All we need it a name.

If that guy is a General Officer, then I just relieved Admiral Harvey as Commander Fleet Forces Command .... and Skippy-san is my Chief of Staff, MTH my Aide, Maggie my Flag Sec, AW1 my Flag Writer, LBG the Staff JAG, E40 my J2, Sid my J3, Byron my J4, Lee my J5, and I don't know who my J6 is because I just fired all the contractors and geeks make me twitchy.
Here is the background on this dude; was spotted at George R. Brown Convention Center at the Annise Parker for Houston Mayor Victory Party.
Even for a Navy guy, the violations of uniform regs are legion - to start with he is way too young and ghey - but to the non-military, Brigadier General McSoulpatchy seems OK. I don't want to waste time quoting all the violations, but let me help you out in the review of the theater of the absurd.
Well, lets review the "awards" at least. You can see a high-res here and a full-frontal here.
His decorations include;
Round Patch, right side says "Central Intelligence Agency." Ummm yea. Great start.
Around the neck is the British Commander of the British Empire (CBE).
2 Distinguished Service Cross
Air Medal
Flying Cross
2 Silver Star
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
National Defense (too bad he didn't make it easy on us and forget this one)
SAS crest
CIB w/ 2 stars
Master jump wings
Helo pilot badge
Air assault wings
.... and so on. How did he ever have the time to complete JPME 1 & II?
To the point Texas readers;
WE NEED A NAME. If you know, email-twitter-facebook me at the POC above. This is illegal as per The Stolen Valor act and this guy needs to go to jail. This has been a cancer for a long time, but with the internet we can do what other generations could not. As I always mention at times like this, if you have not read B. G. Burkett & Glenna Whitley's book Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History
UPDATE: Here's the pig pile so far.
Boston Maggie
Bring the Heat, Bring the Stupid
From My Position
Hooah Wife
Kiss My Gumbo
Little Drops
A Soldier's Perspective
This Ain't Hell
Update II - Electric Boogaloo: We have a CERTSCUM. Bouhammer has the details. He won't do well in prison.
Where'd y'all find me picture!?!?!
On a more serious note, we have a guy in the shop that likes to wear a flight jacket festooned with squadron patches...But never darkened the door of a boot camp, much less served.
Mighty gauche in my view.
I'll bet we could find somo Texas NG/ANG guys to take care of business with this assclown.
OBTW, I'll volunteer to be your J6...even though I've gone to the dark side, I still have the AD's disdain for stupid IT tricks...
The larger population of Houston has almost no direct awareness of the military at all, so this shouldn't come as much of a shock.
And considering that this idiot was at the new mayor's party...maybe that has some bearing on the attire as well.
Just sayin' the guy may be innocently emulating one of his heroes .
lol, reminds me of late Brezhnev....
I have to know, was anyone else there dressed as a Policeman, and Indian or a constuction worker? I mean this little shits goatee detracts from his fruit salad.. or maybe he wants a tossed salad...
anyway this shit has to stop!!! Lets find this puke and get him in front of a fed DA for impersonating a combat veteran with a purple heart. that is enough to get the charges.
I am forwarding it around.
My guess, turd burglar is a local chapter mentor for the Gheys....
and one more thing.. the only thing this asshat ever jumped into... was a dude name Chad's bed. F(@(@ losers...
Look at that f'in hipster.
Sad thing is...There are folks in the current Mr. O. administration that very obviously looks at the military in the same light.
Just a bunch of toy soldiers....
Why yes! They were also there. And they kept talking about this "YMCA" place....
I read it in the Popular Mechanics yesterday, but it has an article about how to survive if you end up in freefall, in your seat, when your airliner disintegrates...
I say we get us that dude, provide him a copy of the article, and let some ANG crew needing monthly flight hours in thier C-130, "escort" us and him to say...25KFT, and he can be the one to test the magizine know...he is jump qualifed and all...chip in for "experimental" duty pay, I'm good with that.
Crap....and not to get a CDR S staff job for me...bummer.
