Can you get readiness points for this? Do you get per diem?
5 hours ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Yep...the only way they could find one was to put wheels on the boat and drive it on to the ramp. Par for the course. :p
Not only awesome, but the right search pattern for a BLOODHOUND
Only in Japan...
I love it!
Only in Japan.
I love it!
Then he had to hold still so they could get a hit.
Attack tactics: 2.0
Evasion tactics available. (exercise imposed): 1.0. Compliance with exercise restrictions by target vessel 4.0.
Typical CAST ops.
ZOMG, why did you put this up?!? Do you realize someone, as I write this, is now drafting a proposal for a multi-kazillion dollar contractor-run "training system of systems" [insert 2,400 pages of legal boiler-platr and buzzword-infused language HERE] with the cover-sheet arguement to CNO thus: "Think of the money we can now redirect from actual aircraft flight time and at-sea time to further our diversity efforts." Oh, the horror, the horror, the horror...
"The Secretary of the Navy announces the commissioning of the human-propelled fuel-savings submarine USS Nancy Pelosi SSH-1369. The USS Pelosi was constructed entirely of recycled aluminum cans, and was designed by NAVSEA's Underwater Force for Good Bureau and built in a yard entirely run by the United Auto Workers. Her keel was laid in 2010, and she was launched eight days later at a cost of only $774 billion, a fraction of the cost of an Ohio-class SSBN. USS Pelosi will have a crew of three, in keeping with the Navy's reduced personing initiative. The crew of USS Pelosi consists of two lesbians and one bi-curious male, as the first post-DADT submarine commissioned by the US Navy.
Congress has authorized the building of seven Pelosi-class boats, armed with twelve empty coke bottles and two pads of paper, in which the crew can write and send several strongly worded letters in a bottle to US adversaries at any time, in keeping with America's new 'Speak Softly and Carry No Stick' foreign policy Initiative."
<span>"The Secretary of the Navy announces the commissioning of the human-propelled fuel-savings submarine USS Nancy Pelosi SSH-1369. The USS Pelosi was constructed entirely of recycled aluminum cans, and was designed by NAVSEA's Underwater Force for Good Bureau and built in a yard entirely run by the United Auto Workers. Her keel was laid in 2010, and she was launched eight days later at a cost of only $774 million, a fraction of the cost of an Ohio-class SSBN. USS Pelosi will have a crew of three, in keeping with the Navy's reduced personing initiative. The crew of USS Pelosi consists of two lesbians and one bi-curious male, as the first post-DADT submarine commissioned by the US Navy.
Congress has authorized the building of seven Pelosi-class boats, armed with twelve empty coke bottles and two pads of paper, in which the crew can write and send several strongly worded letters in a bottle to US adversaries at any time, in keeping with America's new 'Speak Softly and Carry No Stick' foreign policy Initiative."</span>
Prototypes of the P-9 partrol vehicles?
I like how one aircraft does all the work of localizing and targeting, puts a fish in the water for the kill, and then two of his squadron mates show up to share the glory.
Don't rag it...still more effective than the LCS in ASW!
then they all returned for 14 hours of crew rest, 10 hours of eating, 8 hours of singing "you've lost that loving feeling," and 2 hours of boring their wives and girlfriends with glory stories using their hands to depict their planes and the sub.
How much time filling out per diem paperwork?
"at a cost of only $774 million" HA! Man, URR, I was reading your post and thought you were on a roll....until I caught this! THAT got me laughing in tears! (really, really GOOD comedy is based on awful truth)
BZ big time! 'n thanx!
Ya know, I've refrained from commenting on this. Not because it isn't cute and all that.
Sadly, it's pretty much the only sort of training we'll be able to do if Congress has it's way. I mean, with Diversity being priority one, and having to pay off all the LCS, Zumwalt and other high-end frankenships, what few dollars we'll have left will maybe let us do this.
Sigh....... =-O
We may well all be looking back findly to the Carter years when the next drawdown strikes.
End of Carter had only 40 active ships less than end of Reagan, and over 200 more than USN at present...
Only 40 ewok?
If you look at 9/1981, the true count of the last year of the Carter Admin, the USN hit the post-Vietnam low of 521 vessels. This accounts for ships being built or decommissioned that had been planned by the respective outgoing administrations. Making Reagan's last count 9/1989, which was 592 vessels.
The actual delta in USN vessels between the last year of Jimmy Carter and the last of Ronald Reagan is actually 71 vessels, an increase of 13.6%. Almost the size of the Royal Navy today. The loss of strength under GW Bush is 26 vessels, from 313 to 287, an 8% reduction. Clinton oversaw the loss of 138 ships, nearly a third of the 454 vessels in commission in 1993.
Don't forget that the ships at the end of the Cah-tah era were for the most part beat to hell and gone. Kept together by bailing wire and duct tape, they were. Damn near there now.
Polysulphide and Enecon are your friends....
Note that the boat also has a scope raised. Nothing new there, either. :p
AW1, you're taking these gratuituous slaps of mine very well. :-D
Last one twas me.
I got the figures at 540-to-580 ratio, but this is secondary thing - you have highlighted the big shrink of the Clinton era, and there was almost as big shrink under Bush senior 571 to 454, right? Together the "lost decade" 89-99 saw almost 50% shrinkage. But the carrier groups reduced only minimally, with escorts tied up etc. which means in any future war there will be drastic lack of escorts. Think RN 1940 - "A kingdom for a 50 destroyers!"
Compared to this Bush junior is stopping the tide, but hell, shrinking Navy at war? In a times where Mumbai incident shows terrorrists are willing to use naval means of delivery and capable of doing it, and a piracy threat is fuelled by failed states?
Well, the Cold War had ended. During GHWB Administration, the drawdown consisted of decommissioning of much older and less capable ships, (Charles F. Adamses, Knoxes, Farraguts, Threshers, and unfortunately, the Iowas). In addition, GHWB Administration recommended a post-Cold War Navy strength of around 425 ships, which the Clinton Administration cut to 313.
And the Clinton Administration decommissioned and disposed of modern, in some cases nearly new, highly effective combatants. The Virginias, Perrys, Spruances, all our LPHs, most of our LSTs, most of our MW hulls, and the vast majority of our auxiliaries, all without replacement.
Well said, sir! We need more Auxilaries. The Fleet can't go far without the Fleet Train.
I want a submarine scooter! I would ride it to work every day in the summertime!
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