The Washington Times has picked up our Diversity Accountability story in an editorial; High seas segregation:The Navy is listing dangerously in politically correct water. They nail it.
In practice, the Navy will be creating a list of privileged "diverse" officers who will enjoy special benefits and career mentoring not available to people of the wrong race, as well as a virtual guarantee of fast-track access to the highest reaches of command. Fifty-six years after the Supreme Court struck down the concept of "separate but equal" treatment of races, the U.S. Navy is erecting a wall of segregation between what will amount to two parallel promotion systems: one for the "diverse" and another for the monotone. If this isn't illegal, it should be.Outstanding. More fresh air and light.
This type of backward, 20th-century, overtly racial thinking has no place in 21st-century post-racial America. The Navy leadership apparently believes the way to promote racial harmony is by engaging in blatant, invidious discrimination. In practice, however, this system will, in fact, relegate "diverse" sailors to a form of second-class status. Any nonwhite male sailor who - through intelligence, initiative and drive - builds a stellar career will simply be seen as just another special case, just one of "the Listers." Those sailors may achieve rank, but they will have to work twice as hard to command respect.
The suggested list of privileged officers is due Monday. The message states that the reporting requirement will not be put into the secretary of the Navy's TV4 Taskers tracking system "due to the sensitive nature of the by name list." No doubt, once the secret list leaks, as it surely will, there will be as much discomfort for the people on the list as for those not on it, especially those unfortunates who met the diversity requirement but for some reason did not make the cut. Maybe they can sue, charging discrimination. Either way, the Navy Department has run aground.
"<span>The Navy leadership apparently believes the way to promote racial harmony is by engaging in blatant, invidious discrimination. In practice, however, this system will, in fact, relegate "diverse" sailors to a form of second-class status."</span>
AM! and BZ!
Let's see if any other "news" organization piles on. I am betting they won't.
I am writing my Senator right now.
CNO should resign now while the gettin' is good. His "team" should be crafting thier resignation letters now.
Out****ingstanding! Too bad this and the Webb editorial were not in the leftwing propoganda sheets NYT and WP. I will forward to Cantwell & Murray; you know, the two dim bulbs from WA.
It will be interesting to see if this story has legs. Will Navy Times pick it up? What will the reaction be w/in the Navy? Will this make it to FOX News (MSNBC would be a silly thought)? I'd love to see this debated and defended on O'Reilly or Megyn Kelly's show. :) I will be writing my Congress critters as well. These admirals with white guilt crack me up. I guess they feel they did not earn their stars on their own merit, but rather by the color of their skin. Feel free to turn you collar devices in you White Devils. *sound of crickets chirping* I thought not.
I just finished sending e-mails to Murray and Cantwell. I also called on Senator Webb to stand behind his recent editorial and tell his fellow Senators to find the courage that he had and stop this wrong headed policy. We all bleed the same.
Well then -- if you're tired of this kind of bull$h!+, then the chance to demand TRUE accountability has just arrived. The good CDR shot this one out of blogosphere orbit, now its on the rest of us to make sure it stays up. Elected reps and other media outlets are a good start -- but also, make also to fwd the story to friends and former shipmates for their SA as well.
Strategically, IMHO, calling for resignations at this point is a bit over-the-top; personally I'd much rather see a press conference with an attempt to "explain" this policy. Not that I think we don't understand it already, but instead I think that all the diversity bully buzzwords form a potential minefield when trying to justify this travesty. That, I think, would be almost fun to watch.
Most importantly, don't let this fall down the Memory Hole. It's Friday, so if you're upset now, make sure that anger and disappointment gets re-stoked on Monday. It's one thing to play "Ain't it Awful" in blog forums, but when something this big and this dirty comes around, it needs to get pushed up a peg or two.
Webb's probably your best bet. Murray maybe since she's running in November. Good luck getting any meaningful response from Cantwell.
My Belief in the Media to do the right thing left with the cows... all I see is an open barn door...
If WaPo is sounding alarm against diversity bullies, it means change from "Warning! proximity alert" to "PULL UP! PULL UP!". Things are getting serious.
A Navy run aground is right. Last time I checked, those hazarding should see careers end. Systems analysis wise, given the stated mission of the Navy, things like shores and projecting power , how did the Navy get here, and what is the future? Good, sound job Phib, let's pray for full media light on this.
I'll bet that the CNO's briefing is going to be right interesting on Monday Morning. Probably have a bunch of phone lines being burned up between DC and Millington, too. :)
Not the WaPo - the WaTi (Washington Times).
I want CNO to explain then resign.
If he had a shred of honor, he'd commit seppuku in the parking lot. Then again, if was honorable, we wouldn't be in this situation.
WaPo is very liberal, WaTi is conservative.
Bet the messdecks; oops enlisted dining facilities are cracking up.
ADM Boorda was an honorable man whom I greatly admired.
