... actually, nothing like that exists; but if it did it would look something like this - metaphorically.
In case you were wondering ... those who have met me in 3-D will understand.
Oh, the CDR Detailer was #19 and the civilian job market was #81.
Hat tip HotAir.
57 minutes ago
Wade Phillips and the Cowboys could have used a play like that.
Yeah, Phib, I'll buy that ;)
Looked like Navy vs. ECU on Saturday.
I can't believe it worked - I watched it 4 times.
Why did I think someone would actually figure it out one of the times I watched it? 8-)
Looks like how the Confronting Irregular Challenges Vision was staffed through OPNAV.
I saw this yesterday and just laughed and laughed. We all looked at it at least twice. Amazing they didn't respond to the sound of the brass banging together. Big'ns to just walk through the line like that. Awesome play, but don't try it again. :)
Too funny.
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