Hey, everyone makes mistakes - but that doesn't mean we can't have fun with each other.
Is this a LCS, GMT, or NWU fail?
Time for EMI.
Hat tip K.
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Heh! A 60mm would be an upgrade, wouldn't it?
Who authorized that ORDALT?????
I also think the diversity bullies failed to make sure a diverse "team" of global forcers were all helping out.
And people were complaining that the LCS was not well armed. See they have 60mm guns.
As to the problem, it’s the same problem that effects all media, they hire and train people on language, film and other communications skills but don’t hire and train them on the real world knowledge that they report on. They hire a photographer and editor on their picture taking and editing skills, not on their identification skills of a 50 cal machine gun.
Incredible how they shrunk a 60mm to that size.
Dont ask, don't teach math.
Oh Jesus. But hey, at least weapons proficiency isn't the priority. That is Diversity.
Someone needs to hit that MC2 upside the head with a cluebat...He doesn't know the diffrence between a Ma Deuce and mortar?
And the Gunner's Mate of the Watch is doing....? And what Fire Control System work is not being done because the FT is checking out the 50 cal with iron sights is... And what exactly is the JOOD doing if the reliability of the 50 needs close monitoring. Oh the officer is running the vacuum cleaner in the pilothouse.
Why? Oh, because this vessel is optimally manned.
Mumble, mutter, grumble, grump, snort. One would think they are all on dope. Oh, the jury is out, the zero tolerance setting is miscalibrated and "what is, is right in this, the best of all possible worlds."
Don't be so hard on the guy, Byron. I mean, it isn't like the weapon has been in the inventory since the 'twenties or anything.
Besides, between diverity activities, sensitivity training, and ceremonies for this and that and the other heritage month, and sexual harrassment stand-arounds, who has time for learning details like that?
Since the LCS is all new and wonderful, with cutting edge all around, I am sure that that must be an M2E2, with the quick change barrel. The FT is merely helping demount the reciever assembly for storage, after someone launched the barrel over the side. ( Something that could be done with the old Oerlikons, if you weren't paying attention during a barrel change ).
<span>And what Fire Control System work is not being done because the FT is checking out the 50 cal with iron sights is...</span>
No worries.
The FC system is probably CASREP'd anyway....
The report said early air target tracking tests revealed deficiencies with the performance of the Lockheed ship's combat system and could "seriously degrade the ship's air defense capability unless corrected."
Plans to repeat the tests were thwarted when the radar power system failed repeatedly and the cause of the failures had not yet been identified, said the report.
"Laughin' on the outside and cryin' on the inside"...and I'm not even Navy....
Huh, no one has commented yet on the sailor in the background wearing, as one of my cow-orkers put it, "Coast Guard Mittens"
Still up for those beers Ken?
Or will I have to drink alone?
Wow, your eyesight is really good. I didn't even see the person in the background.
Nice "Dilbert" reference, BTW. Seems particularly appropriate for this topic. ;)
Fire (the gun and)Control(it) See? Easy to figure out! It's the New Navy.
Sorry I missed midrats again (Sundays are always hard for me...especially on the rare ones that I have off. Had to qualify at the range with one of these puppies)...
But isn't there an emphasis in the QDR this time around for fuel efficient platforms?
Gotta wonder...even with recent tweaks...how the Freedom stacks up?
And, if she is being made slower, how that can justify replicating such a badly compromised hull several score times over?
Well, on the other hand some people like BS'ing journalists.
How do you like the XD? Is that one a .40, or a 9? I still like my USP45F, but the XD interests me. I just picked up a S&W M&P 15 OSR this morning, myself.
VX, you don't have to be Navy for something like this to induce cringing. As long as you're a Murican, it's OK to cry about something this bad.
It was a 9, and it wasn't mine. It was the instructor's (his daughter's actually) I was qual'ing with to carry.
Felt wayyy better than those old, sloppy Colt 1911's we used to deal with back in The Day...
Very balanced and a comfortable weapon to shoot.
Am thinking of getting the 45 ACP tho. I never was much into guns, but post Katrina and Ike, decided that if trouble brews, I would want to stop 'em where they're at if they violate The Code....
(then spend a bazillion at the range to get proficient)
Speaking of -'erm- "60 mm"s like the one pictured, a gun nut (well, just Nut) at work bought one of these....
These days tho, I have no intentions of ever getting into that kind of Harm's Way.
