Why spend millions of dollars to attract young men to go to Annapolis to play football? All you need to do is show them the ... ahem ... extra benefits of the Blue and Gold.

Never say I don't try to help recruit for Navy football. Oh, BTW - that's me in the gray t-shirt. No one ever dances with me, but at least my beer is cold.
Hey, I know that girl. Isn't she the new JO who does all the sexual harassment training? Or is that RDML Aucoin's new Aide?
Hat tip Robbo.
Hey, I think she went to Meade! :)
Back that thing up, sister!
From the article:
"What—aside from dancing—does Lord Cole do off the field? According to <span>this brochure</span> Cole studied the bolts of 18th century ships to better understand the corrosion metals underwent during that time period. Cool, right?
How about now? According to his <span>LinkedIn page</span>, Lord Cole is currently in the Air Force, a graduate research assistant at UCLA Energy and Propulsion Science Laboratory and completing his PhD in aerospace engineering with a focus on "Specialization in Computational Fluids, Applied Mathematics, and Combustion."
And he gets the hot chicks. Damn.
I think we are just poking fun. Not quite the same way that #5 is poking fun, though. I bet there are some pics of ol' Sal out there that he is quite proud of but really doesn't want out there. After all, he went to a REAL college, not the Diversity School on the Severn.
ok gotcha. I didn't see that this photo was old. Thought for a second that it was of a current midshipman. I just hate seeing kids get humiliated. Yeah, yeah, I know, he' s a mid (or WAS a mid, now an officer), but even if it was an E-3 I'd say it was a kid....
saw your reply, and agree with you. Am taking down my comment, so yours will come down too. especially when I saw that the photo is old.
Kinda dumb to wear your uniform, and it is a uniform, complete with a number, and not expect to be caught!
I wonder what he's smoking ... hmmmmm.
Good question...
Have to wonder what the effects are/have been for the young lass engaging in that -now world disseminated- bacchanal?
(Mommy that looks lke you!)
Pretty sure that's a lollypop.
The end looks lit...
And after all the rot we've seen at "Saturday Night Lights on the Severn"...
And the complete lack of decorum exhibited in front of a camera by a prospective naval
officer(s?) dsisplayed here...
Its right easy to assume the worst.
It ain't all about football spade.
Especially as all this juvenile crap is supported by my tax dollars.
Gives new meaning to Tailhook
This is the reason no cameras are allowed in the Admin.
BTW: I think it is a sucker, not a smoke
Its been a generation now, so guess those memories are fading....
Anyway, there can be a real downside to being pegged as a "good stick"
In the era of camera in every mobile phone, there is no privacy except within own 4 walls... but seems everybody was having too good time to care :P
"I've got this feeling, somebody's watching me..."
And before anyone starts about "O tempore, o mores..." tirade, I assure you the games of youths of opposite sexes have not changed since before writing.
What's Tailhook? ;)
Thank GOD Cubi/Subic closed before Cell Phones came out....
Get caught? I am not certain there is anything wrong. He's dancing at a party. It's just the bump and grind. I am not a fan of the academy, but I don't care if the students go out and party some. Lord knows I did and I don't drink. I just hope she's not a fellow mid. I'd rather the stay away from each other.
LTB said:
I just hope she's not a fellow mid. I'd rather the stay away from each other.
Sure, we've all been stupid when enrolled at the "College of Knowing Everything Before Actually Learning Much"...
But, as Professor Fleming states, the taxpayer supported USNA purports to hold itself to a higher standard.
Why should I be paying them salaires to go to just another party school?
And if she was a mid...If I saw that pic of some newly minted ring knocker Ensign walking aboard destined to become my DivO in year 3.5 of my 5/2 sea shore rotation, I'd have to work hard at taking her seriously...
Seems that there are enough hurdles to traverse as it is.
Why make it worse for yourself.
Anyway, there can be a real downside to being pegged as a <span>"good stick"</span>
Forgot to link in the "downside"...