Yep such attire appears to be in vogue...
I'm shocked this event was a Texas political victory party. I was hoping it was a left over pic from last year's innauguration in S.C.
This guy may be the next Chief of Staff of the Army. And he will push for a new policy.
"You won't have to ask, but you darn sure need to tell, honey!"
And don't fret, Army dudes. The guy on the far right will be the next CNO.
and you fail to note the Thai Parachute wings on lower right tummy, along with the.. yes, the CIA seal patch. BTW, the SAS symbol is their beret badge.
Kind of makes one wonder why some veteran at the function did not challenge him and have him arrested right there, several violations of federal law.
Mebbe the guy is a Katrina transplant refugee from New Orleans and he just considers the victory "party" another "Costuming" event like Mardis Gras...
On a serious note, I don't really remember this syndrome manifesting itself post WWII or Korea--only seemed to spring up post-Vietnam. I wonder why? Seriously, any sociology/anthro or psychology majors out there? Opinions?
Bet your Bippy no were vets there...
Heh., FF is me-I'm trying out a new persona now that I'm past 65 and early Geezer-hood stage and looks like halo-scan carried me over from another site where I'm trying it out.
Dude definitely isn't a "Katrician"...
Otherwise he would most likely know how to handle a gun
(but then again...he may like doing things with guns that would REALLY be scary!)
This pic explains a lot.
Most of you don't know who the City of Houston just elected Mayor.
Sorry I'm late to the party. I've been under the weather the past couple days.
I'm taking the liberty of firing this over to the folks at "This Ain't Hell". They love guys like this, and know how to continue the search pattern for them.
Guys like this just p!ss me right the h3ll off.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
You need to find the proper avatar for the profile.
Make the pig pile higher.
N4? I'm a Loggie now? Or did you decide to make me in charge of the mud bugs, gumbo, and Dixie beer? I can handle that part ;)
LOL! Thanks for introducing me to new terminology, sid. Here I LIVE in N.O. (tho on W. Coast at present) and I missed that one... I myself like to say I've had intimate relations with the "Girls Gone Wild" crowd--Katrina and Rita. :)
FF, because.. children cannot play with toy guns, they cannot play cowboys and indians or war, and the manhood is dumbed down in pop culture in favor of geeks, wimps and ghey's.
this is a manifestation of a wannabe society that thinks they are men because they can get to chapter 5 in Halo or MoH.
avatar? how the hell do I post an avatar? I am a caveman make it simple please
AH ha!
Tell them to call the mayor's office.
BTW, the uniform is not Navy, it is an Army Mess dress uniform with Infantry lapels.
FWIW, has anyone pointed this guy out to the local media, surely at least one TV station or newspaper would run with it?
MTH, that is just awesome....
SF4... great idea... I'm on it
Most in Houston will not care frankly.
Its about the most live and let live place there is.
All this guy needs to complete the ensemble is to have a winged skull patch with a rocker on top that claims membership in a well known motorcycle club with some place called "Berdoo" on the bottom rocker. Place on back of this "uniform" and film the results.
I think that is a GO version of the Army mess dress blue jacket. The tie should be white if it is worn with the white vest (Evening Mess Dress) - the black tie and the white vest don't ever go together. I could continue, but why bother.
I do think it is progress when wannabees pretend this way, certainly better than spitting at people in the uniform. He still ought to have the book thrown at him.
I used the contact forms at
hcnonline (houston weekly)
to send this note
"Please see this post
Anyone who has served can tell a fake immediately. This guy is a fake and a criminal.
Who is running with the story?"
Called the chronicle, left a voicemail with their local politics desk... pointed to Phibs site.
Apparently it's going viral on the MillBlogs. Quite a following. I look forward to seeing where the shells splash and what damage is caused.
Way cool, MTH! (he says, as he looks for a screen cap of Mr. T on the cooking infomercial... :) )
1. I linked your post on this turd here:
2. What? No Jointness? Not the least bit of purple in your color wheel? Where am I on the staff? Or am I the entirety of the field forces?
