Jenny, you don't need me to tell you this - but you deserved better.
Well played Jenny, well played.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Jenny Sanford | ||||
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Jenny Sanford | |||| | ||||
I'm withholding judgement until I know if she passed (What's wrong with the links here?)
Jenny Sanford isn't looking for volunteers for that "rebound relationship", is she?
You're a giver AND a lover, aren't you. That tough outer shell you show the world ....
I am a giver. But I have a hunch that Jenny Sanford can do slightly better. :-D
Skippy (and others),
To link, you don't need to use HTML. Just type your words and then figure out which word you want to have hypertext. Highlight that word, then the "chain" icon moves out of gray. Click that and then follow the prompts.
Yeah, I'm with Skippy-san on that one. Sure she's hot. And rich. And has the spanky house on Sullivan's Island. And the big-name school degrees, etc... But there's a reason her husband went a walking after midnight....
Wasn't it Lee Trevino who said, while pointing out a particularly attractive woman ( and I paraphrase): "Yeah, but guys, somewhere out there there's a guy who's tired of that..."
I'm willing to risk it. Because, as Salamander says, I'm a giver.
Or maybe he's just a jerk. Some men don't need a reason to go walkin' after midnight... by your logic, betraying a vow and a commitment can be justified? Blame the person you wrong for your actions?
Does that apply to people who betray their countries too? I mean... if your government ticks you off, or disappoints you, or gives you a reason to go a walkin' to some embassy somewhere with an offer to lend your "services" is that okay?
I put those two things in the same character bag myself.
Sorry, my marriage vows are just that: vows. I promised my wife that I would never stray, ever. Should our marriage ever get to the point where I could not get what I needed from my wife (and no, that does not mean sex exclusively) then I would sit my wife down first and explain to her where I stand. Bottom line, so long as I'm married, I will faithful. That's what "vow" means to me.
Agree. With Byron too. You're tempted all the time, right. But a vow is a vow. Before you're married you can be a freewheeler but at some point you got to realize playing time is over.
I meant I agreed with DeltaBravo.
I did that-and it pre-empted the text and just put the link in place.
Marriage is overratted. Were it not for the fact that there is no other good way to raise children-the institution would not exist. The problem is there is no other way to raise children who are normal-and even with marriage that's not a guarantee.
Kibbutzim, other ways have been tried-they don't seem to work.
Otherwise-"roomate with benefits" works just fine.
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Let me amend my previous statement: Byron is exactly right. He should have sat her down and explained the problem BEFORE he went off and found true love (cough!)...
My point was that I agree with Skippy: she's a great woman, but she's not perfect. I am willing to bet that she has some interesting character flaws.
Now, with respect to her soon-to-be-former spouse: typical politician. Do as I say, not as I do...
From a woman's point of view, it's one way to make sure some man doesn't completely use you and walk away without any consequence leaving you to raise children alone and penniless.
It also has it's benefits for men when they are old and there isn't enough money to pay some stranger to put up with them and make sure they get a sandwich and bowl of soup and see the doctor before you're taken in on a stretcher feet first. Having a wife around actually extends your lifespan.
Married men don't really live longer - it just seems that way.
<span>From a woman's point of view, it's one way to make sure some man doesn't completely use you and walk away without any consequence leaving you to raise children alone and penniless.
<span>You say that like it is a bad thing. :) </span>
<span>"Married men don't really live longer - it just seems that way."</span>
What the eff are you doing in Alabama? I am weeping for you!
Ok, I'm missing it. She is ok looking, but she comes across like an airhead. All that talk about her inmates....ok Scarlett! Maybe Miss Argentina can carry on a conversation....I'm just saying.
And where's your dignity, going on Jon Stewart to talk about a guy who didn't think you were "it"?
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[url=]Любовь (мини форум)[/url]
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Анекдотик, не помешает... :)
Неудивительно, что древние приносили в жертву девственниц.
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блуждала по сети , [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
Что делать!!!??? Схожу с ума!!!
Очень нравится девушкка, моя хорошая знакомая, но она, несмотря на все мои намёки и знаки внимания, воспринимает меня только как друга...
Hello. And Bye.
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