Senator-elect Rubio (R-FL) and Congressman-elect West (R-FL). Nice.
UPDATE: This will leave a mark.
3 hours ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Can't wait till the Dem's try to run over COL. West...should be exciting. I just wish he was my congressman rather than that blithering idiot Corrine Brown, who won AGAIN with little or no opposition from the Republican Party.
Don't forget Grayson getting kicked to the curb - unfortunately I fully expect that troll to have an hour-long primetime show on MSNBC within weeks...
I think I need to get me a Col. West t-shirt made, that man gives me restores for me the hope in the American electorate that Obama's win squashed.
Oooh...first cup of coffee means grammatical can mentally delete "gives me" from the sentence above :-[
Were you going to say gives you a thrill up your leg? :)
I was thinking, "Leemer" :)
I like the part in Rubio's speech (0:52 - 1:26) where he ignores that 20% of his constituents, including me, are not Christian.
When Aubrey and Kristen post, I get a thrill up my leg :) ! And I've been happily married to the fetching Mrs. Wharf Rat for almost 19 years.
I say this with the utmost respect! :-P
You have no idea what it does to us Minnesotan's to see such a large chunk of our state red after so many years. As you can see from the map, it's been gerry mandered to get as many Demorats as possible.
the southern district should never have gone red, but we screwed up on 2006, and now this guy has won his 3rd term.
With the Governor's race in a recount, we captured the House and Senate (hasn't happened in 40 years) to protect us for redristricting - whew! The only reason Dayton is up by 9,000 votes is his name (Dayton's Department stores), and Idependence Candidate Tom Horner (who gave to Republicans in past as he's a millionaire) decided to screw it up for the Republicans and take 220,000 votes away from us, to give us the liberal NUT job, and I mean - Dayton's NUTS!
Sounds like IL except the foxes have been given the keys to the hen house and are drooling most unfetchingly. Our gov. race is also not yet declared, and I don't doubt there might have been a wee bit of chicago style chicanery to ensure Gov Jello got re-elected and stays neatly under the thumb of the Speaker of the Il House. We just may beat CA down the sewer, and no bailouts this time! On the other hand, Kirk is now our senator and my district stayed R.
I apologize to all non-California residents for my lunatic state. I can't say that I'm surprised but I am disappointed. The public employee unions are running things here, and they will drive the state into bankruptcy. It saddens me enormously to see my beautiful state falling off of a cliff, but we will serve as a warning to the rest of the country about Democratic governance.
Meanwhile, lots of other good news and I"m especially heartened that so many swing states went firmly Republican yesterday. There were some great patriots elected and I can't wait to see the leadership that they will bring to Washington and to the individual states.
Wharf Rat, you made me laugh out loud, and I needed that after the results here last night! Isn't it nice to find a place to gather with like-minded people and have some innocent fun? :)
It was a huge boost to my spirits to see the results from Wisconsin and Minnesota. And maybe Emmer will still get it - I'm not giving up yet.
It is still a nice place to go-was just out there two weeks ago.
I'm happy that you enjoyed your visit.
It gets better - Hennipen County, the largest, and with Minneapolis smack dab in the middle, put 60,000 Emmer (Republican) votes in the Horner column. They claim to have figured this out, contacted the Emmer campaign, and put the 60,000 votes back. An election official went on TV to state this with the anchors. So.........are we sure the exact votes did get put in the right column.
That said - there's a HUGE smile on my face when we took down Oberstar with Rep-Elect Chip Cravaack, US Navy Academy Grad. You should have seen his military bearing/discipline approach to this race. No one, and I mean no one, could stick an 'extremist' label on him, and he's a conservative.
I thought we were tolerant of religious freedom in America...maybe I was wrong, or maybe you need to know you're right to be supportive of any other faith/lack thereof, is protected, just as his is.
Looking to shut down any mention of God? Yep, that's the "tolerant" way.
Note: Don't tell me you're having a belief shoved down your throat, unless you have pictures of the actual act.
Of course I can't say this applies to You...
But its just human nature that we all worship ...Something
Called a God or not.
just sayin'
"...nor prohibiting free exercise thereof..."
<span>Guest: "Looking to shut down any mention of God?" </span><span>No, I'm not; where'd that come from?</span>
Rubio: "Let me begin by acknowledging a simple but profound TRUTH: WE are ALL children of a powerful and great god?"
What's this 'WE' stuff, Marco?
@Sid, 16% of Floridians don't worship ... anything.
And when he said 'we are all children of .. god' do you think all of his Jewish, Buddhist, and Muslim constituents feel included?
