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Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
I must confess, I have always wondered about the penguin. I did not know that Chinooks carried them, I thought only SH-60s carried penguins.
I count 8 women on the refueling boom. At the average wt of an American woman being 130 pounds, that is still close to a half ton on the boom.
Apparently I'm a straight male.
Oops! that was me above.
Why IS there a penguin standing there looking at the helicopter?
Refueling boom? Helicopter? What's a penguin?
Oh, a penguin! I thought it was sister Agnes blessing the helicopter.
My bad... ;)
Why are there only eight scantily clad women on that helicopter refueling probe?
I have heard rumors that the Russians are working on putting a dozen women on their helicopter refueling probes. The Chinese are working on that plus having them wear identical white gogo boots.
We must not allow a scantily clad women on helicopter refueling probe gap to develop. I think we need a national priority that US helicopter refueling probes will be host to the most scantily clad women since nothing is too good for our fighting men.
LOL! Love it.
Stand by for another 200+ comment blogstorm (CDR, are you just trolling for page views?)
Where are you guys getting an 8th woman? I only count 7 heads and 7 sets of legs. Is there an invisible woman there only men can see? :)
C'mon Phib!
If you were serious about the CNO's "diversity uber alles" focus, one of those "girls" must be a transsexual. Imagine the surprise of the folks in JO berthing....
That is a very funny joke that has so far gone unappreciated.
Pole sniffer...
I'm amazed that for a Navy blog the comments have been as clean as they are so far. I see endless potential for creative sexual filth from totally degenerate minds--like mine.. :)
Uh... is this about gay pinguins or sumpin? I was distracted there for awhile.
Btw, did you know that 60 PER CENT OF PINGUINS ARE GAY??? Which means CDR, that if DADT is ever repelled, the decks on USN ships will be flooded with pinguins. Look here: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1275591.html
Or I could have miscounted.
I am a Lutheran Badger. I have limited exposure to Penguins.
Poofta Pengies, or desperate pengies?
Poofta Ones.
CDR, I hope you appreciate how hard it is for me to resist spamming your comment section to try to get "That Ad" on this page too.
I don't know about 200+ but this set of comments is one of the most bizarre I've read in the 4 years or so I've been stopping by the porch here.
I've been trying to figure out how to work in a Monty Python or Dilbert quote; alas, I've not made much progress on that. Perhaps if it were a parrot instead of a penguin...
Yeah... I know. Go figure, eh? :)
That is something to be concerned about! If it should explode, that pengie is next to the helo's fuel tank!
What helicopter, much less a penguin. 8-) And Scott TB, if the combined weight of those lovelies should damage the equipment, so be it!
Can't resist adding this picture to the mix...
And, another...
Sid has been drinking .... again.
I can't believe the overtly sexual nature of the photo when so many people demand gay people not share their sexuality. So much for the theory that straight people don't shove their sexuality in people's faces in the military.
*jumping up and down and clapping* Oh, philobob is back! He just can't quit us!
<span>Wow, hadn't thought of that. I guess I'll loose some sleep tonight over that.
Actually, this is a good example of how we can no longer joke or have "fun" in the service. No matter what is said any attempt at humor some one will get pissed. Sad state of affairs.
Some day in the distant future, we may have an asexual force. Men, women, transtesticles, penguins, dogs and cats living together. There would be no frigging in the rigging due to the new UCMJ which says if you bump uglies, you get keel hauled and hung from the yardarm, and then get a dishonorable discharge.
I won't see it before I am pusing up daisies but that where we are headed. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. I know where I placing my bet.</span>
You are aware that that pengie is actually a Colonel in the Norwegian Army, don't you?
Upon further review of the nested posters...appears to me that both sides of the fence pretty much got equal time. The call on the field is overruled.
where did the penguin come from? What's he doing there? And where can I get one?
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