It is the simple, unseen acts that demonstrate character. This speaks for itself.
Link fixed.
44 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
I feel that I will be here for hours reading everything as I’m an information junkie.
Chicago cleaning
Let us hope that OPNAV and NAVSEA leaders also take time to read this web site.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Unfortunately GEN Mattis will probably get canned for his views on DADT repeal. Whether you agreee with DADT or not should not be the question but we should appreciate an officer who stands up and acts as a voice for his troops in a politically unpopular decision, especially an FO / GO. GEN Mattis is a rare bird in these times of political correctness. Hopefully he won't get sacrificed on the alter of an alternate lifestyle's activism. Welcome to your new slice of the diversity industry. Anybody taking bets on when the "appreciate alternate lifestyle" training will get rolled out, how many hours each training session will take and how much the contractor will make who gives this BS training?
Leadership by Example. God Bless them all.
It's a great pity that General Mattis didn't take his artillery with him to the interview for selection of a new CMC. He has more martial spirit and more pure leadership than you will find anywhere in Washington. But it was undoubtedly that martial spirit that scared the cr@p out of the people at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We wouldn't want anyone in charge who actually believes that our job is to kill people, when necessary, and who actually likes the job. After all, we are no longer involved in a Global War on Terror.
Gen Mattis should run for the top job.
When the road is blocked, go around and up!
Or just wait until '12 results, he might make Commandant after all.
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