LOL! This Ain't Hell is who started this. but good thinking Tom.
Tex! Watch how you talk about my girlfriend.
kind of makes you want to reconsider moving to that last bastion of civilization. I say we ship the guys butt to AfPak and tell the grunts "he wears 'em, now he's gotta earn them". Seeing as how he's got a Purple Heart, he shouldn't have any problems lossing a little blood.
Couple things -
1) how about a houston craigslist campaign (rants/raves, lost and found, etc.). I'd do it m'damself but I'm behind the IP curtain.
2) awards and soulpatch notwithstanding, how come nobody has addressed the SIDEBURNS or the hand in pocket in the pic from brad's blog below? 8^}
As in "even a Navy guy's knowledge of Army uniforms....."
Here is a blog whose author is a few less than 6 deg. of separation from the mayor...
I don't think I have a PAO yet .....
Damn...I felt that one! :)
i was talking to one of the really old time bosses who were in the work force during WWII and asked him what would have happened to a union steward that gave them problems and he said that they would have had a short phone call to the guys draft board and he would have been in uniform by the end of the week.
probably would have happened to this guy too.
Mmmph. Let's Have a "who can hit him softest party"! One participant per category.
Seals: crunch, last place. Recon: wet snap, tied for last. Green Beanies: high pitched scream, 3 way tie for last. Rangers: squish. 4way. Bubbleheads. muffled gag, low moan and slow dripping sound: 5 way tie for last......and etc.
Oh, I claim dibbs on N(without portfolio) and Force Grump.
Just followed a link from Theo Spark blog. I have no use of wantabes. My family history is Military. US Navy. Dad at Pearl. Ok having said that, this is a costume, not a real uniform. He is made up for the event for the mayor. Guess he is Gay ( nothing wrong with that - what is is ) and this is his getup. Sometimes you just have to stand back and take a breath.
Looks like Jonn over to This Ain't Hell has id'd this douchebag. Rather than spoil the fun, you guys can go over to TAH and read it all for yourself.
The guy hasn't a frikkin' clue about the sh!tstorm about to fall on his head, and that rightly so.
Except that, this guy is actually claiming to be a retired army guy with 20-year's service. Or a Captain who was Powell's personal bodyguard. Or a sergeant/intelligence dude. You really should read what TAH has dug up on him. And yes... he's teh ghey.
I'm the VP of news at KTRK TElevision, the ABC Station in Houston. I read your blog and I am on the story. Thanks for the tip. I wil give you the credit once we broadcast the story.
hahahaaaaaaaaaaa! Love it!
Check out his friendster page...
And KTRK/Dave Strickland picking up this story is major deal, as they are the ABC affliate in the 4th largest US city...
Thanks Dave! If you can send up the link, I'll update the post so all can follow your work from there.
Big fan of KTRK. I hope to see this within the next 24 hours.
Nice "friendster" page. He was with the Dalai Lama. Wonder if he golfed with him. Big hitter, the Lama....
This has nothing to do with what he does with his tender-viddles (BTW, I support repeal of DADT, so you can't call me a basher) - this has everything to do with pretending to be something he is not, and stealing what is not his - i.e. those things others have earned by wearing the uniform and rank of a commissioned officer in the United States Army and all the awards he wears like so much bling.
It is against federal law for him to do so.
I want in. Can't I be somebody too on your list?
I've toured warships...............and I met a survivor of the Bataan Death March at the USS Alabama Museum last summer.
Does that count for something? 8-)
From all us military/Navy enthusiasts who didn't serve - this guys gotta go to jail.
Also - if you would like to see all the POC info I have on him - that I didn't post, please send me an email and I will fwd them on.
Reading what he posted on his little web page, he claims Army service (among other things), with the specific intent of making his sexual orientation an issue (you should read it). If he does, he cannot complain that others will, too.
Mr. T:
I lost it (a great belly laugh), when you described the village people. Oh was that funny, despite this maroon.
