1. Fully Qualified. All officers recommended for assignment must be fully qualified; that is, each officer recommended must be capable of performing the required duties of the assignment officers that do not meet that standard shall not be recommended for assignment.Huh? ... and your point is? Will the next paragraph describe how humans are born with two eyes, two arms, and two legs?
b. The Navy is comprised of Sailors representing 24 different ethnic groups and hundreds of cultural heritages. Fully qualified officers must be capable of leading personnel from widely varying backgrounds while executing the Navy’s strategic diversity initiatives. The Navy’s ability to meet this leadership challenge depends, in part, on having leaders who reflect our very best, including performance, professional experience, education, and the spectrum of professional communities.
10 hours ago
Methinks this was a poor attempt by the Diversity Directorate to put out their 'cloaked' garbage WITHOUT ending up on Diversity Thursday. FAIL.
The first question a metrics-driven board member should ask is "how do we KNOW if this otherwise fully qualified officer can lead a diverse group of sailors?"
Expect to see a FITREP change that makes mandatory a positive statment with quantitative verifiable evidence of diversity-based actions. "LT Johnson mentored two Asian-Americans, two African-Americans, one Mexican-American, and one plain old American"
"The Navy’s ability to meet this leadership challenge depends, in part, on having leaders who reflect our very best, including.... education,..."
Translation: The Navy’s ability to meet this leadership challenge depends, in part, on having leaders educated at the USNA.
Where is the blurb stating that "Fully qualified officers must be capable of leading us successfully through acquistion programs and promote training initiatives that actually better prepare us for war, etc."
This diversity $%#! is the most insidious enemy we face as it comes at the expense of everything that is needed to fight, train and equip. I don't care how good some of the FOGO are on some issues, if they are on the wrong side of the this one then I have no use for them in my Navy.
Clearly, the implication is that white men are not qualified to lead non-white, non-men. Therefore, due to the "24 different ethnic groups and hundreds of cultural heritages" represented in the reserve component, they should only be assigned after all the non-white, non-male candidates have been assigned.
Dept of Homeland Security after all these years, is still a "work in progress". (ie; DHS is in turmoil amidst jockeying for power within).
Here's some Diversity Drivel from D.H.S.
USNA = Fail!
There is no need for paragraph "b" in a true meritocracy. Let's reverse things and say that minorities cannot lead caucasians because they don't possess the cultural background and sensitivites. We could have 24 different Navies. Check out "Reinventing the Wheel" over at the Foreign Affairs site. Everybody in the Navy is Blue - Navy Blue.
That was me
Or everybody is black. Service Dress Blue black. :) The Navy truly is color blind.
This whole thing is sad. The Industry is pushing their crap upon the Sailors and it is affecting readiness and actual capabilities. Furthermore, it is devisive and is counter productive to their over all goal, if their goal was equality. You either have an equal opportunity program or you run with the diversity crap. Can NOT have both.
I pray that somewhere in the precept they mention something about fighting wars and winning, and not only "executing the Navy’s strategic diversity initiatives".
"Give me a diverse crew for I intend to excel at leading different ethnic groups and cultural heritages!" Had a famous American Naval leader thought that way, we would still be in a Navy that is being downsized to an even dozen ships. (Sadly, we might be on that course anyway...but under the US flag.)
So that's why my career never reached its full potential. I never had the proper German, English, Scot, vertically-challenged mentor.
Apparently whoever writes these precepts does not understand the concept of brevity
...or how about "everyone is blueberry" 8-)
You nailed it.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY must be cancelled
IF Diversity is to be the hiring policy.
Please, Smufalicious Blue
I think EO IS the LAW. I'll go with the law and call the other BS unlawful orders. AR, any advice on that one? I think there is the rub.
this is completely backwards. I am going to take an unpopular position and say that yes, I do need female mentors. Not to say men can't also be great mentors, but there are issues I face as a woman that I can get better guidance on from others who have lived through the same issues.
