Yes, as the Navy that has eight approved camo uniforms (BDU, DCU, NWU I, II & III, MARPAT Tan & Green, ACU) for its Sailors - I track this stuff - because all eight could and should be replaced by one.
Once again, Multi-Cam shows up where it excels - on the front - as approved by serious minded people.
Oh, and no Maggie - I don't know his phone number.
He LOOKS dangerous. 8-)
Hahaha - you have no idea at the furor that the publication of this photo has caused in NZ. Normally NZ Govt so tight lipped about NZ SAS, but this time, thanks to NY Times, we (as in public of NZ) now know that the SAS were the only "western" troops present in the attacks in Kabul on Monday, andmaybe even took part. (Though Govt / MoD denying that.
Gentleman in question .. is a NZ Victoria Cross holder -- awarded in 2007 for actions in 2004. NZ SAS now on their 4th deployment to 'Ghan, scheduled to be there for 18 months this tie around.
Isn't that the McManus dude with a fake beard?
(sid quickly scurries to a hole in an undisclosed location)
Easy Girls!!!! .... Jack Bauer will kill him in 5 episodes....
someone you'd want on your side.
My favorite quote from the piece was, "When you're on patrol in Kabul we don't think he's preserved from being photographed."
The response is; When you are taking photos in the middle of Kabul, the SAS don't think you are preserved from being shot. A$$hat!!
To underscore one of your favorite subjects - politically driven lack of (living) MOH recipients - (Meaning no disrespect to Cpl Apiata or NZSAS), have any US soldiers done this much?
"In total disregard of his own safety, Lance Corporal Apiata stood up and lifted his comrade bodily. He then carried him across the seventy metres of broken, rocky and fire swept ground, fully exposed in the glare of battle to heavy enemy fire and into the face of returning fire from the main Troop position."
oh, and i'd like to see a cage match between Willy's beard and Mr. T's haircut...
Yeah, but from the article I understand Apiata is the guy to the LEFT, no?
Why would they blur the face of an anonymous guy?
No. Apiata is the one on the right. They blur the face of the anonymous guy for the same reason some of our operators' faces are blurred or obscured in photographs... so he remains anonymous and cannot be easily recognized by the enemy in future operations. Also, it prevents the enemy from identifying TTPs WRT friendly movement of special forces (though in this case the NZ SAS are going to stand out... or not given the CDR's post of a few weeks ago regarding US SOF in Af-Pak). This guy does look like a BAMF though... don't know if I would mess with him.
@x-Flt LT - I definitely agree with you regarding the lack of current living MoH recipients... how about HM2 Marcus Luttrell, the only survivor from LT Mike Murphy's ill-fated patrol? Or even Capt Brian Chontosh for his James Bond/Goldeneye, decimating counter-ambush during the initial push into Baghdad?
Listen to Willie tell jokes? Sure.
Buy Willie all the beer he could drink (or I could afford)? You bet.
Have him get really pissed at me? OH HELL NO!
If you ever wanted to have a picture of an archetypical Warrior, this is it. He just looks like he's waiting for the next fool to blow away.
Heh,,, It's what the NYT has been doing to the United States for well over a hundred years.
Welcome to the club, mate.. :)
But, DB.....doesn't he look FUN!!!
Not to worry Phib....he already has my number. ;)
Mmmm-hhmmmm! But in that way that our Moms warned us about! ;)
serious looking guy - I dont want to be on the opposite side of his weapon, or even bare fist
Kiwi's certainly have not much in the term of military numbers, but quality of their SAS is top-notch
Not to mention, he's Maori...
hmmm, real life Django Fett? can anybody get me those cloning cylinders? I have an idea for badass army....
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