Since I wasn't appointed to CDR's staff. I will appoint myself as recreation services officer. A good time will be had by all.
don't go to the friendster link - there's a virus there.
I need to go to system restore and reset a few days back and it takes care of it.
I've seen this virus before, and by using the system restore, it takes care of it. This may just be me, but in case others see it, that's what you do.
Also - the virus comes up as scanning your compter like spybot.
HAHA Sucka!
Wahrf...may be just computer had no issues.
Now, what I saw in the guy's gallery?
Good thing I got used to seeing gross sh3t as ex-wife is a wound care nurse who'd bring pictures of her work home....
Hey gonna tether the guy up to an organ grinder?
He's dressed for the part.
To this dirtbag, it was a costume. He still needs to go to jail though.
Mr Strickland,
Thanks for getting this out and in the media. This persons actions take away from all that is honorable in our nation.
There is a young 19 year old Soldier on a patrol right now in Iraq and a Marine on patrol in Afghanistan, and a Sailor at sea off the coast of Haiti. They pay for the privilege to wear the uniform in blood and sweat. Meanwhile back at the ranch, this wretched piece of garbage is having a drink, out on the town at a political function in a uniform festooned with awards for valor and honor. He has stolen from us what he has not earned.
Thank you for assisting in righting this wrong.
Prosecute this SOB to the fullest. A) for taking earned valor B) for trying to infect my PC (think I headed it off) and C) for being such an over-the-top nut.
Been a bit AWOL lately with new job, laptop, travel & such...but would like to volunteer as Awards Officer earliest, with dotted line input to security & guido to recognize good, and hammer the bad. This dude is bad.
May he rot in jail.
At least I'm not the Flag Lieutenant.
Linked at American Digest.
Looks like he'd love the fun and excitement of Jail too much but slam him in there anyway.
No sir, to this dirtbag it is a lifestyle of crappy self esteem and to compensate he pretends to be one of us. This is vile. Like Sean Connery said in the Untouchables, "who would profess to be what he is not?"
This guy is using the fraud for his personal gain.
Another one I found online
And who said the MILBLOGs can't improvise, adapt and overcome. from the morning the evening, and the bloggers did what the MSM had to come here and find out.
How cool!
BZ! I dove some hits this way from non-milblog oopen linking....
Dave, Thanks and well done. One of the complaints made about the media in <span>Stolen Valor</span> was that too often they accept these wanabees' stories because some members of the press are either too lazy to do the research or don't know enough about the military to realize when they are being "taken". This Vietnam vet is glad to see we've made some progress since the book was written.
The guy is delusional- in more ways than just naming Steve Segal as a personal hero.
There are major mismatches between his LinkedIn profile and Friendster.
On Friendster he claims he has a Phd from Stanford in Bio-Psycology and that he "walked in June 2004") and a Masters in 'Cognitive Psycology' from Yale.
On LinkedIn he omits his Sanford and Yale education and admits he has an MS from Assumption University in Counseling Psychology (not fancy pants Bio- or Cognative Psycology). From Wikipedia there only appear to be two Assumption Universities. One in Windsor Canada and the other in Bangkok, Thailand. 3rd world diploma mill- not quite the same as Stanford and Yale!
The job he holds from LinkedIn seems to be some sort of multi-level vitamin sales man for a company with a gimic that they sell you vitamins "based on your DNA". Other than that it seems to be the same old scam with "weekly Mastermind Webinars" and "POWERFUL Weekly Prospecting calls to help you close prospects".
My theory- the guys wents nuts a while ago and even the Army who needs intereperters decided to get him out. He hasnt been doing anything or two years and decided to pickup this scam MLM sales product. His personal history is getting more and more delused (Ivy league PhD, CBE, 4th degree blackbelt) as some AZT cocktail corrodes his neuroreceptors. Its not a lie if *you* believe it.
Burkett's "Stolen Valor" is a terrific if not nauseating read (due to some of the unbelievable phony hero stories). I hope this guy gets a knock on the door soonest from the Feds. I am guessing he just couldnt get his hands on an MOH or he would have had two neck medals.