<span>Get caught? I am not certain there is anything wrong. He's dancing at a party. It's just the bump and grind.</span>
<span>While we Sex Drugs and Rock-n-Roll Boomers get dinged for our excesses right often...Perhaps its time to impart some hard learned wisdom to the GGW Generation who now thinks it have it all figured out.</span>
<span>While those girls may have the feeling that the freak somehow empowers them, in the end the reality will eventually come up "short" of their desires.</span>
<span>There is alot to be said for the lasting benefits of the concept of demureness...</span>
<span>But I will defer to the fairer members of the porch to discuss in any more depth...</span>
Oh...and as I am a well travelled history buff...
I've been to the place where freak dancing got its inspiration.
Years back...when the GGW's were toddlin' in diapers...I spent a number of months in Trinidad and Tobago...
I was so "native" I was sporting dreads -and had even picked up a little of the lilting accent- when I came through customs...Which vexed the customs guy when I told him, that yes, I really had been born in Cincinnati.
Anyway...while attending Sunday School in Bucocco on a regular basis, I discovered the finer points of "wining" (pronounced "whining")...
This is what it looks like.
And, like Mr T says...glad there were no camera phones around then.
So a picture from a couple of years back of a midshipman not in uniform at a club. How is this newsworthy? Unless you have an axe to grind against minorities who play sports at USNA it really isnt. Oh wait. I forget whose blog this is.
It makes me sad to look at that. Where is her dignity? When women behave like idiots, men are sure to follow.
What a trollish comment.
1. Lighten up Francis.
2. Who but you even thought about his DNA?
Typical-I see a guy having a good time and you see race. Pathetic.
DB, young girls are brought up to be women, not ladies. It's a huge difference and as this picture shows, very obvious.
I really don't see anything wrong with the pic. Yes, he's dancing and she's got her ass "backed up". So what? I know that at least for myself and prob for most overall, there are a number of instances in the past, especially around the college age where we would be embarrassed by our behaviour and are thanking all the Gods from Jehova to Ganesh that cell phone cameras were not available.
If she's an admiral aides or officer now, good for her. Hope she does her job well.
Claudio...what if that were a picture of <span>your </span>daughter...?
problem is, Sid, the silly girls don't see how horrible that looks... yet. I think in about 5 years you're going to have a LOT of stories of people trying to find ways to rid the internet of the cache files of their really really bad photos. When it dawns on them that what seemed like a good idea at the time really wasn't. But you can't tell them a bloody thing at this age. The concept of shame is nonexistent in many places. It's raising kids in a sewer. And spare me Madonna's outrage. She had a lot to do with starting this downward slide years ago where girls and dress were concerned. How's that knife feel in YOUR side, ma?? It's a losing battle. And sadly, I say that as a mother. Maybe somewhere the kids out there will remember it in a little-used part of their brain that will activate in a while. But the digital damage is done. The "I told you so's" will be sweet.
Would that be considered a Form 1 in ATP I?
Yep...Art 32 to follow regarding the "collision" by not maintaining signalled separtation.
Lotsa irony in the Madonna story....
Reap what you sow sweetie, is what I would say to her.
<span>So a picture from a couple of years back of a midshipman not in uniform at a club.</span>
Wait a minute MrSwo...
Sure looks like the gent was an active member of the USNA football team at the time of the pic.
Which means he was an active duty mid, wearing an official -taxpayer supported- USNA uniform....
Used to be that the folks fledging along the Severn were acutely aware that their careers would thrust them into a role of acting as America's Ambassadors...
But I guess its no longer necessary for Naval Officers to act -at least outwardly- with dignity anymore MrSwo?
Meant to add this from the link above...
<span>Recently, through the tact of one of the commanders of a United States Navy gunboat on the Yangtse River, representatives of the generals of two opposing armies were brought together in a truce, which prevented the bombardment of a large and populous Chinese city. The forces of the general surrounding the city held such strategic points that the bombardment of the city to dislodge the opposing troops would have cost great loss of life. The naval commander received the warm thanks of the city officials for arranging this truce and effecting the withdrawal of troops from the city without a bombardment.</span>
What T said. Yes, indeed.
Not seeing the big deal.
So, we are all perfect little angels? I seem to remember sanctioned "dancers" at Oceana, Miramar, North Island, and probably more than I don't know about. I remember a few people complained but most did not. Base COs looked for ways to fill the clubs. I seem to remember, I had fun during those times. Now, not so much.