That being said, you seek to promote people because they have already demonstrated LEADERSHIP including MENTORSHIP. You don't promote them in the hopes that they will BECOME leaders and mentors. And you don't assume that just having the same skin color or naughty bits automatically makes them right for mentorship.
Used to be things like innovation was a key precept. Advanced degrees. Command/success. Let us assume that selectees must now be able to lead, tie their shoes...whatever...d-bullies suck, and ah he11, I'm speechless.
you've asked a ridiculously complex question that I could write pages on.
Suffice it to say, I wouldn't advise you to disobey BS policies...but there's always the fine art of benevolent neglect.
Funny thing: in an All Hands call, CNO told us that "Diversity and EEO are separate." In my indoctrination into a "shall-remain-nameless" Navy code, I was told by a GS-15 that "Diversity falls under EEO." I took issue with that and questioned her to further explain herself: how can Diversity, which in its instructions and implementation is race/gender/ethnicity exclusive, fall under a law that says you cannot discriminate by race/gender/ethnicity? Her response, and I'm quoting directly now, was "we live in an imperfect world where we need these things." She then went on to lecture me as to how "even white men can come to EEO if you feel like there is a problem." But she never said that diversity also targets white men.
I've never felt so disgusted in my life. But she was a lady, and I am a gentleman, so after our discussion (we monopolized enough of INDOC's time), we shook hands. I question her job, her qualifications for it, and her motives. But I cannot question her heart...she really feels like she is doing the right thing. And that is the real tragedy.
proud member of category Plain Old American right here...and my future mixed race children (my fiancee refers to our future brood as a "cookup") will be Plain Old American too.
Hey Sal, I know you are an advocate for repealing DADT, and I understand your reasoning that you provided in the past...looks like the courts beat you to it. What say you when the Diversity Bullies start saying we need more homosexuals in the military?
If I was king for the day, I'd make the following changes to the promotion process:
1. Promotion boards must promote the best and brightest.
2. Promotion packages would NOT include any reference to sex, race, or any other status.
3. No promotion photos
4. Current CO certifies those in the promotion zone meet weight & height standards, and are eligible for promotion.
5. Promotion board must unanimously vote for each promotee. One bad vote, no promotion.
It will never happen but I can dream.
I do not like being ruled by judges. This is something that should be done via our elected representitives. I don't like undemocratic short cuts.
As for the Diversity Bullies - I have always said that they will be a problem. I don't blame minorities for the actions of the Diversity Industry - it isn't their fault. It is the fault of intellectual cowardice by leadership. Ditto post DADT. Don't worry - I am sure they will call me a homophobe when the time is right. The radicals won't care if I was one of the first milbloggers to come "out" in favor of repeal years ago. The minute I don't embrace their full agenda - like homosexual marriage - then they will smear me too.
That's OK, I'm a big boy. I get called a racist all the time too. Sticks and stones by the small minded ignorant do not bother me.
If they repeal DADT, don't we go back to A&T? THAT would be a surprise for thems that wanted to repeal. :)
Ridiculous? Me? Say it isn't so! :)
It does seem that they are competing edicts, no?
I have even money that says the DoD Lawyers may take this to the USSC for further review.
I love that they have reduced all people in the Navy to being one of just 24 different ethnic groups - dehumanizing, demoralizing, and a bit disconcerting. Nothing "promotes diversity" like casting every sailor into a specific ethnic category. Way to "celebrate our differences".
My mixed-race children are constantly reminded by me that they aren't Asian-American, they are American.
Obviously what is implied is that some officers are "more capable of leading personnel from widely varying backgrounds" than others and that analysis will not be based on their performance but on their existing race/gender/national origin. I have lead shipboard divisions/departments in Supply that were more than 3/4s non-male/caucasian. I didn't lead that group of sailors any differently than any other group of sailors over 23 years. Standards were the same, customer service expectations were the same, everything was the same. That group of sailors were just as successful, had the same level of top achievers, as every other group of sailors. Race/gender/national origin was a complete non-issue. It pains me greatly to see continued emphasis of non-performance issues when most of us know that the Navy is the ultimate meritocracy, almost all of the time in the enlisted ranks, most of the times in the officer ranks...top achievers rise to the top.
