Europe can change some people. Sometimes, not for the better.
32 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Well, at 0001, we had a Naval Officer get married yesterday as soon as the freaking DADT was repealed. So, this dude is probably a freaking Sailor. YN2, easy on the cheese, that much is bad for you. :)
Clearly hazardous duty.
And then there were the ones that were separated in recent years for either outing themselves or getting outed. I have nothing for them. They knew the rules and they broke them. If you break the rules you don't deserve to be re-instated. Period freakin' dot.
you are just insensitive, you brute.
Word is, Byron, that they will review all 14,000 cases since 1993. How much, if reinstated with rank and back pay, or just some sort of compensation, will that cost DoD? Hundreds of millions? More? Just in time for the $400 billion budget cuts. That will cost some active duty division its operating budget for six months.
But it is worth it to make Mullen feel better.
They don't deserve to come back. Not because they are gay, because I really don't care about it one way or another...but because they knowingly broke the rules.
I am afraid "deserve" has little to do with any of this political theater. "Serve quietly and honorably" never meant that. Ostentatious displays of homosexual behavior, public marriage same-sex ceremonies, and activists vowing "big changes" in DoD to further accomodate the homosexual lifestyle. Which will undoubtedly happen. Putting DoD in the role of advocate.
We recently changed body fat percentage requirements. Will all the people discharged for being overweight since 1966 have their cases reviewed?
Maybe a Sailor or a recruiting opportunity for the Marines in Tulsa.
NYT: Marines determined to be best at recruiting gays, lesbians...
Hey, did I mention my retirement request came back approved? :)
Congrats, Stu, on the retirement. The timing is fortuitous.
The Marines already recruit the best lesbians. So it is just the homosexual men they are gonna try and find.
I am sure the Marines in the combat arms units will be thrilled.
I feel somewhat violated after watching that.
URR, by "best" lesbians you mean the toughest, meanest, strongest combat boot lesbians ever created, right? Because in Salty Gator's swamp, the best lesbians wear lipstick.
Lucien needs to come home, where the girls are "purty" and have that sweet North Carolina mountain accents :) ....and the music is bluegrass and not that discordant electronic noise of Europe 8-)
well now that DADT has been repealed I bet there are a few male Marines who are angry that the female MCMAP instructor beat them to asking Justin Timberlake to the USMC Ball
Yeah, the toughest. Not that I have anything against a lipstick lesbian, mind you....
Oh, nice. Very nice.
Men and women who are willing to take up arms to serve their country are worthy of our respect.
Nice sentiment Bubba and I agree. But the homosexual agenda isn't about that at all. The repeal of DADT was but a small part in their overall desires. You must accept their lifestyle as normal. In the name of tolerance, anyone who doesn't agree with them must go.
Here is fine example.
Check out the comments from the tolerant homosexual crowd.
In a strange way, the USMC desire to lead the pack in all things (which I applaud) may actually be it's undoing. The left killed the Naval Aviation culture. Sadly, I think it only a matter of time before the Marines lose as well. I pray they don't. </span>
What is "normal" about inserting a reporductive organ into an orifice for which it was not intended? What is "normal" about strapping on a plastic organ that ones doesn't have in order to simulate the natural act of reproduction?
What is "normal" about a man wearing a dress using the ladies' restroom because he considers himself female?
What is "normal" about two lesbians getting upset at an adoption agency because the form lists "Father" and doesn't have two entries for "Mother"?
And the beat goes on.
LGBT Heritage Month, coming to a Navy events calendar near you- sooner than you hoped!
You know, I think I'm going to hold off on commenting here; it seems that every time I do, "Bubba" shows up and leaves his stink all over. And his buddies, "Guest" are as bad. So best thing to do is jump out of the pig sty and leave the hogs to themselves.
Price of medical care is going up.
I see Stu already posted the link to the article about the USMC recruiters in Tulsa below, so I won't repost that.
I can report that none - not a single one - of my friends reported last night that they had even seen any glitter on board Camp Pendelton, MCRD, Miramar or Navy Region Southwest.
Hmmm. After checking out the screen cap and reading through the comments, I'm thinking this is a good one for me to skip.
<span>Byron don't quit on us! Just because Barney Fwank and pals jump in the pool doesn't mean we have to jump out. Actually, maybe it does......I'm remembering the wet shart episode on MSNBC...</span>
death of the Naval Aviation Culture? What, they don't spend all of their time sleeping, flying, screwing and drinking anymore? Wait...what? They still do that, just can't wear the patches all over their leather jackets anymore? no more wild colors on the planes?
Yup, culture is still in tact.
All aviators named Francis, lighten up. Nothing but love from this Gator. Maybe a little envy too.
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. (Though the culture is dead.)
Jeez, nobody make a crack about the Marines looking for a few good men?
I just can't get worked up over this issue, if two men want to marry, let 'em. Tolerance is a virtue, I have a hard time arguing against tolerance. Zero-tolerance, now that is an idea I can get angry about.
We had an Air Force flyover at the 'Gator game. They were three miles up and moving at a good 40 miles per hour.
Hey could be worse.
no worries, Byron. But you are a legit friend of Sal. I'd rather take the hike.
Then they were not going to the right strip clubs. One of the guys I work with always has stripper glitter on his shirt collar.
Byron, are you saying that you're not going to comment at all in future? I really hope not. The porch wouldn't be the same without you.
Sigh...this isn't soley about you. And the "pig sty" is a reference to the old saying that if you argue with a pig both of you will get muddy. These trolling assholes only exist because they keep getting fed (read: arguing with them). And theres people here (nudge URR) who simply cannot resist the urge to wallow in the mud with the trolls. All it does is take a great FBF post about an amazing Marine and turn into a bunch of circular arguments between people who's opinions will not be changed no matter how much shouting goes back and forth.
So it's really soon as you know this guy is never going to change his mind, IGNORE HIM. Quit screwing up the signal to noise ration.
Or made a joke about you being butch.
Not to worry, Kristen, he's down here in the burrows under the porch. I saw him in Tunnel 4, Level 6, grilling a steak, deep frying some shrimp, with a keg is Guiness by his side.
I hope he cleans up afterwards.
If the Fuehrer would know that!
LT B - i was talking about on base.
Glass houses and such. You have been known to break some furniture, too. But do as you wish. It is a free country, for the moment.
The only thing that was good for was to remind me to pour some beer in my boot glass (its sole purpouse) that was liberated from a restaurant in Vaihingen many years ago.
I shall, this evening, celebrate hellbier weekend. When we would attempt to represent at the largest and second largest beerfests in the world on preferably the same day, Bad Cannstatter and Munich. Eins, Zwei, Drei, Zuffa!
The rest of this thread... Nosomuch...
Nothing more "tolerant" than advocating the changing of the definition of marriage for the rest of society to suit one's need for feeling validated.
The most intolerant people around are those that are constantly advocating tolerance.
Tolerance, as defined by the left, is nothing but an abdication of moral responsibility. It’s a game they play – I give you a moral “get out of jail free card” in exchange for the one I expect for myself.
Indiscriminate tolerance and indiscriminate condemnation are not diametric opposites: they are two sides of the same coin.
It is incumbent upon any man who values his integrity to constantly judge, and also to be prepared to be judged at all times. The man who refuses this obligation, who neither agrees nor disagrees, and believes that he escapes responsibility by declaring there is no right nor wrong, is the man responsible for all evil in this world.
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