See if you can spot the intellectual autoeroticazation.

Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Do you mean the BEYA discussing "One America," or the (classic) N1 Diversity Officer getting an award in his own program - to be presented at a Disney Resort? The self-licking ice cream cone continues...
Please tell me that this is a spoof, and not a USN issued document.
"Self-licking ice cream cone" That was also my initial impression...
Yep, a Trifecta of shame!
That's some Mickey Mouse BS right there!
My P-code is an engineering P-code, I wonder if they'd like to have me in the Black Engineer group. One America and all.
I had no idea that Sy Penland's adulturer lover and cheat won another award. They are so special.
This LCDR is outrageous. Ride that diversity donkey, ride.
Where would LCDR Venzor be if he were just a regular white guy?
NOT in the diversity office nominating himself for awards!
You know he's putting this sh*t in his FITREPS.
Almost as inspirational for Diversity Thursday as the Navy News update I got yesterday: CNO's remarks at the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) Annual Awards Banquet. <span>(</span> This has become ridiculous!
Guys, you need to settle down. This is a prerequisite step toward the Noble Prize, that's all.
Racist bastards.
I think I should start a campaign to get slightly chubby, thin-necked men of mixed Euro-American descent designated as a distinct "race."
So what does "Black Ops" refer to now? Would somebody please channel Lewis Carroll?
One America, one future? Then why don't we have one award, titled "Engineer of the Year?"
What part of this flyer ISN'T intellectual self-abuse?
SNAnon -- that's the crux of it, isn't it? Would you rather be Engineer of the Year, or the approved-minority-gender-engineer-of-the-year-because-otherwise-I-wouldn't-compete-for-engineer-of-the-year award? The black/woman engineer of the year may in fact be a top engineer, but the perception created is that they otherwise wouldn't compete. Can't do a damn thing about my race or gender, but I can for sure study my profession and seek every opportunity to excel.
I am outraged that my tax dollars are being wasted on crap like this, and idiots to run it, and paper to print it (or digits to post it)!
It would be crappy enough if this were sh!t coming out of some office in the Department of Education or something. But, to see evidence of the horrific waste spawned by DOD as a sacrifce to political correctness is really blood-boiling outrageous!
The narcicisstic clown pimping his own career contributes absolutely ZERO to readiness or warfighting. FIre his sorry butt, and shut down that office NOW!
What a waste of my tax dollars!
"Black Data?" I didn't know those little electrons were colored! :)
All this will eventually catch up with them. one day that BEY awardee will walk into a real world interview and I'll guarnatee you that BEY award and $4.50 will get them a cup of crappy coffee at Starbucks. I've never seen a "BPE" stamp (black Professional Engineer) on any documentation in my engineering shop.
Next up: black intramural league athlete of the year award, followed by black Navy Relief volunteer of the year award, black plane captain of the year award, black test pilot of the year. Hell, they got a brazillian awards they can come up with for job security.
Cdr K, This is precisely the comment I heard from many of my successful minority colleagues over the years. Their complaint was that stuff like this permits their actual achievements to be dismissed as "affirmative action".
Hey, you are talking about a future honoree and an office affinity leader. I am sure this LCDR is rueing the day he ever got involved with this BS. A world where cheerleaders cheer cheerleaders and the football game of warfare is forgotten.
And it demeans, diminishes, and devalues real, meaningful accomplishment. The implicit (and thoroughly unintended message, I am sure) reasoning for special award categories is that individuals in those groups can't compete for broader, non-affinity related awards. I don't agree with that and would be offended by someone trying to give me an affinity award of some kind. If I am not good enough to be Engineer of the Year, I don't want to be Purple Headed Female Martian Engineer of the Year.
Oh, thats the Ugly, Bald, and Bearded Engineer of the Year (UBBEY). Don't you like the way that they come up with all these acronyms for these awards, so that you should be embarassed to ask what in the hell the acronym is? "You mean to tell me you don't know what the BEYA is? Shame on you, you bigot."
Guest, Paper's cheap in the military. I've got a file folder someplace full of certificates I received over the years including one for jabbing myself with a simulated Atrophine injector.
Of course, none of them meant very much.
On the flip side, it could be argued that it reinforces the idea that "plain old Engineer of the Year" is for white males, making winning it more difficult for a non-white/non-male to win than it would be without the sectarian awards.
These professional associations and certain-race/gender-only awards used to exist because racism was so bad that people honestly thought minorities couldn't compete; they were a way for those minorities to higlight the exceptional people who wouldn't otherwise have been noticed, and a bit of a finger in the eye of the bigots. Now, when so many people think that race/gender are NOT impediments to achievement, it sadly has the opposite effect...
