Join EagleOne and me today, Sunday 03 OCT at 5pm EST as we talk about the U.S. Coast Guard's role in defending the USA from the flow of illegal drugs with our guest, CDR E. A. Westfall, CDR, USCG, Commanding Officer of the USCGC ESCANABA (WMEC 907).
We'll cover a bit of the history of the USCG's role in Counter Narcotics, how they work with the Navy, other nations, and various USA governmental agencies - and touch a bit on what happens when the drug runners decide to start shooting.
Join us live if you can, and pile in with the usual suspects in the chat room during the show where you can offer your own questions and observations to our guests. If you miss the show or want to catch up on the shows you missed - you can always reach the archives at blogtalkradio - or set yourself to get the podcast on iTunes.
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An idea to possibly discuss: that new 57mm gun that is carried on new NSC cutters, as well as LCS. How is it controlled and fired ? Well on the NAVY, an enemy tgt is detected on radar and then handed to a (foreign built) gun fire control system, which optically searches for this enemy tgt and then resolves the firing solution and shoots. On the Coastguard, an enemy tgt is detected on radar and then passed to the gun fire control system, which is the same computer onboard all DDG-51 warships. Here it is processed for engagement and the 57mm mount is aimed and fired. The difference is substantial. Navy must see the tgt optically. Coastguard must detect tgt on AN/SPQ-9B radar, then utilize the AEGIS GFCS to resolve the firing solution and engage. BTW the Coastguard new NSC have the same optical sight mount as AEGIS DDG's while the Navy has a Spanish optical sight which has failed onboard USS FREEDOM already and had to be completely replaced with the optical system frrom USS FORT WORTH.
Summary: the Coastguard finds and shoots tgts using a gun radar that LCS does not have: SPQ-9B. Also the NSC's have the modern GFCS that is also onboard AEGIS DDG's.
apples and oranges: LCS fans will argue that "in the future" they plan to install the SPQ-9B radar and maybe a new THALES radar and redesign their 57mm weapons control. Sure, given enough time and money to redesign, retest software, requalify weapons, and a complete redesign of the entire topside on LCS, the Navy could catch up to the Coastguard 57mm gun system in about 5 or 6 years.
Perhaps if there is time, the Captain of WMEC 907 could discuss the adequacy of his 76mm gun and radar fire control system ? Most "experts" will say that the Max EFFECTIVE range of that little 57mm gun is just at 10,000 yards. Not very far at all out in a big ocean. Can the Coastguard's 76 mm guns onboard old WMEC's get significantly better EFFECTIVE ranges ? And can they fire this gun mount at both AIR and SURF targets ? Which is not something LCS can do ! ( unless they redesign, install more equipment, and spend tons more money on the Low Cost Ships). ( soon they will cost even more than a frigate ).
Also, does the Captain consider his main propulsion engines to be reliable ? LCS-1 just had a major failure of their large MT-30 Rolls Royce gas turbine after less than 2 years of commissioning ! Note that the Coastguard's new NSC cutters have the exact same GE gas turbines that are onboard all our ~ 100 AEGIS Navy ships. We know those are reliable and have logistics, training, etc. I'm unable to phone in, since my new "retired" job involves GOLF OSCAR LIMA FOXTROT.
Excellent show this week, great attendance in the cheap seats too ;)
Oh, BTW, CDR Westfall sounds like a damn fine CO.
I always wondered how a free marketeer could justify the war on drugs, and then I re-read Adam Smith.
There is no moral center to the right wing, no consistent philosophy. If they believed what they say, cannabis would be grown and sold lawfully. The fact that it is not, is proof that the right wing is just parroting propaganda fed them by the stateists and the corporations.
That certain plants cannot be grown without the state imposing sanctions shows how little "freedom" we have. All power to the soviets, or the police? Not much of a choice.
Silly, simple minded troll. Do you even know what blog you are on? I actually support something close to the Dutch model ..... which btw has roughly the same policy towards cocaine and heroin that we do.
Now that you are back from your rally in DC with the Communists and unions - please tell me which corporations I am parroting, because they owe me money!
Sierra Hotel, Phib! Troll, you came to the wrong place, the Front Porch takes no prisoners and eats the stupid...
....with fava beans and a fine Chianti!
When I was in the navy we had to read Marx, it was preparation for Seapower and the State. (I think my CO wanted to live out the scene in Patton where he waived the book over the battlefield and said, "I read your book.") Thus, I know the didactic. I don't see the communist didactic here. <span>I don't think this poster is advocating communism; I think the point is being made that state control, whether from the right, or the left, is still state control.</span>
<span>As for the Dutch model, which one. The free trade, free enterprise model William was hired to bring to England? The free-flowing attacking football Holland brought to the world? [It wasn't Spain v. Holland, it was Holland v. Holland. If Messi had been playing for Spain, we'd have had the whole Barca club on the pitch]. The trading nation with a strong Navy to open the SLOCs?</span>
How 'bout the nimble frigate, M Class, Dutch model? Did you know the Dutch government has the ability to build ships in their own yards? I guess it does not matter, I'd be pleased to follow any of the Dutch models. Particularly the shipbuilding one.
Better to chew them up and spit them out. Avoid the upset stomach etc.
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