The Breitbart Empire has grown once again.
As most of you know - adding to his his stable of Big Hollywood, Big Journalism, and Big Government, Andrew Breitbart has expanded into the national security arena with his new venture - Big Peace.
Well - to the point - the crew over at Big Peace made me an offer I could not refuse, and I am honored to join their stable of contributors.
That does not mean the homeblog stops - no, the majority of items will be here and like my work over at USNIBlog - if I post something there, I will link to it from here. When I come up with an idea for a post, or as often happens you send me an idea for a post, and I think it folds in with what they are doing there - I will post at Big Peace and then link from here.
My first post over there is "The President and Operational Planning" - take a minute to stop by.
2 hours ago
Congratulations on the new gig. You will be a busy Mander' with this new undertaking. Home blog, USNI, Midrats, and now Big Peace...all Mander all the time! Good deal.
"The President and Operational Planning"?
That has to be the shortest post on record. "Don't have none". Which is only slightly longer than "Jesus wept". Which is also appropriate.
One side-effect already in place: president - elect here in Poland has pledged an effort to negotiate within NATO withdrawal of Polish troops in 2012. Whether this was only a campaign trick, or is it a serious intention, remains to be seen. Maybe some hand-wringing will result in longer stay in exchange for some technical support (eg MRAPs and UAVs). Of course if US start withdrawing in 2011, there is no point for Poles to hang on beyond 2012...
Next step is a Fox News gig - can't you just see 'phib and Barney Frank going at it on defense appropriations? Warm up your DVR!!
I can see Sala now, up there on the Fox morning set, straw hat, corncob pipe, bib overalls and dazzling the talking heads right outa their socks!
Congrats... but you need to lobby to have a link on the right hand side of Big Peace with the rest of the blogroll!
Congrats, Commander! I thinks it's a great choice for both you and Breitbart. I already read his stuff, so this just makes it all the more interesting. :)
You keep joining up with new enterprises, it's gonna make the whole anonymity thing more difficult. Good Luck!
Sir, this is neither right wing nor left wing here. It is more like "far-sighted responsibility for national security" versus "cut and run and divert assets to pet social programs." Now that we know where your heart really lies, I ask, why are you hanging around a blog that advocates a strong, well-trained Navy? Your friends at KOS want you back. Hurry on, now!
Sp AC,
Are YOU going to be honest about your left-wing politics?
Well, at least now we know why he came over to try and stink the joint up.
Congrats. I'm not so keen on the name (BigPeace) but I hope it works.
Ma'am, thank you for your kind reply.
I was thinking the same thing ;) .
Picture the 'Mander avatar split-screened with, oh dunno, the talking head from the Center for Progressive Analysis of International New Americana Security Strategies (a/k/a C-PAIN-ASS).
Congrats on the new gig.
Byron, I'm well aware that there is a strong self reinforcing group here that not only openly derides diversity of opinion, but directly insults those that may or may not disagree with the collective, simply because they are not part of the group. Group think is comfortable, but self-deceiving. i appreciate your kind comments. Have a wonderful day!
Alpha, you are so very welcome. Just pointing out I think you've wandered into the wrong room. Your passive-aggressive insults and easily-taken offense are a bit off-putting, by the way.
Great going Phib, and a good post as well.
Least they can do over there is to list CDR SALAMANDER on its blogroll.
Q. Do they pay or is it like the USNI arrangement? ;)
Oh, great googly moogly! Alpha wannabe, there is a way to disagree, confront others with opposing ideas and question preconceived notions without insulting, name-calling and coming in and annoying people. If you've hung around here long, you'd know there are spirited debates and disagreements all the time. But accusing people of being part of a collective, participating in group-think and self-deception is no way to become part of that group. That's lesson #1 of Friendmaking 101.
I know! Great Idea!!!! It would make the Geico lizard green with... well... nevermind.
URR I'll be honest about my politics, I have nothing to hide.
I'm a conservative, not a neo-con, but a conservative. I used to be a Republican until Republicans embraced the politics of religion with GWB, now I consider myself an independent because I don't believe either party represents my beliefs accurately. This is predominately because of the way religion has invaded Republican politics.
