Wasn't that what the San Juan Admin was like that Skippy-san and SJS ran during JTFEX in 1992? Or what it in St. Thomas? I don't know - it was all a blur - and at least I didn't wind up in a clam-shell with the Shore Patrol.
I do remember the mini-bar problem though. No big deal; we just put it on the S-3 squadron XO's tab.
12 hours ago
but why the RUM ALWAYS IS GONE?
Didn't do it, nobody saw me, can't prove anything... :-P
Now, Barbados...no running out of rum there ;)
w/r, SJS
Now i know why skippy is the way he is........he couldn't act normal :D
ST Thomas, circa 1988.. Yea I know something about clamshells... (and ship davits)
Most dangerous words in the english language....
Free drinks.
4 days in Cancun with the family.....was fun got to watch the royal weading at 3am with a horrible hangover.
Grand total
12 shots of jack-big old hoss glasses, jack daniels is a gift from heaven and i can drink a table.
11 beers-beer and i have issues....love it but i cant drink alot.
Untold drinks that ran the gambit from choclate rum drinks to fruity rum drinks--a patern..
Passed out by 9pm grand total in dammage 1 severly stressed liver, loss of sight, lose of navigation abilities, loss of ability to speak. and a total of 21 female hotel staff and and guest who got hugged. (Im a nice drunk)
I am the reason there is no rum
@James "most dangerous words in the English language..."
Nope - it's "hey, watch this!"
W/r, SJS
No the most dangerous words in any language are "freedom" and "Independence"...
no it an Ensign saying, "Men, I have an Idea!"
No those are the most dangerous words to anyones navy carear if they dont include glowing words like transformational, optimal and next gen.
Had more than a few libs that went that way. . . the best (worst) of them all was Rio as a JG.
We were so very very "overserved" in Rio and the debauchery in the admins was truely unforgettable.
Athens was a much more sedate place BUT when its the only liberty port for a six month cruise, the crew was determined to have 6 months worth of Med Liberty in 4 days. Its been many, many years and I'm not ovinced that I've gotten all of the alcohol out of my system from that adventure yet.
Like the one that stuck a volley ball in the torpedo tube during an air slug test...sucker went from Delta damn near to Saratoga on Charlie...
Ack..."Guest" was me, back from vacation...
A volleyball? That is good stuff. Beats some artilleryman I know O:-) who stuffed a tennis ball into the saluting cannon at 29 Palms for the Ernie Cook/Gene Deegan change of command. People behind the gun said it looked like a a really fast, flaming curveball as it arced its way over the PX....
"<span>I do remember the mini-bar problem though. No big deal; we just put it on the S-3 squadron XO's tab."</span>
Wow, I thought it always went on CAG's tab. At least that's what we always did. No, I mean that's what I heard other squadrons did. 'Cuz we were a Det, and homeless, and, uh, you haven't seen us, becuase we aren't there. Yeah, that's the ticket.
I was in the Gulf and in Panama in 1992. So it must have been SJS. Won big money playing ship, cabin, and crew at the Rodman O'club though.
And let's not forget ladies night at Baccus in Panama City. ;)
Ahhhh .... there you are. There is balance back in the force.
Panama City. There are some stories I wish to keep off the internet ... ;)
The El Panama Hilton. Been there. the one with the attached Casino. It was a happening place.
Not near as happening as when we got crew quarters that were located upstairs from the package store at Howard AFB.
There were a number of fellows from the 101st Airborne down there who tried to compete with 3 VP crews and a Maintenance detachment as to amounts and types of alcohol consumed. Let's just say that they drank about as well as Army has been playing football lately.
Navy scored early and often. :)
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