After all, I'm one of them Peace and Luv Boomers whose "Main Battery" is usually this.
60mm? Metric system... that is like saying "the Royale with cheese"...
nice rifle Badger.. I have a 15T. I love it.
as for handgun, check out a Springfield Armory something in a milspec or GI...
hmmm, LCS just got upgunned by 3mm :)
other than that, media ignorance is common...
btw there is 60mm autocannon:
Oto Melara has developed a Hitfist turret armed with the ATK Gun Systems Mk 44 30/40 mm Bushmaster II cannon. This is the turret selected by Poland for the IFV variants of its Patria Armoured Modular Vehicles. As a private venture Oto Melara has also developed the T60/70A turret armed with the Oto 60/70 60 mm rifled gun that is capable of defeating any AFV short of a tank.
I have one M1911 of each. I prefer the GI w/ old school iron sights.
Snipes should never be entrusted with anything more complicated than an end wrench, with the size in real big numbers and an instruction sheet wired to it.
<span>"<span>Felt wayyy better than those old, sloppy Colt 1911's we used to deal with back in The Day..."</span>
A POX ON YOU, SID! The best handgun in the world, bar none, is a well-maintained 1911A1 in .45ACP. It will knock down anything that any of these supersexy 'polymer pollys' can hit, and is a reliable as the sunrise. </span>
<span><span>A POX ON YOU, SID!</span></span>
I said I wasn't a real gun guy...
I'd a been a Marine otherwise!
But I never much liked to cr_p in the open, or peel my socks of with a knife.
Wimpy Boomer and all that.
And it was the "well maintained" part that was the problem for most of those old 45s they used to give us.
They were all just kinda loose and saggy.
Kinda like what I see in the morning mirror these days...
Roger that, we are all in need of a depot-level rebuild, with a R&R of major components.
But you are enough of a gun guy to know FC1 ain't servicing a "60mm"!
That one's so easy even I figgered it out!
I'm just trying to wrap my head around how it fits into the whole, "elegant network" plan...
Forgot to add....
The 1911, built as it was after the expeiences during the First Islamic War Against The US , and stalwart that it is, is just bit too big and heavy for what I may want.
At any rate, back on topic.
At least its good to see even Hybrids have respect for something that can be little improved upon.
I have the same exact gun. It is my carry.. .45 oh yea baby!
thems was ITHACA NY model .45
They guns do work believe it or not.
Relax, they're running a Roomba. Just as soon as they get PQS'd on it. Which should be another 40 hours of training or so.
You could very easily launch the barrels of the old twist in M2s. If you were stupid.
If you were stupid, and the idiot before you didn't clear the chamber, you could do what a young lad on Klakring walking around the bridge did to the old Spruance...
probably ANOTHER caption error by Navy MCS who apparently have not editorial supervision!
Should the LCS be up-gunned well of course! Much more than just its small arms
What is the point of lowering your radar cross section if you put those things on your deck? They have to light up like a Christmas tree!
Anyone notice that the whole crew wears engineering coveralls?
FCs on my old ship were usually the crew served weapons insructors. We had GMs, but not enough for all the 50s we had. I even had to do my own basic maitenance on them while I was on SCAT. SCAT being one of the worst acronyms I've had to describe my duties by. However, we for at least one watch were allowed to call ourselves the Tactical Weapons Action Team... Our ATTWO for that watch was awesome. I'll let you figure out what the acronym was for that wat.
FCs and GMs are all considered about the same, now adays. I would just as often find FC2/1 in the armory at my watch turnover as I would any GM.
You shoot it, you clean it.
Shouldn't there also be a QA/fact check at the navy.mil level? Sorta like editors at the NYT?
Oh yeah... never mind.
The weapons and their mounts are only brought out while in port or transiting something like the Suez. Even the tripods are bolted down to pads on the deck for removal and stowage while at sea. Over the past three years a ton of money was spent performing this shipalt to all the ships, fallout from the Cole I suspect.
YNSN, during my JO deployment to the Vietnam gunline since we weren't doing a lot of ASW and the GMGs were otherwise employed, our four .50 cals were manned and maintained by STGs.
Amen Brother URR, Amen!
Our friends in the Royal Navy refer to it as "Both Sheets Aft" - I'm making the assumption that URR would refer to it by its proper nomenclature :"Unsat" ;)
Byron, Goes to show how things have changed. During my sea tours it was just the opposite, although the MG mounts were always in place.
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