@URR: yes he is free to exercise his religion. But if I were to be elected Senator, to represent almost 20 million people, should I start off my acceptance speech by saying, "we are all creations of The Flying Spaghetti Monster"?
I spent the this past Summer in California, mainly in the Central Valley around Fresno/Lemoore area. I listen to all of it on the local radio in the region. Whitman is evil, Jerry Brown is evil, Boxer/Pelosi/etc hate water rights, Smoke Dope it will make you feel better, the budget issues, the high taxes, etc. I wonder how soon California will implode and become seperate states. All over north of Redding there were signs pushing for the creation of the State of Jefferson and sucession from California.
That map makes my heart feel hopeful. But now it's up to the newly elected to not be the "Stupid Party" anymore and stop that tendency to never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. KnowwhatImean?
While that 16% may claim to eschew God Robbo, bets on that the vast majority -perhaps not you though- worship something...
Money. Fame. peace. Children. Spouse.
Most folks exalt something in their lives.
Just sayin.
And, like guest, it sure looks like you'd just as soon eradicate any reference to a deity.
Then what were you trying to say? He mentions God, you say he ignores you. If you meant you don't believe like him, then wouldn't it be better communicated that you don't share that view? I mean if that's what you meant, and not he should not mention it because 20% of some don't agree. Sounded like a rebuke, not a disagreement.
I do believe the First Amendment prohibits the establishment of a state religion. It does not require the state to deny the existence of God in any name or form.
You always seem to be the one accommodated, Robbo.
No, I'm not "trying to shut down any mention of god". If Marco wants to say, "I'd like to thank my Lord for this election victory," who gives a whoop? Not me, or anyone who has watched American football (with the thank-you-jesus-touchdown-routines)
But let's try a fun, little thought experiment where Yusef Rubio wins the election, and we just change a word or two:
"Let me begin tonight by acknowledging a simple but profound truth: we Floridians are all children of the powerful and great Allah ... I bear witness to that tonight, ... and it must always be acknowledged in everything we do and in everywhere we go."
That's word for word what Marco said, except for 'Allah'. Is he still freely exercising his religion without making ANYONE uncomfortable?
The purpose of Bill of Rights has always been to protect the minority FROM the majority. With 80% of Floridians professing to be Christians, I hardly see any oppression of a minority by asking Marco not to include me in his 'we are all children of god' victory speech.
@URR: Really?!?
I, an atheist, am the one being accommodated? You mean, like, by the President, who has to finish every official address with 'god bless America'? The guy who was sworn in with 'so help me God'?
That's right, the State denies the existence of god -- which is why my kids say 'one nation, under god' every day, and our coins say, 'in god we trust.' That's some serious oppression of your religious beliefs, URR -- I feel your pain.
Aren't churches given huge tax exemptions just for being churches? "No, move right along, no accommodations here, move right along, nothing to see here ... "
Henceforth let him say:
"Let me begin by acknowledging a simple but profound TRUTH: WE are ALL children of a powerful and great god, except for Robbo. We don't know where he came from. Maybe not from a powerful and great god. Maybe he fashioned himself from primoridal ooze, or he was an accident of nature."
Happy now?
"Let me begin tonight by acknowledging a simple but profound truth: we Floridians are all children of the powerful and great Allah ... I bear witness to that tonight, ... and it must always be acknowledged in everything we do and in everywhere we go."
Adding also... I'm less worried in the people who might think we're all children of the powerful and great Allah, and more concerned with the ones who might think that pwerful and great Allah wants them to kill me and mine.
Lots of panties in a bunch here.
I've never said Marco Rubio couldn't pronounce his faith to the public.
<span>I've never said Marco Rubio couldn't mention God in public.</span>
<span><span>I've never said Marco Rubio couldn't be a </span></span>Christian<span><span>.</span></span>
I agree that the 1st Amendment allows him to do all that.
I'm just saying that I didn't vote for him because I'd rather he kept his religion in the church rather than the state house. And now that he's won, he has pointed out pretty clearly that he doesn't care to represent his minority constituents, those that don't believe in a god.
I know that I, as an infidel, am in the minority in America. So let's compare that to other minorities, is all I'm saying. "We Floridians are all white" makes about as much sense as "we are all children of god."
Your no more an infidel then anyone else out there that chooses to believe in their own path to being a better person or enlightenment.