He would never have allowed cr@p like this to take place.
Will the current CNO at least show the courage to put an end to a bad, immoral and likely illegal and unconstitutional program? And then resign, after firing everyone connected with this diversity BS?
That is some "off the top rope" reporting. It is a shame to hear this as it may force some of the "wrong hue" to choose other services rather than the USN. Who knows, it may be a bit of a coup for the other services.
Put an END to it? WHo do you think is pushing this crap the hardest? Roughead will never resign over this. He has the backing of political leadership, in spades.
Scary part is, once the Diversity Bullies get done having thier way with the Navy, they'll see the shift and decide, as a result, they have to "correct" tht thinking of the other services, too. Worst case scanrio, if this bad idea suceeds in the Navy, then it shall become "The Model Program" for others to follow. Because, you know, those European background white dudes never had an idea that "All men are created equal" would be come just one more thing they screwed the world with, huh?
Unfortunately, the most likely result of this editorial will be the Navy leadership coming down on the Flag Officer who put this policy in writing.
Send it to Norm Dicks...likely to get a better response/action than from the other two pinheads.
Firing everyone connected...? THEY are just following HIS direction! I just love how he gives himself plausible deniability, though!
QMC, From personal experience with Norm I'd say that, unless you're a senior Boeing executive, the best you can hope for on a subject like this is a meaningless e-mail generated by a self-important 20-something staffer.
I'd go with Murray since she's in a tight re-election fight and is actively courting the veteran vote.
But the real witch hunt will be for those who leaked the e-mail! Stand by for heavy rolls!
I don't think they want to go there. If they want this to go even more "interesting" then sure, they can try to do that. Methinks they would regret it. This is 2010.
Sorry John, but this is being driven by Roughead himself. He's ashamed that his generation of officers (remember, he was commissioned in 1973!! 37 years ago!!) is so white. Never mind that that the Navy has never been more diverse, and that there is plenty of diversity among both the officer and enlisted ranks. He will do anything to be remembered as the Diversity CNO. It's his legacy...
Guess I was wrong.
Whoever leaked it might be forced to resign...but in doing so would bring down the whole house of cards. Damned if Roughead does, damned if he doesn't.
Unfortunately, if the leadership wasn't bad enough to do this, it wouldn't be the leadership. Honor, courage, and committment is for posters. Treachery, deceit, and lies are for the real Navy.
Now how the heck does my alter ego show up when I retweet something, but not when I'm actively commenting?
Geez, you'd think a comm puke would understand this newfangled social media/Web 2.0/whatever the hell the pundits call it today stuff...
still this is as mainstream as it can get these days...
GIMP, don't surrender our values. These are OURS, yours and mine and every other Sailor and Former Sailor. this treachery is of the leadership, fine, whatever. They can't take away our honor. We can only surrender it.
Hey Sal, would have been cool if you could have gotten a byline or at least a head nod for this.
And maybe some credit to Grandpa Bluewater, C-Dore 14, URR and others for the lifts from the comments section!
That being said, still a great win that this is now in the open. Congrats! Now let's keep pressing!
Not me, Salty. I'm just sitting back in the cheap seats throwing popcorn up front. Phib is doing all the heavy lifting. I do wish that some reported would ask Grandap what he thinks of this crap. Bet 90% of what he said wouldn't get printed...
<span>Speaking of not getting printed, wrote a piece for USNI that was highly critical of CNO, demanding his relief/resignation over the matter.
Content was something that USNI chose not to post, and I didn't go for the kinder. gentler version they offered in return. Stand by in case we can find some middle ground..</span>
I canonly imagine. URR, do you think that the USNI believes they can only stray so far away from the line before they get "shut out" of the official conversation? Even though the admiralty is a disaster, USNI will never come out and say that.
Sorry, that was from me *Guest*
Interesting point. As much as the USN likes the private business model, that would prove that the USN is truly a government organization. Only government F's up in that manner.
Probably so. My language was a little strong, probably. I have sent the kindest, gentlest revisions I am capable of in this matter. We shall see what they think.
Reverse the colors and ethnicity and effects of what Roughead is doing, and see how far the doorknob goes up his a** on the way out.....
"<span>Only government F's up in that manner."</span>
Yep! And now they will be handling your health care....
What really amazes me in all this is that whoever wrote the original e-mail didn't consider the possibility that one of the flags on the distro (or some member of their personal staff) would disagree with the policy and leak the e-mail.
I took the liberty of posting that article to my Facebook page. On moday, I'll be forwarding a copy of it to both Snowe and Collins, and my worthless representatives.
Me thinks the originator thought the e-mail was going to Kool Aid drinking compadres.
I guess the Kool Aid is a little bitter this year.
Well done, sir
You can buy a Marine books and send him to school...
It's on mine and several others as well.
...and yet, he STILL says what he means! >:o
Post it here, you may get wider readership !!