Well, I went and checked out Bouhammer's links. Seems he's worn his little "uniform" before. Sans Love Patch. In 2006. For someone who supposedly left the horrible degrading Army that wouldn't let him be all that he could be, he sure likes to parade around in medals.
Poor deluded little man.
Oh, by the way... can I be your new Diversity Compliance Officer? Please? Pick me! Pick me!
I can make out the master Blaster wings, but the Helo Pilot badge you reference appears to be an Air Assault badge. I don't see any aviation rating badges.
I'd be willing to be your diversity officer, if only to give you the pleasure if firing me. I'd fire the DO too :)
OMG....... where do they find these freaks.
I'm going to heave.
I have never laughed so hard in My life. That was great. I have always said. Everybody I ever met that served in Viet nam told me(Up until they figured out they couldn't bullshit me) They were some type of SF,Seal, LRP,Ranger or some secret commando team that somehow was double /Double top secret crypto and only the President himself knew of their existence. You got to give this Guy and A for effort though. I like the double starred CIB touch. Oh yea the CIA deal as pointed out was a stroke of genuis. Unfortunately these type of wannabe dirtbags will be around. A few years ago the seals tracked down a pretender and hammered him. That was funny.
You're right. The ones that really did anything secret squirrel for CIA would never identify themselves as such or wear a big ol' badge.
Note to frauds... if you want to pull off a scam like this and you want to avoid any scrutiny from the mainstream media, it's real simple: Make sure you portray yourself as a member of an "approved" victim group, and make sure you have a story angle that paints the US and the military in a negative light. If you do those two things, most "journalists" won't ever bother to ask you for your DD214, or any other proof of service. Sad but true.
<p>My 43 year-old kid brother is an Army lifer, an E-9, Sergeant Major, and has so many stripes and medals, ho scares the living shit out of most commissioned officers below the rank of Colonel. He's served FIVE fucking tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is enjoying a 6-month leave before transferring to the 101st Airborne at Ft. Campbell, KY and embarking on his 6th and final tour in the GWOT.
</p><p>Having said that, were he to encounter the piece of shit, he'd no doubt take it upon himself to validate each and every one of the ribbons this fucktard is wearing, and should a single ribbon be found to be fraudulent, said "Commander" would be find himself transferred here to the west side of Chicago, where I and my fellow sociopaths would be more than happy to properly discipline him.
</p><p>More than likely, we'd use a few pair of pliers, a couple of crab hammers and a propane torch.
Hey, I'm the -4! That means I'm in charge of crawfish, gumbo, and Dixie Beer!!! :)
If that don't improve your morale, you're probably dead ;)
Whoa, 99 comments! That's got to be a record.
Sid, thanks for the warning.
This guy looks pathetic. I mean, he looks like he's dressed up in Daddy's clothes for Halloween. How could anyone have taken him seriously for a single secondj?
Oh, and very cool about the news picking up your post. I hope it gets spread around everywhere and the guy is completely humiliated.
Fighting Fossil,
I think that this particular sickness has its origins in the slow erosion of the idea of "shame." There was a time when certain things were so taboo that even the truly depraved thought twice about violating them. However, there are many people today (hopefully not a majority) who feel that even the worst lies are all right if they provide the liar with some tangible benefit--in this guy's case, a political benefit for his "cause" that he can use to excuse his actions. There are definitely people for whom the idea that "the ends justifies the means" trumps any and all morality.
On reflection, until you get two sensors on him, I'm thinking PROBSCUM is good. After the news outs this guy, then we can log CERTSCUM. At least he's way higher than POSSCUM.
My ideal is some time in the bilges and learning that wonderful tool called a BT punch.
I doubt that anyone really did.
Could just be me, I've seen the virus on both home and company PC. I have Norton's on home PC, Macafee on company PC, both got the same virus, both were fixed by system restores.
I'm grateful I didn't stay long on this guys site.