Neptunus Lex once posited an interesting theory about this: If the military didn't didn't take the time to care about this crap (for the sake of politics), it wouldn't have ANY money from Congress for warfighting.
Nah, when he walks into a real-world interview they'll see a black man with a decent resume and say, "Oooh... opportunity to check the Diverse box!" It's just as bad in the private sector. One of my mother's co-workers in a management-training company is a young black woman. She's constantly asked to be part of the audience or actors in the trianing videos the company produces. It took the Gen-X lady a couple years, but she finally caught on as to why...
Noble prize?
It's rather ignoble if you ask me.
Why would he need FitReps? His career is assured.
Yeah, so color me shocked. The Diversity Officer responsible for all this "progress" and who receives all the award packages is the guy being recognized at the conference during a "Military and Civilian Heroes" dinner.
Heroes. One America. /retch.
And WTH does the "new global economy" have to do with the need to include Americans from all walks of society? Could've sworn there were some higher imperatives than a new global economy.
So, by that measure then we have defined what the Navy is .... we are just arguing about the price?
Which reminds me, where is my TAD money so I can go to either NWS Crane or NAS Pax River to attended the confereances on latest EKMS, EW, Avation Electronics issues to do the "give input from the fleet"?
Where is the money for my guys to do the coast to coast moves?
Or is it more important to meet these wickets so that the powers to be can show the congressional critters that they are still working on complying with EO 9981, while going to Walt Disney World for an award that means what to mission preformance? I have dollars to donuts that says they didn't even stay at the resort hotels owned and opeated by MWR down there, rather they stayed at the more $$$ hotels owned and operated by Disney right in the park.
Heckuva thing when you have to organize your own award recognition ceremony...
d-Thursdays always bring a laugh at the ludicrous, a tear for a service and leadership gone awry, and a large drink to try and wash it all away in the evening. Could be two tonite.
If we color you anything (except white), you will be eligible for an award of some type.
And apparently there are no higher imperatives than a new global economy. Unless it is rabid environmentalism or redistribution of the wealth.
That one is in the X-ring, my friend.
That's what it sounds like, Salamander.
makes me wonder if the online and very detailed individual training plan is in response to this kind of thing. >Some individuals
<span>They also will be profiled in the official conference publication, US Black Engineer & Information Technology magazine. </span>
"THEY" have their own damn magazine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except that investigations are now made into commands when minorities / women are not getting their qualifications in exactly the same timeframe as non"diverse" servicemembers. Wonder about the commands where they receive them faster. Doubt they register on the governor.
You'll be pleased to know that the Diversity Directorate has allocated at least 1.115M dollars of your precious OPTAR for attendance at Affinity Group Events. ANSO/NNOA gets 100K and the Black Engineer of the Year Ceremony gets 110K. The rest is divided over 30 groups.
You can see for yourselves at:
Can't get your Sailors trained? Send your $$$ request to the diversity directorate. They are spending your precious OPTAR.
I have been mentioning high priced FOGOs fellating Congress for a reason. And I do not agree. The selling of our Navy Core Values has not bought us anything as we are STILL asked to cut budgets. At least we could cut budgets and maintain our honor. I guess not.
Once again, diversity is a good thing. Quotas are a bad thing. Quotas, or goals, if you are playing the JAG game basically, at this day and age, you are saying that minorities are second class citizens and lack the mental or physical capabilities to compete openly. Either that or there is this VAST clandestine conspiratorial undercurrent that runs counter to all the special incentives and programs pushed out there. So is which is it? Or is it time to just let people compete?
Maybe it's time to start calling these people what they are. The <span>Zampolit.</span>
An old friend of mine had been a Naval Aviator for eight years before he left and went to work at a major airline. While not the hottest stick in the airwing he was very cool, thoughtful and competent. He had more than the average flight time for new hires at his airline and breezed through their training program.
When I ran into him some time ago we discussed his airline career. He did the requisite bitching about management, passengers and scheduling. But, his major complaint was how, since he is black, he was automatically assumed to be one of the many minimally qualified affirmative action beneficiaries his airline had hired to keep the diversity mavins happy.
Tell him to laugh all the way to bank. Unless he pees on the Chief Pilot's rack, he's got a job for life. Trust me it's better than being unemployed.
Didn't Reverend Wright give himself an award this summer as well?
I kept thinking about "Black Engineering" and "Black Data" processing and wondering if you needed a top secret clearance to read the award citations....
Went back to re-read this again, and am even more embarrassed for LCDR diversity. He's now that guy. Ughhhh!
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