You know, I have no problem with gays serving openly. I just don't want it to become a spectacle. I want an orderly, military transition made from DADT to a policy of disinterest in sexual orientation. The only thing about it that I fear is that in order to accomodate this transition our overzealous leaders will allow changes in conduct and standards to occur that will undermine good order and discipline.
I think someone addressed the metricsissue, but again, simply:
How, specifically, does a board member brief a record or judge whether an Officer is excellent, good, or bad at "B" (the diversity precept)?
- Is it the Officer's FITREP block on EEO (a high grade might mean that they are against diversity, depending upon views on EEO vs Diversity policies)?
- Is it basically just their race/ethnicity/etc?
Will board members just use the "benevolent neglect" principle towards this precept (like others), or will there be "corrections" to the Board after the fact if the "proper" ratios are not achieved?
More questions than answers are provided by this vague precept. Perhaps someone was just trying to cover themselves (and the board) by inserting it in...vaguely. Or maybe it was intentional...who knows? Real (not perceived) intent is very hard to discern.
This one is odd.<span></span>
Yeah, it's a good thing we figured out that whole women at sea thing before we tried to tackle this social change.
You have a point. Maybe you can't say no within your community.
My point is to make the process as blind as possible to minority status. Lets get the best people promoted.
<span>You know, I have no problem with gays serving openly. I just don't want it to become a spectacle.</span>
<span>The issue is, "GAY" is ALL about the spectacle.</span>
<span>Is there a Kristen friendly "Gay Pride" fete held anywhere?</span>
Neptunus has an interesting post which has some bearing to this discussion...
Of course it is all about spectacle. There is profit and power in being an advocate/activist and championing your rights over all others. Gay activists have been given the run of the legal system for three decades, and they are championed by media, hollywood, television, and academia. You can be damned sure that the latest initiative on bullying "gays" in middle and high school (as if they know enough about themselves at age 11 or 12 to define their sexual identity) will end up as a massive promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.
Gay history month, mandatory gay quotas, gay pride functions, gay servicemember organizations, will all be ENDORSED strongly by DoD.
But I am sure it will have no effect whatsoever on unit cohesion, morale, and espirit de corps.
Puts a WHOLE new meaning to "wetting down party"...Don't it?
But I am sure it will have no effect whatsoever on unit cohesion, morale, and espirit de corps.
But URR...Think of how fashionable the seabags will be!
Digital camo and olive drab are SO BUTCH!
Designer seabags coming to an exchange (boutique?) near you.
As long as there is government money fit to print...
"Diversity" is a path to your enrichment!!!!!
This stuff wants to make me puke.
Well, to be fair, sid, it is not MY path to enrichment. I am a heterosexual white male, without any politically-created syndrome or disorder, who is self-employed and earning a living. I am the oppressor.
The only path I have is to have my government wrestle the money I earn from my wallet and my bank account and hand it to the 'diverse' populations. When I question that, I am told that I am morally unfit because my first thought isn't for the children or the homeless.
I was raised to know the value of a dollar. I have worked hard to earn what I have, and I spend within my means. Apparently that has been a giant mistake, and my success is because I took unfair advantage of those who are not successful.
right, and I think your other recommendations address that. I just think "one negative vote = no promotion" has too much potential for abuse. Some of the best leaders I know have earned their fair share of enemies because they weren't afraid to go head to head with people to defend their sailors. To let that then be grounds for their disqualification because someone got lucky enough to sit on that board and still has their feewings huwt seems wrong.
