It is because this exists in 2010.
Often, those who scream "equality" the loudest do not want equality. They want to feed their hate. They are no better than the KKK.
Racism and bigotry knows no color barrier - except for the racist and the bigot.
Here is an interview that is well worth your time; click here and go to the 10 minute point. And yes; you have to go to Al Jazeera to get this. Almost nothing in the US press - you have to go elsewhere.
This is the nation that used to be the breadbasket of Africa. Now it is the basketcase. And the world does nothing.
32 minutes ago
There is no oil there, hence no humanitarian intervention or nation building. AQ is not there (yet) too. The fact is world has enough own problems to try and rescue some country in the middle of subsaharan africa. Only hope I have is South Africa doing something just to stop flow of refugees.But they have their own diversity issues, so this is only smallest hope.
ewok is right no oil, no income for products from the rest of the world, so no intervention, MSM (main stream media) will not cover because they are owned buy corporations, read Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins if you haven't already,
"And the world does nothing."
Well, I guess that's true if you only choose to look at recent history. But, if you roll the clock back a bit further and look at what precipitated the Mugabe regime, the "world" including Jimmah Carta and the UK did quite a lot to put this train wreck in motion.
Of course, back in the 70's and 80's, fresh out of Nam and hoping to placate the liberals, giving up Rhodesia and South Africa as potential allies made sense to the moderates. Here are the results. Who is surprised?
"One man, one vote" and instant enfranchisment sounds great if you are writing an angry editorial or trying to sell some records, but in reality it didn't work in Rhodesia for the same reasons it wouldn't have worked in the eastern US in the 1840's or the western US of the 1870's.
Don't worry. China is taking the lead this time in Zim. But, I doubt it is human rights or quality of life that are piqueing their interest. Have you seen the air field they are building there?
xformed, S.Africa has gold, uranium and diamonds in vast quantities - plus it is sitting on the tip of the continent making it instant geostrategic spot, especially in case Suez canal goes out of order.and while it went quite down in power after fall of white regime, it is still economic powerhouse and regional military power.
regarding Zimbabwe itself, UK was not in position to do anything there in late 70s due to labour govt messing up almost everything. Thatcherite revolution focused on the home isles, and avoided foreign conflict where possible - Falklands was example of conflict forced onto UK. US, with its bipartisan agenda of racial equality was hardly in position to influence there.
When Soviets and Cubans retired from the region there wasn't real need to focus military attention there.
If we follow the thread here, then why arnt we in VENEZUALA ?? They have lots of oil, which is not 9000 miles away from CONUS.
Back when the Europeans where leaving Africa there was a twist on an old saying that went "One man, one vote, one time." Tribal societies are not democratic societies. Plenty of people said so at the time and were ignored.
As for anything happening to help the white farmers, forget it, not going to happen. Since they are white they may be exterminated at will. You might as well expect a hate crime charge in the US if the victim is a white, heterosexual, American born male.
How much oil is in Afghanistan? Maybe we're trying to corner the opium market.
Heartbreaking for the workers on those farms. I suppose when Zimbabweans have starved to death, that thug Mugabe will have proved some point or other? What that point is I won't say for obvious reasons. He'll go down in history as the guy who murdered his nation.
But sure enough...! Like flies to a garbage truck and as predictable as the sunrise!§ionid=351020401 Wherever dictators gather!
There he is! Now, Iran hasn't bothered to upgrade its own refineries, so why Mahmoud is so interested in helping Zimbabwe is beyond me. Oh... wait. That's right... uranium was discovered in Zimbabwe in 2005. I'm sure once they have a fleet of "engineers" there "advising" they'll be scoping out other operations.
Thugs of a feather flock together...
It's not the absence of oil in Zimbabwe but the way the West now thinks about and responds to issues of race, gender and sexuality both internally and when dealing with the perceived sins of its colonial past (non-white nations apparently have never practiced either slavery or colonialism). Under those constraints, no one can do anything about this situation because the locals (and their fellow travellers here) will scream racism and imperialism. And those who shout loudest are unwilling to acknowledge that parts of the 3rd world were not fully ready culturally for self-government because that would require them to admit that some societies and cultures are better than others. Since those better societies are all in the West, this would contradict the critics' own world and self-views too much for their own comfort.
Cousin John works for a major Christian denomination and is in charge of their overseas universities (some in Zm). There is a very thin veneer of "civilization" keeping the lid on top of a simmering cauldron of genocide.Mug has pilfered the central depository, inflation is rampant, the black market is the only means of survival for many, and yet there is an outward appearance of normalcy. Hotel rooms are thoroughly searched when the occupant is out, repeat foreign visitors are "accompanied", and you do NOT ever ever go into a bank while there.
China might be there for the breadbasket potential. 1.4 billion people require feeding. And a nice warm water port on the south side of the Indian Ocean goes very nicely with their expansion plans.
Shhh! You're not supposed to say the "g" word!
As for China... I would bet money that they, like Iran, are interested in Zimbabwe because of its lode of mineral resources that have many dual-technology uses. Missile programs and such require some strange metallurgy...
Suggested reading is "A Continent Ablaze", written by John Turner and published in the late 90s.
When I was drilling in Philly, my unit shared a center with an Army Psyops unit. Their SgtMaj saw me reading the book, and sat down to talk to me.
He'd been in RSA and surrounding areas during the late-60s and 70s fights between SWAPO and UNITA, and with the rise of the Marxists in RSA. He related that the Communist Bloc, particularly East Germany, was very heavily involved in every flashpoint, supplying guerillas and anti-western elements everywhere they could. He also related that US News media witnessing these things first-hand all but refused to report on them.
No pretense for war yet and Chavez is arming himself to the teeth and cozying up to at least one vote of the United Nations Security council...
Z is landlocked, but that doesn't mean the PRC (and others) aren't interested.
It may be obvious (but when has that ever stopped me?) - the Afrikaaners in SA arrived in 1652. For comparison, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts in 1620. The "white man" has been in SA for almost 360 years.
Only hope of intervention is again, South Africa - because as black - or at least majority black - country it will not suffer the accusations of racism. And I do not expect to do them to save what little white farmers are left, but to stop wave of hungry refugees coming south.
And regarding the Chinese, I can see the Grenada "evil Cubans are setting up there". There is fine border between healthy alertness and paranoia.
Ewok, you think RSA might "intervene" in Zim? And you base that on the refugee problem coming South? With that logic, the US should have intervened in Mexico 10 years ago. The only problem with your theory is that there is not enough anti illegal immigrant sentiment on the ground to make that a reality. Folks in RSA are still think Zim refugees "take jobs South Africans won't do and do it cheaper" At least, thats what I saw in July when I left.
RSA ain't going into Zim. Ain't happenin.
And China may be bigger in Zim than you think. There will be no trickle down effect on the average resident. A newly empowered govt will hold a tighter grip and the UN will balk at crashing China's safari party.
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