I'd love to know what issues you're basing your "left-wing" conclusion on. I don't believe I've said enough to be called a political "left-wing." I guess I shouldn't be surprised at your leap to judgement without facts, but I do find it odd. If you disagree with my assessment of the politics of this blog, and you think it's left-wing, that's fine, but please support your position instead of insulting me for congratulating Sal. When did right wing politics become something you were so sensitive about? Have a fine day Sir. I'll stop here for the day, so as to not offend our moderator that believes in freedom of speech.... in moderation.
BZ, Breitbart! Well Done, CDR S. Glad to see you getting a wider audience. ("Big Peace" is kind of a dumb name, but then, what the $%^ do I know).
and who is Alpha Check? Lets see some of his contributions instead of just his snarking...any common troll can do that.
<span>Ma'am, thank you for your kind reply.</span>
Aww, gosh. And I wasn't even trying to be kind.... any more than you were offering Phib sincere congratulations.... ;)
Alpha, differing opinions are quite welcome here...
Jay and Skippy-san are regulars with oft sharply differing views for instance.
State your case and feel free to vigorously defend.
You writing is clear (except for your use of milspeak acronyms), your arguments cogent, and you usually bring just the right touch of humor when needed/deserved.
Good Luck.
Thanks for the explanation, without it I may have interpreted "wannabe," "<span>try and stink the joint up," "</span><span>Your friends at KOS want you back. Hurry on, now!" as less than welcoming. Thanks for the welcome sid.</span>
Tradin' in that porch for the penthouse view...
A little sensitive about having your politics questioned when you make the statement above, aren't you?
You haven't an idea of what MY politics and beliefs are, let alone why I would hold them. But you did manage to lump the whole group into your pre-determined paradigm, now, didn't you?
Well, Alpha...
We kinda bristle with that whole collective moniker.
A good number of us here have sailed under these colors, and take it seriously.
Where exactly did I mention your politics?
What "pre-determined paradigm" are you talking about?
Movin' on up. Congrats.
So yeah, imagine my surprise when doing my daily high-speed pass through Breitbart's stuff and seeing my favorite amphibian there!
You mean, you can GET PAID for this!?!?
Good luck with that, not really a fan of Breitbart -- prefer Andrew Sullivan, but perhaps you can keep it from going to far into the whacko weeds on the military issues...or...come to think of it...perhaps not.
Oh, and bigtime Congratulations.
and we knew him when he was a wee newt...
Keep us lil folk in mind when you need to go to the well for some course and rudder work...
I'm thinking 'Phb will roll in there, take over and soo he will be the CEO/COO of 'ShoeMedia!
Putting out the common sense of those who really make the Navy "get there."
Congrats! Use the influence effectively come VALOUR-IT time.
Congrats and good luck.
Doesn't Reynolds call this "Taking the Boeing"? Will you let us fly on your private jet now?
Hey there Bill. We pay in books. :) I LOVE the name Big Peace. It's about time we stole the word peace back from the stinking hippies
Congratulations, Most Noble Sir!
Aha -ha ha hah ha - - - thanks, I needed that. Andrew Sullivan. It's nice that the occasional troll uses IFF though.
Busy little bee, aren't we? Did you hold out for the "big bucks?" :) Congrats CDR Sal! BTW, while you're over there, suggest to Tulanian Brightbart that he ought to use the old SAC lightning-bolts in clenched mailed-fist "Peace is Our Profession" coat-of-arms in his blog's mast-head. Y'all ought to give it something worthwhile to do since the AF apparently doesn't want it any more. I'm sure old SAC alums wouldn't bitch--anything to keep it's planned bastardized version out of the new "cyber-service" command..
So, just how interested in Sarah Palin's uterus are you?
Impressive! And a nice way to supplement that thar electronic deposit from DFAS each month. Congratulations.
Thank you, Mary! Those items have very tangible value.
Hey, Mary, I was sorta like a hippy once, had the long hair, bell bottoms, puka necklace...worked great on getting the chicks! (I STILL voted for Nixon, though!)
congradulations - green goblin
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