to remain so is stupid its been done for the last 40 years atleast in inner city america and has resulted in nothing but worse problems.
Oh yes and i live in Tennessee. Usually its averaging from the mid 30's as lows to the mid 40's or 50's as highs in the begining of december.
Its been the warmest day all week. Its in the high 30s. Lows in the teens. Sunday night the temps will be at a low of 9 degree's with 30mph winds. No thats not celcius.
I heard that in some of the poorer countries, the people actually DRINK the stuff.
The problem is what is a record? Is it a record because the highest temp was only recorded way back in 1885? Is that accurate? What about a temp that was recorded in 1956? Is that accurate? What part of the sine wave with regards to climate change were we on at the time the first record was set? Have any of these climatologist factored in externals such as increase in sun activity, or passing astromical bodies? What about the affects of things such as La Nina or La Neno? Can we accurately predict the effect of the two or three volcanoes that eurpted this year have had on our weather patterns?
There are just too many "what-ifs" with regards to the theory of the Earth's Climate that any prediction either way is going to be wrong. We also don't have any knowledge nor feel on how much the last 200 yrs of industralization has affected our climate simply cause we have just now in the past 50yrs started to study it. The reason we have started this studying was to understand not only better weather guessing, but also to help us hunt for liviable planets outside of our solar system.
The skeptic in me wants to ask these tough questions and get some honest answers. I also believe that the most honest answer is "We don't know." that is better then being beaten over the head with the answer of "Push the damn 'I Believe' button!"
The problem is what is a record? Is it a record because the highest temp was only recorded way back in 1885? Is that accurate? What about a temp that was recorded in 1956? Is that accurate? What part of the sine wave with regards to climate change were we on at the time the first record was set? Have any of these climatologist factored in externals such as increase in sun activity, or passing astromical bodies? What about the affects of things such as La Nina or La Neno? Can we accurately predict the effect of the two or three volcanoes that eurpted this year have had on our weather patterns?
There are just too many "what-ifs" with regards to the theory of the Earth's Climate that any prediction either way is going to be wrong. We also don't have any knowledge nor feel on how much the last 200 yrs of industralization has affected our climate simply cause we have just now in the past 50yrs started to study it. The reason we have started this studying was to understand not only better weather guessing, but also to help us hunt for liviable planets outside of our solar system.
The skeptic in me wants to ask these tough questions and get some honest answers. I also believe that the most honest answer is "We don't know." that is better then being beaten over the head with the answer of "Push the damn 'I Believe' button!"
Byron-I don't know about you-but it was hot as hell in Alabama; and Romania this past summer. In Romania the temps passed 40 degrees celcius on more than a few occasions.
Well, then there is the quite-objecrive metric of polar pack size... last I've checked Russians, Canadians and the US were racing for the share of the Arctic oil unveiled by shrinking ice pack. So there is definitely a trend towards warming.
But that doesnt mean extreme lows of temperature wont occur - in fact median yearly tempereature can rise while median winter temperature can drop at the same time.
Re: human industry influence on climate - it can be the reason, but not necessarily the only or dominant one. Still I am all for researching alternatives to fossil fuels, simly because they will one day run out. It's good to have a sail on your ship if youre on a really long voyage and expect fuel to run out.
<span>Well, then there is the quite-objecrive metric of polar pack size... last I've checked Russians, Canadians and the US were racing for the share of the Arctic oil unveiled by shrinking ice pack. So there is definitely a trend towards warming. </span>
Take a good hard look at this ewok....
Theres some real slop in that "objective" data.
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