Wasn't there some big event at Vegas a few years ago that caused some problems. No, not Tailhook '91, the Tailhook which got the association kicked out of the Sands. Oh, but that was different.
We are sounding like frumby old men and women complaining about the younger generation.
Didn't this site complain about morale and cheerleaders?
I was a perfect little angel, yes. From what I can remember. When not in a beer-induced haze.
I could live without the NAVY football jersey, especially if he is a team member.
Would also wonder how the results of a whiz quiz would look after the weekend. And which lame-ass excuse Fowler would "buy" to keep a tailback in cleats.....
Men often take the lead in the stupidity Olympics, my dear....
Appearances <span>DO</span> matter Redeye...
Now I see why we suck so bad at IW against 13th cntury retreads.
"Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst,
An' there ain't no Ten Commandments, an' a man can raise a thirst..."
Precisely the stanza that made me have to go to WESTPAC.
Never been sorry a second.
You miss the part where, if it is the guy they think, he's a USAF officer now getting his PhD at UCLA?
See? This kind of behavior is indicative of the judgment that would cause him to choose a service with goofy-looking uniforms! >:o
Going to like this one twice. This is powerful stuff that they use to show what we'll do to their women. (When the Caliphanatics aren't looking at porn themselves, which is a whole 'nuther thing.)
Thats why women are so adept at leading us around by our [Primary Brains]...
As graphically evidenced by the pic above.
But...he was comissioned in the USN first.
Or did you pass by that?
I was kidding, except for the goofy uniforms part.
BEADWINDOW, jerky. Keep your tactical in CIC, knucklehead.
May help the decrepit look of the navy's incredibly shrinking fleet as well...
Nobody is giving a crap about how they look these days it seems.
<span> "axe to grind against minorities who play sports at USNA"</span> is incredibly overly restrictive. I'm so glad that ROTC students don't drink, dance or have sex on the days they wear a uniform. LOL.
I agree appearances do matter. The problem is we (the collective) have not always provided the best example. For every problem we talk about today, we can find a similar transgression in the recent past.
IMHO, we have slowly eroded the moral fabric of our country. What is commonplace today might have been an outrage in the past. There are goods and others on the changes that have occurred. Today's younger generation are more tolerant of those things that many of my generation cannot get over. But tolerance comes with baggage.
Like the commercial, this is not your daddy's Navy.
Hey, the dancing fool in the pic is not the same person who "officially" wears #5 on the Team.. ;)
Read the lnk.
Point is, the pic epitomizes the excesses swirling about "Saturday Night Ligts on the Severn"...
And its a cautionary tale of how to act in the camera phone age.
It's brazen behavior. I'm OK with that. As I watch the lot try to extend brazen to "bad" behavior I get caught in the trap. Female, midshipman Battalion treasurer accused and found guilty of stealing umpteen thousand $, after her commissioning and assignment as PAO at C2F was called home to face charges and tagged and released. Zero damage.
Guys really like girls and it turns out that girls really like guys. All of them like sex. Shock!!!!!!
I think it might be passed time to put sex behind us. (don't go there)
You want to screw, be a bunk monkey, sell it, whatever. As a naval academy sailing coach used to say, your position has been established. Tell you what guys and girls, you screw your troops and you made your position all by yourself.
<span>Like the commercial, this is not your daddy's Navy.</span>
Speaking of which...Here is a glimpse.
That guy was a neighbor.
They were no saints.
Indeed, some of what they did would have had them unceremoniously fired today.
However, they also understood that to be leaders, they could never be seen in the kinds of compromising postions exhibited in the photo above.
If you are aspiring to lead people into combat -and the USN "has lost the ball" on that fundamental "core competency"- you can't be seen bent over in a willingly submissive pose, nor can you be seen being lead around mindlessly by your... you know.
Which brings up the point that DB touches on.
In a war where the perception of morality is being used operationally, projecting the USNA as just another party school isn't so smart.
And it won't play well at home either when the tax hammer falls...
<span>May help explain the decrepit look of the navy's incredibly shrinking fleet as well...</span>
You're crazy right? Just what apect of modern trendy apparel for girls made you think that demuir hadn't expired around 1944? It's over man. The girls that have the tan, legs, boobs have a burning desire to show them off. Kind of the same thing for guys minus the boobs. Guys getting waxed now...gack.