That would be entirely up to the Great Sahib who runs this venerable porch....
And he will STILL continue to color in them! ;)
Oh, it'll go to all thre of 'em on Monday. This is like shooting fish in a barrel.
sorry haters, getting this story in washington times is no honor. wash times is an extremist paper owned by rev moon. it is not the wall street journal by any means. this newspaper is owned by, written by, and read by kooks.
Funny stuff! Go troll somewhere else.
May be owned by kooks, but it's not biought and paid for by the leftists and Obama enablers like the Post, NYT, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc. The Washington Times at least prints the truth and lets folks make up their own minds. Something that, judging from your comments, isn't what you think should be allowed.
Redeye80 is correct. You should go troll somewhere else. We have enough low-quality trolls infecting this place already.
EVERYbody's a comedian.....
No, no. Guest is absolutely correct.
The Washington Times is not the MSM. It lacks the factual certitude of Dan Rather, the unvarnished and objective analysis of Keith Olbermann, the respectful and apolitical even-handedness of David Gregory, the dignified inclusiveness of Helen Thomas....
AW1, we may have some trolls, but as Sal pointed out earlier, we are well on our way to reaching consensus on a broader range of issues! Hey, we might eventually be able to convert this d-bag to "born again hard" status!
What say you, Sal???
Would that be me?
<span>If URR needs a pressure relief valve .... he has it. Friends get more leeway. </span>
so if someone disagrees with the widely held viewpoint, they're a troll? my apologies, thought this was a freewheeling blog full of many "diverse" views, not party headquarters
would a troll give props to the wall street journal? wsj is a heckuva newspaper that can be used to inform strong viewpoints. the washington times can be used to line birdcages.
when y'all stick to maritime stuff and national security, this blog is quite enjoyable and high quality. when y'all talk domestic policy, the figure of merit drops rapidly. too much resentment and ugliness.
-uncle ruckus-
<span>No, buddy. But when the second word of your comment is "haters", that's a pretty good indicator. The WaTimes is not the WSJ, however, it isn't MSNBC, either. I can't recall the last time Wasahington Times was accused rightly of being factually incorrect.
And it's a start. It is legit enough that other papers know what is in WT, and they will look to pick up such a story from there.
If you don't think the CNO promoting open racism as a means of selection for promotion or advancement in the United States Navy belongs in the "maritime stuff and national security" bucket, you ain't seen the football since halftime.</span>
we all man up and defend ourselves and our own opinions. God knows I've had to, so has everyone else including Sal. So stop crying that you got called to the green table. Stick up for yourself and your viewpoint if you disagree with a post. But when you launch an obviously personal attack, folks will fire back. This isn't like NATO rules for "counter piracy." More like Russian Rules: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTrkcQJ9i2I
I thought the name of the game in the video is "Count the Pakistanis on a supposed Somali fishing boat". Unrelated to funding Islamic Terrorism, of course.....
THis diversity stuff is nothing new. Promotion boards have been told to redo their proceedings for decades now if the right "diversity" percentages were not promoted. How many qualified people have had their careers ruined as they were passed over because of this?
by haters, i meant full of resentment but you're correct, i shouldn't have said tha. my bad.
the cno advocating racism? that's sort of silly. if you think he's wrong by advocating diversity in the officer corps, then oppose the policy on solid grounds. do you really think gary roughead advocates racism?
anyone who says a navy promotion slate got thrown back because diversity numbers weren't reached has obviously never been on an officer promotion board. first, it's illegal to even broach any kind of racial quotas. second, there are way too many checks and balances. just impossible.
the problem is the framing. diversity is a manpower/human capital issue, not an anti-white guy issue. in world war ii, the war could not have been won without women and african americans in factory and support roles. that's human capital at work.
now we need the best, most able men and women to lead and fight but for some strange reason, most posters here see meritocracy as a reverse racism.
but i do see the navy targeting this blog's demographic by advertising at skateboard and bmx events. good luck with that!
-uncle ruckus
Uncle ruckus,
A two track promotion system and providing special attention by race is, well, racism. No quotas? Hmmm, what is it when a 4 star says he has a goal of let's say, 16% Hispanic and that he will hold his officers accountable? While in the strict sense it is not a "quota," I CAN tell you I showed that same percentage to a judge and he said, "that is pretty gray." A straight meritocracy w/ no pictures in the officer records or mention of race sure would be ideal. The younger generation could give a $h!t for the most part. White guilt pure and simple. Oh yeah, and careerism and an attempt to keep oneself viable by the diversity schmucks. If we irradicated sexism/racism, they would still scream about SOMETHING. Hell, the feminists said the reduction in complaints of sexual harassment at the academy was, wait for it.... a bad thing because CLEARLY the girls were afraid to mention the mistreatment by those bad boys full of snails and puppy dog tails. NOT that the training had worked or that even it was passe to claim false harassment.
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