Oh, and if someone can see your screen - NSFW. This isn't pr0n - it is cheeky.
I also find it funny how some will get all up in arms about this stuff. This comes from Denmark BTW, one of the most pro-woman nations in the world; so this isn't misogyny ... though it is Skippy approved, I am sure.
Hat tip ThreeDonia.
Hat tip ThreeDonia.
A) Pilot looks like YOU? (snicker) About as much as he looks like me ;)
B) You're gonna give me and Kristen heart attacks (for different reasons!)
Actually, the pilot looks like General Jack O'Neill.
I saw this the other day and thought about forwarding it to you.
I like this add very much. For many reasons. :)
Oh its Skippy apporved all right-I posted this about a year ago.
Me likey.
Good day, sun shines!
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Is this a blonde joke or something? ;)
Finally, an infidel answer to Islamist paradise.
I'm surprised it is since the chicks aren't Asian.
What are they selling, so I can buy some?
I've never wanted a washing machine so much in my life!
Seems a rather expensive way to adverise for a Siemans washing machine. I should think C141s are rather happy to guzzle kerosene in vast amounts. I know the plane is CGI, but I am not 100% sure whether ita a C-141, or an IL-76. At the start, when they are getting on board, it looks like it tapers rather fast for a 141. I wonder where they got that many nude models with experience at formatian sky diving?
I feel sorry for that poor blonde. Given the height from which she jumped, and a 32fps/ps accelleration, that must have stung when she hit the pool. Still, BRAVO ZULU blonde woman, for just shaking it off like that. And another BZ for actually being able to keep your shoes on during all that.
Or Karl Lagerfeld
Yeah, but Scott, you gotta SPEND money to MAKE money. And even if Siemens doesn't make a single sale off this commercial, at least it isn't money wasted.
I totally to not "get" that commercial, but whatever...
Actually, I think the pilot looks like a cross between you and Instapinch!
There is a pretty hot chinese looking girl to the right. Besides-this video supports diversity.
They made an ad for the ladies, too: http://adsoftheworld.com/media/tv/fleggaard_what_women_really_want
or, more precisely, what men think women want. Okay, maybe we do, a little.
Geez, Byron, I'm not clicking on that. The CDR and I have different ideas about what pro-woman means. :)
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