The question was: with Communism dead and hard-Socialism discredited, what will happen to all the Leftists?
"Well, we have already seen the transition over the last few years. The old Reds will become Green. Their goals have not changed, they just need another ideology which will let them exercise power over other and force their will on society. "We know the Red of both the Communist and Fascist variety had/have no problem feeding their ideology with blood. Sure, you have had the Greenesque zero-population growth and animal rights wacko's get bloody-minded now and then - but when have they let their true nature show, the Greens that is?
This video should tell you all you need to know.
Hat tip HotAir.
UPDATE: If your filters kill video, it is back on YouTube here for now. The EcoFascists are trying to cover their tracks, so it might be taken down again.