Thought provoking article in the Naval Enquirer about what is being looked at for Mayport.
Me, I have always been a big fan of Strategic Homeporting AKA Fleet Dispersal. Why? Because I study history. Having you Fleet in one place as doomed the French more than once, the Dutch and the USA just to name a few.
Interesting quote here,
Navy officials have identified 12 possible plans for moving new ships into Naval Station Mayport, Fla. — but reserve the right to do nothing at all.I, ahem, know Mayport well. If you haven't been stationed there in the last 10 years ... they ... well ... too bad for you.
It’s all outlined in a Navy environmental impact statement scheduled to be released Friday, a draft copy of which was obtained by Navy Times. In it, the service that spells out everything from leaving the base alone to options that not only homeport a nuclear carrier in Mayport, but also add seven more surface ships as well — including a large-deck amphibious ship to the base’s dwindling ship population — and more than 7,000 sailors.
“It’s a beautiful EIS, in that it does outline a lot of options and leaves the door open for the Navy to do a variety of things here,” said John Meserve, mayor of Atlantic Beach, the city outside Mayport’s gates and a retired Navy captain who commanded Mayport’s naval air station from 1987 to 1990.
“But that’s also the problem with the study. It leaves all the doors open. The Navy has yet to make a decision or state when they plan to do so, nor given a timetable as to when they will.”
Me? I'm interested in your thoughts.