I think the screen shot says enough. The link is here.
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Well the upUS Navy stopped using Lead Base Oaint in 1996, which would have made Cdr. Michael William Brannon, USN the first of the post 1996 Rust Navy Commanding Officers or Cdr. Charles Ferguson...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
How about for the period actually under discussion in the article? When that picture was taken. I'm guessing the ship didn't look like that when it came out of the builder's yard, so maybe that guy...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
For what timeframe! USS Fort McHenry had twenty-four CO’s from 8 August 1987 to 27 March 2021! The last being Cdr. Michael J. Fabrizio, which last known whereabouts was in Mayport, Florida of the...
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
All these years later, I'm curious--does anyone know where the then CO ended up? Retire at 3-star or something?
CDR Salamander: We Need a Material Condition Standdown · 3 months ago
The detailed breakdown of NATO's shifts in policy and military posture provides a lot of food for thought. speedy...
CDR Salamander: NATO's Evolution in Response to the Russo-Ukrainian War with Jorge Benitez - on Midrats · 9 months ago
I'm very sorry to see Bush The Elder over there.
So some message traffic came down about an educational chance for senior enlisted and officers. I noted this paragraph, "
</p><p><span>What the living F#CK does my race or sex have to do w/ my recent accomplishments? "I have managed to successfully find, close and destroy the enemy despite being an exploited member of a discriminated race with in the US Navy." Douche Nozzles!</span></p>
douche nozzles.
I suppose we can look forward to a "Homosexuals" link here in the future.
Sounds like fertile ground for an EEO or IG complaint to me. Use their own rules against them.
Assuming you're not really interested in said opportunity, because the whistle-blower protections work so well...
I'm not sorry to see President Bush over there -- he's a part of Naval History and his recollections should be recorded.
The misuse of a former President and Naval Aviator as the token old white guy in a diversity photo, however, is a crime and denigrates his life story.
understand both Mike and Ken; well said
who is going to draw the line and say NO MORE? Eventually, someone has to refuse a tasker. Navy Historical Association is cementing this abomination as legacy. Meanwhile, our sailors are fighting two hot wars, deeply involved in operations around the world, and our historical legacy from the early 21st century will be "diversity?!"
Have some historical perspective and make like a defeated samurai.
How old is that picture? That working uniform has been out of circulation for a bit now.
There's a young white guy there. I see him... way in the back of the photo. Like they were hoping no one would notice him.
"<span>I expected better from historians."</span>
<span>Ummm....as a historian, I am surprised that they didn't go farther in doing this. I would have expected a section specifically on how white males were using the US military to actively conduct genocide against minorities.</span>
<span>And yes, I'm a little cynical about today's historians ;) </span>
Soon to be added will be a religious quota cuz we have to warmly embrace all religions, including that "peaceful" one. so we will have a link for and and all including wiccans. And close on the coat-tails will be dietary lifestyle choices so we'll have the vegans, the true vegetarians, the beefeaters, the I-don't-eat-pork-adobo-but-I'm-not-a-muslim, etc.
Then in 10 years this will all trickle down to the ship naming - one DDG named for a mixed race lesbian, one sub named for a muslim converted to Jadaism vegan, one LSD named for a black wiccan occasional transgender. Hell, and we thought adding women to subs was gonna be tough?
"THose who write the history control the future"
mmmmm, pork adobo. :)
I, ahem, would love to see that letter.
What was the IG hotline number again?
What was the question the CNO needed to hear at his next CNO call?
I've mentioned this before, but individuals can take some action. Within Bupers On Line (BOL), individuals can select their own race/ethnic preference to include "No preference." I would strongly encourage everyone to either select "No preference" or if you even have the slightest amount of some other race or ethnicity in you other than "caucasian" then select it. For instance, my great-grandmother on my mother's side was a Navajo Indian. While I don't get caught up in the whole race thing anyway, if pushed I would consider myself Caucasian. But I have no problem in this instance claiming American Indian if to only mess with their stats.
Imagine if just 25% of those on AD made such changes. :)
When I was in college, we went through training on dealing with social issues w/in the residence halls. Some friends of mine came up w/ the worst case scenario as a gay, suicidal, bleeding hemopheliac, on fire with AIDS living w/ a homophobe. They wore pink upside down triangles bathed in flame with blood dripping off of it. Their view of the training was not appreciated by the college administrators. A lot of our training takes me back to the liberal, social stuff we had shoved at us in college.
I would also love to have described which nations that encouraged sectarianism prospered. Yugoslavia? Czechoslovakia? Austro-Hungarian Empire? Rwanda?
that's mine FORAC
you should have it already. Well, the message traffic requesting, nay, ordering the race/gender be placed in w/ the accomplishments.
Love the spelling error on the pages Title bar!
You mean "page's" I assume.
If you like diversity, you'll love balkanization.
This reminds me of the "Global Force for Good" commercials where the only non minority was the SEAL wearing camo face paint.
<span>"I expected better from historians." Are you kidding me?? With all the revisionist horsesh$t that they are putting out they have proven that they are just as beholden to PC as everyone else.</span>
Getting back to the picture, you make the assumption a historian had anything to do with the picture. I am sure someone from public affairs chose who were going to be selected.
upside-down triangles? That MUST have been a sight. Good for them!
When they added that second H -for Heritage- to the command, and also made it a point to highlight the diversiity worthy stuff they already had, I knew it was just a matter of time before we'd be seeing this ..."stuff."
'The misuse of a former President and Naval Aviator as the token old white guy in a diversity photo, however, is a crime and denigrates his life story.'
Well, that was exactly my point.
Why this is ok:
-Recognizing minorities for their peoples' accomplishments builds a sense of history that they may not have.
<span> </span>-Looking around, whites have plenty, others do not.
-It shows what is most common in the feet: white officer, diverse enlisted.
-It's not on the front page of the site. You had to try to find this, just as those that want to see it will try to find it.
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