Greeted as what they are - not as victims.
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
A class act. And it does come form the heart.
I will wager:
(1.) that the ManChild leader of the Free World will be fuming if he ever sees these images
(2.) no former Journolistas or Politiico writers will cover this event.
All we get from these Royal Wannabe's is a neverending display of galas and stupid expensive trips...
2012 can't come fast enough.
How come Queen Sleeveless couldn't take the time out to go to Landstuhl?....Since she was already tying up enough aircraft to lift a Brigade...
Also present in the picture Daryl "Moose" Johnston, behind President Bush, above the telephoto lens.
Been through DFW 3 times comeing back for EML, greeted like a king every time. That place is awesome even if President Bush isn't there every day. :)
Pure Class!
I never ever doubted his sincerity.. He is a genuine decent person. I would follow that trait anywhere. Oppose it to the idiot in chief now...
GWB acts like a real former President should. He sets the bar high for a good example of how to represent the United States. He is a class act that others should emulate.
Made me smile a real smile. :-D God bless him and Laura.
Leadership by example. A quiet dignity in doing what he felt ought to be done.
Remember that when the Fort Hood shootings went down, He and Laura showed up uunannounced, with no fanfare or cameras in tow, to comfort the wounded and the families of those who were murdered.
Those who care from the heart will find a way.
<p>I'm sure that never has happened with any other President's family.
I wasn't necessarily a fan of all of his actions as President, but this is certainly an indication of how much he cares about our service members. Classy.
I believe he used to sneak off to Walter Reed, too, while still in office.
I wasn't a big fan of his either but I never once doubted the sincerity of his concern for the troops. He took a lot of heat for his visit to ABE but I was impressed by the amount of time he spent on the flight deck mingling with the crew. Having watched most DVs pass through the Rainbow Sideboys and head for the in port cabin that action told me something about him.
on a related note: 3 disabled vets from Nam, IRQ and AFG respectively have climbed the Kilimanjaro, top of Africa. Victors, not victims!
ewok, You're only a victim if you let them make you think you're one. BTW, either CNN or ABC News did a fairly good piece on the guy who leads these expeditions.
Not while demanding so much by way of personal economic sacrifice, it hasn't. But there IS historical precedent for it.
A class act. He gets it from his dad and mom, who came to La Maddalena back when I was on the boat. No press, just them and Brent Scowcroft (sp?) and his wife, to visit us and thank us for serving. George Sr. shook a lot of hands that day. Barbara came to the E-club and asked me and the guys at our table to explain 'hot racking'. Turned out she'd had a bet with Brent S., and she was right. Barbara Bush, America's grandmother, bought us BEER :) God bless 'em all :)
Both Presidents Bush were treated shabbily by the press and far too many of our citizens. History will reflect that, but not until long after all of us are gone. Too many of the guilty are in positions of influence to allow the truth to be told now. On the other hand, the incumbent has been treated loving by the press, but want to bet he behaves like a spoiled brat for the rest of his life?
Tugboat, I've met her and she is a hoot. One funny lady.
Not taking the other side of that bet, I don't bet to lose. I predict he will spend the rest of his days on the rubber chicken dinner circuit with huge speaking engagement check world, seeing as how he broke the glass ceiling (albeit with no qualifications - just what might that say about who gets Guv'ment jobs?)
He will use this time to make sure everyone within earshot/teleprompter reach knows, beyond a shadow of his doubt, that the crappy administration he ran, while his party had at least two years in full majority power, was so horribly hamstrung by what GWB purposly set up as a trap for him, one so impossible that all the academic minds from Colombia, Harvard, etc, and all the great corrupters from Chicago couldn't possibly make right for the good of the weatlh redistribution crew - but he didn't rest! Tough working the golf course and the vacation gigs...it could have worn out lesser man, he will say. And anything that comes out of his mouth about the military, on war fighting, or strategy will still sound like he's not even as smart as a second grader in those areas of understanding after 4 years in office.
I'm no futurist, but I believe I have become a better read of The WON in these last 18+ months. He telegrapghs it all, or flat out says what he will do. We've just never seen one so dead set against what got a nation to be where a man like him could be in such an office. He is the most ungracious, unthankful and selfish man I have witnessed in my life, and that includes Bernie Madoff. The WON will make the ponzi scheme of Madoff look like penny ante poker.
GWB is a man who will quietly absorb all the bad mouthing, and just focus on what he can do from my view. Not only will we not see him lash out, I believe he gives very little of his critisim/critics more than a passing tought. There are more important things to get done, without getting sidetracked.
I think URR has the right of it this time, SNAnonymous. Not only do the Obamas go on (and on, and on) about the need for sacrifice, and our greedy culture, they bluster about the "fat cats on Wall Street" while making ostentatious trips across the Atlantic. As Glen Reynolds like to say, I'll take it seriously when they do.
Ever see a guy in his early 60s with a banjo playing there? He's a gentleman who's father (s2c Omer D. Simms) died on USS FRANKLIN in '45 rescuing his trapped shipmates. Richard Simms does what he can to honor his father by supporting the troops at DFW with his talent.
When you say "this time", you connote that, at other times, I might be wrong. Which I find to be an impossibility! 8-)
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