Do you instill that value while drown-proofing them, Master Diver? :-D
You do have some political created syndrome. You are a military vetern and probably exposed to some tramatic pyschological scar that either forced you to join the military (cause all of the military is full of mental defects) and it was further tramua brought on by any combat action you faced. Oh you didn't face any combat, well then it was probably something that happened on a deployment or maybe one of those NEO's you did, ahh.. it doesn't matter. You have PTSD, and you are now part of a minority; we know and feel your pain. Though you aren't much of a minority since as you claim to be a white, western european, religious zealot (your a god fearing man right?Ipso facto your a zealot); when we compare you to a former African-American M60 gunner from the 3/2, Company J, 2nd squad who now goes by the name Wanda and just started her hormonial treatments. She had it worst then you cause she had to eat the really bad MRE's while sitting on the Tarawa waiting to go ashore off the coast of Somalia in the early 90's. Trust us progressive pyschological doctors. Now just sign this POA to give us your SSA checks and your Medicare checks; everything will be find after you suck down this pill cup.
sid -
I'll see you the faux BG and rais you a fake Marine MG, but he isn't gay, so apparently no one cares.
Good lord, here we go again. What's the matter, do you want that gaymilitarydating.com ad back on the sidebar?
Since I have a day job, I won't rehash all my previous comments on this (at least much). You can go back and see when we last beat this dead equine.
For Warrant Driver, I would point out that I teach the ISSAFRAT brief, and the bottom line concept of not playing favorites among those you lead isn't a hard concept, and doesn't need any changes when DADT goes away.
I will add that I grew up in Riverside and practiced law there for over a decade (I left over a decade ago). When Judge Philips first became a lawyer it was with a firm where I had a job as a messenger after my Freshman year in college. When I later made partner in my then firm she went out of her way to offer her congrats. She is a true lady, an extremely smart lawyer/judge, and hardly an "activist." Yes, she was appointed as a Federal judge by Clinton, but she had been a Federal Magistrate* for a number of years already, and had an oustanding reputation in the Inland Empire.
*A magistrate is a kind of assistant judge. They are selected by the judges, and are employees, without the job security of a judge. It is rarely a political appointment.
>as if they know enough about themselves at age 11 or 12
When did you begin noticing girls?
Darn, I need a spell check on this thing.
Seems like somebody cares about Weber. Who did at least serve until retirement.
"<span>When did you begin noticing girls?"</span>
Is that question supposed to imply that pre-adolescents and adolescents never have any kind of confusion about all those things? And that it is the place of the education system to provide the answers and instill values in lieu of parents?
When did I start noticing girls? Lee Merriwether as Catwoman. I was about seven (they were reruns).
Wasn't sure why, but I liked it. So did my Dad. I think he watched Batman all week that week.
You also might notice, AndrewB, thay Weber is not dressing outrageously for the sake of putting a "ghey" face onm the military service with the intent of pushing an agenda.
Actually, I did see combat, but my lawsuit against Zarqawi for mental anguish for $125 million was dismissed by a lower court in VT. Which is probably for the best. We don't want to get in the habit of finding the enemy liable for anything. Er, alleged enemy.
Yes, religion. That is a problem. Why in God's name can't I just accept atheism?
Five will getcha ten that Wanda's hormone replacements will be paid for, but treatment for my broken back (service connected) will largely come out of my wallet.
Speak for yourself. At least for me, I was never confused once I got over that crush on Mrs. Sims in the first grade.
Not speaking for me. Speaking for "the children". They are our future, you know. And who better to raise them but the government?
Certainly not parents. Tsk, no, no no! They might not have the official government-authorized values and viewpoints and their children may grow up to be Capitalists and think environmentalism is a natural outcropping of the socialist-communist anti-war crowd or something like that. Heck, they might even embrace religion (other than Muslim) and the Constitution.
And that would be a terrible thing indeed.
Funny story, though. I am sitting on the floor in front of the old B&W set, watching Catwoman do her thing. I remember plain as day my Dad walking in and commenting "what the hell is this?" and then sitting down to watch....
I have almost the same story, but it was Mom.