Can I be Cousin Eddie, who's heart is bigger than his brain?? 8-)
One other thing occurs to me as I review this asshat's "accomplishments" -- if the asshat is willing to so brazenly lie about his service record (assuming the asshat ever served a single day), then I figure it's just as likely that the asshat is BSing about his academic record. Don't most reputable schools have an office within the registrar that checks for asshats claiming fraudulent degrees?
Perhaps the gentleman from the ABC affiliate in Houston will have a staffer check up on that part of the story.
BZ to the milblogosphere for exposing this doofus.
Your J6 in waiting.
Scott, I bet his lefties DID take him serious... hell they worship Che...
What is ithat people no longer understand what honor is and how shameful it is to wear medals to which you are not entitled.
TO ALL. we need more definitive information on this individual. there seems to be two men with name Michael patrick McManus. one with a DOB: March 1966 and another with Jan 1966,, both have lived in Hamden and San Jose.
It could be same man with two SSN and using two DOB (not unusual). A current location in Houston would help the FBI who is asking for help here. Also, the Houston Police assoc. is looking into it.
seems like Texas moves faster on these guys
If you have the information to help, pleast pass to Mary at
this is probably best group to go after and expose wannabees and they have good connections to all Service personnel record sections, FBI, etc.
He might like it Shawn...he seems like a guy that could get all gooey-eyed when he spies a snipe's grease gun...
(now there's a visual for yah!) >:o
I will have to poke my mind's eye out on that one!
The thing about these guys is that they always tend to massively over-decorate themselves and they've always served in some hyper-secret organization ("It's not on my DD214 because it was classified..."). You could probably get away with lesser decorations and get the same type of attention (w/o scrutiny) from a clueless general public. Maybe Therapist can help out here.
Encountered one of them on active duty in the late '70s. This guy was a former USNR PN who created a bogus identity as an enlisted SEAL and "awarded" himself a Navy Cross, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and several other decorations as well as a degree in Business Administration. He served as a junior Supply Officer for nearly three years (and promotion to Ltjg) before he was outed by the OinC of the Seal Det in Subic Bay. Needless to say that it was an unpleasant day for the CO of his FF when he got the actual SEAL's phone call.
the other thing is that the FBI, for last 10 years, has generally been willing to go after these wannabees who are breaking the federal law. the real problem with prosecution usually lies within the U.S. Attorney offices, who just do not feel it is worth their time, generally no headlines, glory, and/or they have an apathy towards the military.
thus, the dinging on the local media, especially TV, and publicity which gets the attorney offices off their butts. the prosecution of this guy should be extremely easy as he appears in videos made of the event... but.. does the mayor want to avoid embarassment at having him there, probably as a supporter?
heh.... I read HRC as the initials of our former First Lady / Senator from New York.
I know I am not a smart guy so I'll ask the dumb question - why are folks using "ghey" instead of the more obvious g-a-y, which is what this person, by his own admission, is? I think I know where you stand on DADT but after viewing the photo of BG McSoulpatchy (great name by the way) with his little angel wings on in the drag show all I have to say is do you really want DADT, with all its "faults", repealed? What will we all say when its somebody in SDB, or MARPAT or ACU or whatever it is USAF is wearing, photographed prancing around in a drag contest? Should we let that go? Can you prosecute McSoulpatchy and not the dancing queen in the drag contest? Aren't both equally bad in their disrespect to the uniform?
ROFLMAO..Trying to wrap my mind around the Pliers,Crab hammer and Propane torch deal.
It presents so many possibilities it prevents one from conjuring up a clean mental picture. Bwaaa!!!!
WW - this guy isn't and wasn't an officer in the United States Army.
Does not apply.
Have been too busy to post -- so this is interesting -- do you all really think this is a Stolen Valor situation?
Here is why it probably isn't -- (and I will apoligize to you all if the guy in the photos EVER portrayed himself as a General, ret. or otherwise)
1. Did it strike anyone -- besides me -- that this was a
If so -- when you started to look hard at the pix -- an SAS pin? On a U.S. uniform?
