We saw this with the apologists for the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. The intellectual cowardice of the lazy.
Coming from a guy who made individual expression his trademark - this reeks of narcissistic hypocrisy.
Prince, the Grammy Award-winning artist behind “Purple Rain,” told the Guardian in an interview that women forced to wear burqas in Islamic countries are “happy” to wear them.So, I guess he is cool with religious apartheid, pushing walls on top of homosexuals, cutting hands off of thieves, stoning "Darling Nikki" for adultery, and burning Jehovah's Witness Halls; maybe the one he goes to.
“It’s fun being in Islamic countries, to know there’s only one religion,” Prince told the British newspaper. “There’s order. You wear a burqa. There’s no choice. People are happy with that.”
Maybe we can get some new Prince songs like, "Raspberry Burka." "Little Red Beheading Sword." "Purple Lashing Scars."
Then again - who cares what he thinks but a few million fans, right?
(damn that comments program) ...thing is there will be a few groupies that would follow him into burqaland and feel happy.
*shivers in revulsion.* I never got that whole "Prince Thing." ick.
Me neither, nor have I ever understood the complete adulation over Springsteen. Then again, my attitude towards all celebrities is -- "Shut up and sing."
The Taliban like to party like it's 19.
Ahh yes, Prince. Or whatever symbol he is claiming as his name. Not one of your astute thinkers, perhaps.
Right in league with all the other nincompoops with some musical talent, or acting ability, or just good looks, and access to a microphone.
Out of rehab just long enough to tell me how the world works and where the government should spend my money.
Sing it with me, folks! She wore a Raaaaspberry burka, the kind you find in a secondhand madrassah ...
(No, I'm not actually a Prince fan ... I know the song from Warren Zevon's cover.)
Also, re: Darling Nikki ... I think she might have already been stoned.
WIN! Don't post the rest of the day. You won't top yourself.
I clicked on the "Darling Nikki" link and I'm sorry that I did. Those poor women. I always feel grateful that I was born into this country but I look at those pictures and realize that I'm not grateful enough.
God have mercy on their souls, and St. Michael lead us to victory in this war against radical Islam.
Thought it was something more like Two thousand zero zero...(what he meant was BC, in the Talib's case).
I miss the "Crusades"...
when We could 'kill them all, and let God sort them out' 8-)
Having seen this first hand with many muslims...it is not gay unless they say so.
Ahem, I believe that was said about Christian "heretics" and the tag line was "the Lord will surely know his own".
Not really the crusades. But I could be wrong.
I'd heard those words had been uttered by none other than Pope Innocent III when besieging Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade around 1200.
His military liaison reported that there were Christians in the city, and begged that the Pontiff not put it to the sword and torch.
To which Il Papa replied:
"Kill them all, and let God sort their souls."
The Jebbies would rather not discuss the subject....
He had one, repeat, one song that I liked: "Little Red Corvette". Before and after? Yawn.
Phib, you're giving that wanker more credit than he deserves when it comes to the amount of fans he has... Now, Xenia from "The Voice"? BIG FAN!
I'd heard that those words came from none other than Pope Innocent III, who uttered them while besieging Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade around 1200.
His military liaison told him there were Christians still trapped in the city, and begged the Pontiff not to put it to the sword and the torch.
To which Il Papa replied:
"Kill them all, and let God sort their souls"
The Jebbies don't like to talk about it much.
<span>I'd heard that those words came from none other than Pope Innocent III, who uttered them while besieging Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade around 1200.
His military liaison told him there were Christians still trapped in the city, and begged the Pontiff not to put it to the sword and the torch.
To which Il Papa replied:
"Kill them all, and let God sort their souls"
The Jebbies don't like to talk about it much.</span>
Soon, in France, on Bastille Day, Prince's lovely muslims will be partying again like it's 632.
The weird thing is, the French themselves don't seem to care their country is turning rapidly in Europe's first islamic republic. You gotta see it to believe it: http://www.islamisation.fr/
A mosque inaugurated every other day, with beaming French officials all around. Insane.
Byron - I just can't help myself.
I just can't imagine how on God's green earth you would know anything about the number of fans Prince has...
And if you do have any type of situational awareness of that number, I am deeply disturbed.
Next thing we know URR will be a expert on the BeeGees.
Either way, you made me laugh-out-loud brother :)
The draft dodger? He showed his true colors with "41 Shots".
I think "Born to Run" had a double meaning...born to run from the 'Nam!
Byron never ceases to amaze. He is a Renaissance Man.
Bee Gees? Not hardly.
Gimme Sweet Soul any day.
And if they did, and didn't ever come out again, well, that's just natural selection right there. Draining the gene pool.
The Albigensian Crusade. Early 13th century, in France, to root out the Cathar heretics. The particular phrase was uttered by the Papal Legate at the siege of Beziers. The actual words used were "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius." Translated: "Slaughter them. The Lord can tell which ones are his." (More or less.) >20,000 were butchered
The Cathars were a sort of semi-Christian, semi-Gnostic school of thought, and not particularly monolithic. In general, most believed that there were actually two Gods: one of good, and one of evil. (Contrast: God created angels, one of whom turned against him and sought to be equal, but wasn't actually a god.) There's a lot more to it than that, though.
Maybe it was a line like Dirty Harry's "Go ahead, make my day!" and before you knew it, everybody was using it.
Those damned story tellers were the 13th Century version of Facebook. Of course, a flash mob then took several weeks to appear....
I want to know who his fashion advisor is....
Either Pee Wee Herman or Borat.
why would the muslims be celebrating 14 juilliet? Confused. Mexicans don't care about 4th of July. They care more about 5 May.
Ah, you can be a fan of his music without being a fan of his political or religious opinions. In fact, up to this moment I managed to be a fan of his music without even being AWARE of his political or religious opinions.
They totally have a choice! They can choose to wear a burka or they can choose to be stoned to death! It's totally free!
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