Thursday, October 07, 2010

Diversity Thursday

The mask slips in DC - and discrimination is enshrined at the Coast Guard Academy.

I have told you for years that Diversity has nothing to do with civil rights or the fair treatment of all Americans, just the opposite.

Diversity has everything to do with raw, unadulterated racism and sectarianism - red in tooth and claw. Where once bigot wore sheets - now they wear name tags with "Diversity" in the job title.

A national disgrace.
Buried in the annual Coast Guard authorization act passed this week by Congress is wording that would strike from the U.S. Code the statement that all appointments to the Coast Guard Academy "shall be made without regard to the sex, race, color or religious beliefs of an applicant."

Under current federal law the academy is "race neutral," but the change would put it on the same footing as other colleges and universities in balancing its enrollment by admitting students from specific groups.
Read the whole thing and wallow in the shame it brings to all of us.

Pathetic. Alas, the USCG Academy is lost.
Simply striking the sentence will not increase diversity, said Antonio Farias, the academy's director of diversity affairs.

"We have to get out there and recruit," he said Thursday. "Having the sentence simply gone doesn't mean more qualified applicants from diverse backgrounds will apply. What it means is it gives us latitude in how we shape classes so we're on par with the Harvards, MITs and other highly selective colleges that are not under a race-blind arrangement, and gender blind and religious blind. We have had all these blinders on."

Farias said minority students would still have to meet all of the qualifications, and then their background becomes a "plus factor," as it would for a football player or a cellist.
Yes, in 2010 we actively discriminate on the basis of race, creed, and color. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you - as an institution we admit it. Those who are promoting racist policies are not wearing hoods and sheets though, or brown shirts - but have Congressional parking spaces or have "Diversity" somewhere in their job title.

I hope they sleep well at night. If I were them I would vomit in disgust that I would sell my integrity so cheaply - but hey - maybe their price point is different. Maybe they enjoy abusing people born during the Clinton Administration for being born with certain DNA. Their conscience.