2. Ditto with the CIA patch...
So -- doesn't this fall into the somewhat regular (not just annually) Halloween partyish -- "dress up" category?
And, if it does -- don't you feel that your ire is a bit misdirected -- or at least wasted?
Be angry at the folks who falsify their records & portray themselves as different (more) than their service records would allow.
I think this guy deserves the furrowed brow that we all give to people we see at Halloween or in the movies (who *was* their technical director?), and nothing more.
We'll see. If a judge prosecutes/fines under Stolen Valor, then I am incorrect.
To those of you who blather about beating this guy up -- you show your lack of intellictual and emotional maturity. You disgrace the uniform.
He is wearing the CIB and the Purple Heart.... Ignorance is no excuse. He is a first class douche pretending to be something he is not on his web page. he used this uniform to gain access to a politcal party not a F*@(@( ing halloween party.
You really need to follow the links provided. You're embarrassing yourself.
FOR THOSE IN THE HOUSTON AREA. This requested was forwarded, but it appears a newstation want to take a look. kind of seems strange that a reporter could not view the videos of the event to see, but..
and. under federal law there is no such thing as a "dress up" excuse to wear a military uniform unless it is yours, just as there is no such thing as a practice robbery or murder, it is a crime.
<p><span>Could you go back please and ask any of those who recognized this </span>
</p><p><span>person and know/knew him if they would be willing to talk to us today?</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span>I need a more solid link to the name than what I have...and I'm afraid </span>
</p><p><span>anonymous bloggers saying so won't meet the standard for airing that name.</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span>Feel free to forward my info along...</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span>Kevin Quinn</span>
</p><p><span>KTRK TV abc 13</span>
</p><p><span>713 504 6681</span>
Based on SF4Life's post, we might lose this guy. The local station needs a positive ID. I made some suggestions to the reporter to help but I am not holding my breath.
Silly question. Who posted the photos? Where did they come from? The answers might help.
A crime has been committed, we owe it to those who have fought in battle and truely earned these awards to find this guy.
<span>The way ahead on this, the reporter needs to use the standard of a photo and the law as his context to investigate this.
We pointed the story out, now it is the reporters job to investigate it and dp some of that journalist shit Maverick...
(Some journalists/Reporters havee no problem going half cocked on Gitmo and other things about the military thye have no idea of so why the PC on this?)</span>
<span><span><span>– </span></span></span>
Well, Mr. Reporter man, are the people that spend their lives making sure you can sleep sound at night worth your sweat to find and out the asshole that pretends to be a warrior, who spits on the hard dirty work our servicemembers do, day in and day out? Or are you lazy, or perhaps not as hot a button as some of the other stories I see at your station?
There's a saying you hear among people of our sort: "Time to Cowboy UP!".
Does anyone else notice that, when it comes to finding out about things like this, or USNA Color Guard racism scandal, the media suddenly has "standards" that prevent them from investigating?
Methinks that if USNA had been two black Middies who had been pulled and replaced by whites, under precisely the same circumstances EVERY media outlet would have fallen over themselves to investigate. Same here. If this had been a story of General McSoulpatch, CG of Fort Greenwich Village, being somehow threatened or discriminated against, the ABC affiliate would be knee-deep in finding out who this guy was, and screaming for "hate crime" prosecution, unconstitutional as that always is.
And congrats, Phib. 120+ comments has to be a record for a post that doesn't mention "LCS"!
"CG of Fort Greenwich Village".
LMAO. Well, played, sir.
Thanks, but it is more of a testament to the importance of this subject. A smart media person would see that.
All about the narrative.
I'll give the reporter a break. He is asking for help, and I bet his editor is forcing the issue. Granted, if it were a hot button issue in the realm of diversity bullying or some such thing they would not need it. How about the guest list at the party? Photos at the party. If the Mayor is covering something up then there is a story too! I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
The problem si the guy is so inconsisitent with his names and what he does, its difficult to find any credible thread on him.
