Friday, January 08, 2010

....and we aren't now?

Via Jake Tapper, the Director of National Intelligence - former Admiral Dennis Blair said,
... he's been "tasked to oversee and manage work in four areas:
• "Assigning clear lines of responsibility for investigating all leads on high-priority threats, so they are pursued more aggressively;

• "Distributing intelligence reports more quickly and widely, especially those suggesting specific threats against the U.S.;

• "Applying more rigorous standards to analytical tradecraft to improve intelligence integration and action; and

• "Enhancing the criteria for adding individuals to the terrorist watchlist and “no fly” watchlist."
If you are interested in Blair's typos (which BTW he would in no way tolerate in his subordinates in such a high profile case), read all of Tapper's bit.

As for me - let's review a few things.
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), is the United States government official subject to the authority, direction and control of the President who is responsible under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 for:

Serving as the principal adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security; Serving as the head of the sixteen-member Intelligence Community; and Overseeing and directing the National Intelligence Program.

Of course, I know the CIA is distracted by more important things - but did you just put yourself on report?
The president indicated that no one will be fired over the failings. He said the fact that the plot to down the Northwest flight proceeded “was not the fault of a single individual or organization, but rather a systemic failure across organizations and agencies.”
The report says a combination of human errors and lack of a system to track leads contributed to the U.S. failure to block the Christmas Day plot.

“There was not a comprehensive or functioning process for tracking terrorist threat reporting and actions taken” that would hold agencies “accountable for running down all leads associated with high-visibility and high-priority plotting efforts,” the report says.

In a briefing after Obama spoke, John Brennan, the president’s counterterrorism adviser, said intelligence about Abdulmutallab “fell through the cracks” even though the U.S. knew he had “radical tendencies.”
I don't know about you, but that reads like the boss just left the room and left a gun sitting on the table with one bullet next to it.

OK, over to you.