Dad never watched much TV in our family, except for the space shots (they finally got cable a few years ago, and my sister called up to report she had found him highlighting the TV Guide with Classic movies he wanted to watch - who are you and what have you done with our father?).
One time Roger Moore was on The Merv Griffin Show (remember how his guests used to talk to each other - his show wasn't all about the host, all the time). Mom walks through the family room, takes one look, and says "WHO is that?" She sat down and watched the rest of the show.
Mr Regis,
I am not going to have to get a hold of Nurse Ratched am I? You were in an illegal police action that was oppressing a minority group's completely legal political protest. You were not in any authorized combat, so says CJCS H.Reid and VCJCS B.Boxer. So that is why your broken back isn't service connected, cause of your illegal actions, that is also why our judge dismissed your court case. However, we can make it all better just sign over everything you own so that we can help to make sure others don't go down your path. We will begin with your wallet, your home, and all of your children. They will be re-educated that America is the cause of everything from AGW to the every economic crisis since the invention of trading. Again just take this nice pill cup and swallow all of them or Nurse Ratched will take upstairs! As to your religious delusions, just talk to our resident debunker...I mean resident delusion suppression expert Dr. R. Dawkins, he will help you out and come to your senses about religion.
Quoteth the song
"I was just a boy
When I threw away my toys
I found a new pastime
To dwell on
Whenever I detect
Members of the other sex
I play the game I do so well, oh
I'm a girl watcher
I'm a girl watcher
Watchin' girls go by
My, my, my"
Endth quote
I have always prefered Julie Newmar, although Lee Meriwether is an extremely acceptable substitue standard issue Catwoman. Batgirl's coatume was basically the same suit, in gray, and equally pleasant to watch Yvonne Craig wear. But I still haven't quite worked out how they got any of the three of them into those suits, without some sort of hydraulic press. Glad they did though
I never much cared for the Eartha Kitt Catwoman. She had too much a hint of refinement to her, while Julie Newmar decided on an amoral Catwoman.
I broke my back before serving in combat. While I was wringing my hands together, praying for the chance to bayonet someone, innocent or not, serving as a mercenary and (gasp!) training other young men to the bloodthirsty ways.
So yes, you'd better call Nurse Ratched. As long as it is covered by the very savior of Western Civilization, the socialist/communist paradise of Obamacare.
URR, Weber sounds a lot like the retired BMC who was Commander of the American Legion Post here several years ago. He'd done a tour with the riverine force in Vietnam and received the Purple Heart but that wasn't enough. After retirement he started awarding himself additional medals starting with the Bronze Star and eventually worked up to the Navy Cross before his fraud was discovered (he was also persona non grata with the DAV for a variety of reasons). He was dismissed from the Legion and he ultimately got his picture in "bad section" of Burkett's <span>Stolen Valor</span>.
Yee. Makes ya wanna thump 'em!
Excellent O'Kaysions reference.
On that note, news just out that General Johnson has died. No, not a war hero, but lead singer of the Chairmen of the Board. Damned shame. His music made Johnny Mercer Pier jump.
URR, guess you didn't see the Julie Newmar spread in Playboy?
I searched long and hard for that bunny...lemme tellyah
I still gotta go with Lee. She has to be in her mid-70s and I would still be at her feet.
As Shemp would say, a classy dame.
Here you go, your healthcare mandated memory, Then, Then, and now. Be careful with it. ;)
I was always a fan of Christie Brinkley, myself.
Ah, the ladies...I found them fascinating early and so they remain. Far too many to name (although Olympic Skaters fascinated me first) But we digress.
One Miss Peggy Fleming, perhaps?
Dorothy Hamil was a cutie.
Seems the Germans get it....
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel: "lmmigrants should learn to speak German"
Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.
She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.
I predict that the end of DADT -despite the euphoria it has sparked in some quarters- will spark this trend here.
Integrate into the commonly shared, commonly accepted societal ways. following commonly shared, commonly accepted mores...
Or get the <span>f-$k</span> out....
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