Seems the rube has gone to ground....
No sweat, Sid, turds always float to the top....
<span> </span>Three of his decorations, the DSC, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart, are specifically covered by the Stolen Valor Act of 2007 and he should be dealt with accordingly. This guy wasn't playing "dress up" for some costume party (how were the other attendees dressed?) but trying to use those decorations to draw attention to himself. The folks who falsify their records to gain compensation or make political points for themselves certainly do deserve our ire but folks like this, who prance around in military garb they do not rate deserve it as well.
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse". I know that the one time I told a judge that I didn't know it, didn't do me any good.
Also, as I mentiond near the start of this thread, Houston is very much a live and let live place...
I'd bet this fool has dived deep into the sprawling "gay community" that is there, and thats not a crowd that will give up their own easily.
At least the pathetic jerk...they guy really very obviously has some real problems...has hid his daily delusional routine upset by this.
Still, the larger problem is how Democratic machine in Harris County tolerated the guy at functions where he could end being the embarrasment he he has turned out to be.
Found this in a comment over at Blackfive and forwarded to Mr. Quinn.
Not sure if I am late but here goes... Also note he appears to be deleting his profiles but Google caches them...
I found this article from a forum and did a bit of Google and think I've found some more info for yas. His user name on alot of forums and websites appears to be budddha5. I then found what appears to be his e-mail
I then typed in his e-mail and came upon this post on a GLBT forum
Goto post #8 then down to housing offer number 139
Now this post is from 2005 but seems to be consistent with the rest of the available info on him. Also if you goto Google Maps the location of this forum post is in the area of the George R. Brown Convention where he was spotted.
139. View Name: Dr. Michael P. McManus City: Houston, TX, 77007 Phone: 650-799-2419 Email:
# of People that can be Accommodated: 2 Available Rooms: 1 Living Situation: Apartment/Condo
Private Bathroom: YES Private Kitchen: NO Children Allowed: YES
Pets Allowed: YES Smoking Allowed: NO Willing to Transport Survivors: YES
Cost of Rent: FREE Duration of Availability: depends
Comments: 1 room available in our apartment. We are a gay male couple, Buddhist and looking to help out another gay couple or singles. If you are at the Houston Astrodome, we can pick you up. Home phone: 713-869-8545 Cell: 650-799-2419 Hope we can help!
I googled the number and it came back to an "Alvon Chan" -not that there is much believable from this guy- who was purportedly in his friendster page, and in one of his strange profiles where he used the last name "Chan"
Alvon Chan (713) 869-8545 2631 Shady Acres Ct, Houston, TX 77008 <span>Map</span>
In the Harris County Tax Records there is an "Alvin" Chan at the same address that googles up with that phone number...
A locale, which oddly enough, is just a stone's throw from the local Democratic Party headquarters....
Might add too, the same local folks who brought you this....
"Shady acres" how apropro
You gotta be careful on this one, Sid. Should you be the informant who breaks the story, this is ONE case where you don't wanna be known as "Deepthroat".
9in all seriousness, I am significantly time late on the info, so its not like I'm letting any cats out of anybags with the above info.
Can't imagine that the FBI didn't connect those dots two days ago.
I should think KTRK had it yesterday as well.
I mean, really, if its so easy I could do it!!!
But, to your point:
Its in an area known as the Heights which has been rapidly gentrifying in recent years. And actually, thats a fairly upscale address.
Of incidental, unrelated interest, the Doc who killed Michael Jackson has his office in the very much poorer Acres Homes area just up the road....
Don't count on FBI to do much unless this story goes viral and they can get maximum publicity.
Contact Defense Criminal Investigative Service DCIS, office in Houston. Being a DOD agency, they might take more personal offense to this crime.
The FBI Houston office has alot of more pressing problems on their plate I'm sure...Like human and weapons trafficing, and seeing what may lurk in one of the largest (if not THE largest) Middle Eastern populations in the US.
At any rate, the address below is a good (although likely cold) datum on the guy....
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McManus has been charged!
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