<span>I think it might be passed time to put sex behind us. (don't go there)</span>
I know that I would have second thoughts following someone into combat who appears right willing to bend over and take it...you know.
As I said earlier. There are enough hurdles ...especially for women...as it is.
Why make it even harder on yourself by posing for posterity?
That Madonna story shows the cycle may be turning Curtis.
The GGWs will learn that empowerment by sex is what's pretty much over by their 30's....
But the ribald pics will keep on biting them in the ass.
I knew Pirate from P-cola. Great American. It goes directly to the point, he lived hard both on and off duty. A great leader but would probably be in jail by today's Navy's standards.
I think the comprise from that generation of leaders is they knew when to act like officers and gentlemen. They also laid down the law about liberty. I seem to recall my CO's stating no cameras out in town in the PI. The old saying of what happens on crusie stays on cruise was held true. The fastest way out of PI was to violate one of the official unofficial rules.
Don't get me starting on the monetary value of the USNA.
<span>I think the comprise from that generation of leaders is they knew when to act like officers and gentlemen.</span>
So happens I was looking thru these for an article with a pic of Pirate all dressed up at the Paris Air Show to make just that point...It was in '67 or '66 as I remember, but time presses.
Nobody is expecting young folks to be celibate monks. And the mixing of genders in the military since 1975 has been problematic ...And will continue to be so, no matter the knee jerk reactions that may occur.
But thats not the point here. While this may be a "new age", it still requires a standard of personal and professional behavior not all that much different from the past.
And its complicated by the advent of enduring images like the one above.
If you want to be taken seriously, don't get caught like that.
Bottom Line.
Okay, Curtis, I'll play. We all know where babies come from. But adults with any sense of decorum, self respect and self control don't make one on their front lawn in front of the neighbors. There's dancing, and then there is simulated public copulation. Reproduction, like some other bodily functions, is best not done in the public square. Only animals perform said functions brazenly in full view of spectators without shame or regard to the sensibilities of the spectators. This is "Fall of Rome" behavior that goes far beyond whether copulation is something the girls and boys like. Whatever happened to "An officer and gentleman by decree of Congress?"
I only glad my playing/college days--hell, my entire Air Force career--was spent prior to the camera-phone & the internet. Otherwise I would STILL have a Kansas Zip Code.
As raunchy as the photo is what really disturbs me is that he only served 2 years and 7 months on active duty. Here's a Naval Academy grad who's smart enough to get accepted to a technical PhD program at UCLA who served the equivalent of an OCS grad for whom the Navy paid $0 for his education.
Yeah, I know the Navy was releasing folks from active duty early when he left but you'd think that someone in authority would have ensured that the taxpayers got a bit more for their investment in Mr. Cole's education.
Serious thread-jack:
Our friend Lex of Neptunus Lex is having some serious problems. Prayers and kind thoughts are asked for him and his. Head over to his place and offer up some kind thoughts. I know we can't help him, but I'm a firm believer in the more people this man knows that are saying prayers for him, the more the heavy load upon his shoulders can be eased.
thought about that with a little girl of my own. Wouldn't be too happy about it, but, but. I've been there done that. There are worse things in life to worry about than some dirty dancing.
DB, Someone needs to get out more, and it obviously isn't that guy with the Navy Jersey on. That girl's lovin' it. Look at her face.
Which -now that its immortalized- should vex her greatly
<span>There are worse things in life to worry about than some dirty dancing. </span>
Unless that happens to be your face in the pic....
I agree with the posters who note it was a good thing there weren't cell phone cameras when we were Mids/JOs at Oceana/at 'Hook. The only point of bad headwork I see in this picture is being so easily identifiable as a Navy football player; the guy's not doing anything egregious here, and definitely not anything beyond what I watched Friday after Friday at Oceana before the Thought Police took over. While I get on people even now that I'm a civilian about indiscriminately taking pictures on TDY, etc., one thing good about having all these cameras around is they (should, at least) force people to stop and think about how what they are doing is going to look tomorrow, next week, and in five years.
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