Hat tip FailBlog.
24 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Gotta be a bunch of fobbits...see the two fat guys in the right rear? And if this crate is Skippy's, then the red "toolboxes" at the end has to be his too...And wonder where the crate full of batteries are?
They must've have found that stash I sold at the used bookstore/24 hour "newsstand" in Killeen a while back...
Naw-it would have been shipped over with the CMS!
You KNOW that that's the one crusie box that isn't going to get misplaced or lost, and that every oscillating Richard will know exactly where it is at all times. Great way to know where the tech manuals are.
Differance #48 between Navy and Army....
Back in the late 80's Early 90's my squadron had a legendery cruise box that would be snet over to the standing Med LAMPS Det when the ships did turnover after chop. My squadron got decommisioned in 94 and the cruisse box disappeared. It was legendary... very valuable er um... journalistic archives in there... of course the mere existance of the cruise box was never proven.. and you think MASON's keep secrets!
Bwahahaha....... there were always certain cruise boxes that were treated as if they held God's own personal gear. ;)
Now you send it encrypted on one or more portable hard drives. :)
Pictures like this one - and the responses to it here - lead me to suspect that the real reason some people oppose repealing DADT is that they are worried the gays will behave like they do.
You know - you're not helping.
Not everything is about you.
General Order #1 out in the Great 'ol 'stan!
NO PORN, NO BOOZE, and Internet that is blocked as well!!!!!
We had a JO porn locker and a bunch of the magazines started coming up with missing pages. Turns our one of the JO's was cutting them up and making his own magazines by theme and keeping the results for himself.
This was in the 80's so it was all (literally) cut and paste.
Very weird.
OOps... that was me above, not 'guest". I forgot to log in again... sigh.
OK, that is hilarious! It gives me faith in the continued creativeness of the American servicemember.
Strictly "Training Video's" nothing more than that here.
One has to ask if it's his cruise box or belongs to the female soldier next to him.
The view is always a little different from the front of the bus, but hey, it's your blog. I'll zip it until the next time one of the folks who has posted here argues that it's neither hard to keep your sexual preferences out of the workplace nor unreasonable to fire people who don't.
Sailors always find a way...
While stationed aboard a Tico Cruiser in the 90's. We were in Operations berthing watching a "training video". Well in walks the Captain and see's our selection of GMT. He asks what the he!! is that. A fellow OS1 aka Jaybird immediately pops up and says "training video" sir. The Captain said knock that s___ off. Much to the Captains good name he didn't rat us out to Ops. Like good OS's we just invented new viewing areas for "training video's".
During my underway repair on Saratoga back around 90 or 89, I found that the ship had miles of cable running around it. Various spaces had a VCR going non-stop, one "training video" or another. Alas, no mas.
Sucks when people whine...
Speaking of which-as a yooung Ensign in VT-10, I got to spend the night in the NAS Jax SAR shack one night due to no rooms in the inn-and not much money or wheels to get out in town. When the SAR guys secured they let me stay there. They the complete collection of Playboy from 1955-1979, all issues there, nicely bound, and on a beautiful oak bookshelf. Somehow I doubt it is there today. But it was a priceless collection.
The other box was classified SECRET/NOPORN
The Deyo had the great porn search and jettison party, back in summer of '92.
Seems the IC/Gyro dudes (Who ran IC TV) were watching some awesome training films as they were setting up the studio for a TV GMT.
As we all switched on the tv instead of the XO we saw something else. I heard the CO scream two decks down!
There was an immediate health and welfare inspection of every locker and rack and all the goods gathered were tossed off the stern.
Never saw porn onboard again.
Oh yes we do... It will cost you though!
We never got a package like that during an unrep. :'(
Particularly when it proves the opposition correct. DADT repeal is a serious mistake.
Skippy's box would have "Asian" in the label.
Uhh, probably-although I would have some Latina's just for "diversity". :)
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