That being said please step away from the diversity bully's separate water fountains and take an honest thought for a second. There are places all over the world that I have traveled to where the game of "tit for tat" cause some group shifts from being in the minority to the majority. Just see the former Jugoslavia and most of the rest of the Balkans. Look at any of the "Stan brothers. Look at Africa. Heck even look at Spain, France, Belgium, SE Asia, and even SW Asia. Nearly all of them have at one time or another gone through a genocidal moment when the pendulum swings from one separate identifying group to another. One of my personal pet peeves is seeing that stuff rise here in the USA. As long as we keep separating ourselves and identifying ourselves into cubbies that the Diversity bullies say we should fit into, then there is a strong chance that the game of "tit for tat" will become an issue here. Especially since this nation seems to have had in the last 30yrs a rise of ambulance chasing lawyers who are more then willing to sue people for thoughts/ideas/expressions/looks/etc.
Sorry you feel that way, Robbo, NOT. Feel free to join your fellow travelers in California. If you voted against him soley for his religious beliefs then you ain't too bright, sport. I didn't vote for him because he's a Christian, I voted for him to get the federal government off my neck and to start back on the road the founding fathers put us on.
Don't go away, troll. Just go.
Well, the ACLU is looking to change all that, and abrogate any public recognition of God anywhere.
Removal of a Christian cross donated with private funds to commemorate war dead.
Allowing a high school to be used for meetings of a "GLBTQY" organization but not a Christian student organization.
"Happy Holidays"
The constant anti-cleric (read: anti-Catholic) drumbeat of a secular progressive press, and Hollywood.
"America is no longer a Christian nation."
No Robbo, I am quite certain that the only pain you feel is your own.
As I said in the other thread...get out while you still can, with your sanity and purse still mostly intact. You won't regret it.
You know, you really need to look into some diversity training...
He said that we are all children of a great and powerful God. That is THE fundamental of the Christian faith, that all people are the Children of God and that all can come to Salvation through His Son. Period. Mr Rubio believes that firmly and passionately. And yet you are offended that he stated what he believes, what is the central tenet of his faith?
If you don't like it then just smile and think to yourself, "yeah, right...whatever" and move on. I have to do that all the time in both my personal and professional life. It is called being a grown-up.
Or has our society become so victim-obsessed, so childish, that we cannot take value from ourselves and our own beliefs, but can only take umbrage at others?
And to your children of Allah point....I am a Christian. I work for a Christian company. A few years ago when I was helping to provide security during a visit of the Dalai Lama. Just before he went on stage to speak, the Lama gave his blessing to several of us that were working the event. According to YOUR theory and world-view I should have been upset and offended, and the Lama punished for his temerity.
Instead, in my grown-up universe, I was pleased and honored that the man showed the kindness and sincerity of belief to offer his blessing. You might want to look into a similar outlook instead of actively looking for ways to be offended - if you look hard enough, you will always find something. And you will always be an unhappy and bitter person.
Dagnabbit, I really want an edit feature for the grammar errors above...
"I'm just saying that I didn't vote for him because I'd rather he kept his religion in the church rather than the state house. And now that he's won, he has pointed out pretty clearly that he doesn't care to represent his minority constituents, those that don't believe in a god.
I know that I, as an infidel, am in the minority in America. So let's compare that to other minorities, is all I'm saying. "We Floridians are all white" makes about as much sense as "we are all children of god."
You don't seem to understand that a good representative doesn't really care what YOU believe. YOUR safety lies in the fact that HE will represent YOU as if YOU are are a child of God with the inalienable rights that come to you from that great and all powerful God (and not from the state, like the old CCCP or China or Iran or some other place may have believed.). I'd rather have a leader who believes my rights come from the same God he has to answer to than a leader who thinks all my rights come from HIS whim or the whim of the state.
God forbid (pun intended) that somehow, somewhere, an atheist might be offended by a religious reference.
Pirate, They were talking about splitting up the state between north and south back when I was in high school.
Like non-profits of all stripes are given "huge" tax exemptions. Churches are but one type of same. Be careful which ox you gore...never know when some athesit based, or just plain not even associated with any faith, favorite charity also loses it's "huge" one you donate to and write off on your 1040.
I don't know why I think this is funny or pertains to this thread, but a couple years ago the Star Tribune in Minneapolis had a story on 'anarchists' needing a room to hold a meeting at the Minneapolis City Hall.
Robbo - now that - as a group which doesn't believe in rule or authority - needed a meeting to hash that out, or how they organize a protest, is funny. :-P Think they had a gavel, pounding it, with a 'chair' stating 'now come to order'?
'hey, who made you chair?!' how exactly do you organize anarachists?!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) mooooooon beeeeeeammmm!
Uh, sorry, I do know why I think it's funny, but not sure why it pertains to this thread. Organizing anarchists - that's a hoot!
moooon beeeaammm! 8-) 8-) :-P 8-) =-O >:o 8-)
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