Yes - cultural guerrilla warfare is approved.
Tuesday, Ole Miss students voted to find a new mascot to replace the abandoned Colonel Reb. A student committee to develop and propose a new mascot will be formed soon.VOTE ACKBAR!
Ackbar, a member of the Mon Calamari species who led the Rebel Alliance ships into the Battle of Endor, appears to be the early favorite. He has more than 14,000 Facebook fans. Websites like notatrap.org -- "It's a trap!" was his famous line -- are promoting Ackbar's candidacy.

Lando: How they can be jamming us... if they dont know we are coming?
BTW, it was when I was first watching Return of the Jedi that I understood Reagan and his Evil Empire speech. The scene when Emperor arrives to the Death Star with flocks of Tie fighters, ranks of stormtroopers etc. immediately made me deja vu of yearly TV transmitions of Red Square parades...
Ewok, how many times have I heard that line and screamed "BECAUSE THEY KNOW YOU'RE COMING!!!" As a critique of the Empire's EA SOPs (and overall plan), they should've left the jammers OFF and hid the bulk of the fleet while letting the Rebels get stuck in before springing the trap. Maybe have thrown just enough white noise to hide the signatures of the tie fighters until they were in visual range without it seeming like jamming. Oh, and added a hundred bucks worth of sheet metal over the access tunnel to the reactor.
(bangs head on keyboard.....) YGTBSM....Star Wars on Saturday morning? Look, I'm a die hard sci-fi fan. I started out on the greats: Cambell, Doc Smith, Clarke, Assimov, Heinlein, Niven/Pournell and now someone who is as good as all of them, John Ringo (OH NO JOHN RINGO!) but Star Wars? Doc Smith would have thrown these novels/scripts in the farkin' round file.
Think I'm gonna have morning sickness....CDR, I'm gonna get you for this ;)
Entirely appropriate tp have the Admiral, even has a muslim sounding surname to further the advance of diversity in the old south.
well, the political CINC was interfering... Thrawn probably would have handled it much better, possibly springing interdictor trap and adding minefield for added fun...
This is not the Mascot you're looking for....
Made me laugh out loud.
Why not? After all, he is the "greatest" Admiral, no?
Think about it... ;)
It would be poetic justice to stick it to the PC bastards by voting in the Admiral...reminds me of when once in USAFE the flight safety nannys got so worried about runway icing that we managed to slip in an RCR (runway conditions reading) factor minimums into the regs which meant that no one could legally fly by regs unless the concrete was bone dry. SAFETY FIRST!!
They were jamming so that the friggin' huge shield being projected up from the planet wouldn't immediately show up on sensors. It bought them maybe 20 seconds before the Falcon's sensors identified the jamming (the fighters couldn't get any reading, or recognize that they were being jammed). Without the Falcon, the fighters might have learned about the jamming when they started smashing into the shield, thus removing most of the only real threat to the Death Star in the system.
One of the few good characters in a really crappy sequel.
Ackbar for Old Miss mascot !!!! ("I am Admiral Ackbar and I approve this message")
The Empire's campaign against the Ewoks was something very much in thier favor, as far as I am concerned. :-P
Dont mess with Ewoks :P
If Admiral Ackbar was such a good admiral, why didn't he know about the trap before hand?
General Calrissian, our [strike]cruisers[/strike] defenses can't repel [strike]firepower[/strike] offenses of that magnitude! We have no choice but to [strike]retreat[/strike] quit playing!
How about Admiral Daala, "as evil as she was beautiful".
Well, Daala wasn't really much evil, just stubbornly Imperial... You want evil femme imperiale, look for Ysanne Isard, director of the Imperial Intelligence...
If you're going to turn to a good Admiral, go to Admiral Honor Harrington. Skippy would love her because of her maternal heritage.
Seriously? Hell, why not make their mascot Steven Colbert?
If Ole Miss takes Admiral Akbar, can the Naval Academy still have Moff Tarkin?
"Would you prefer ANOTHER mascot? A MILITARY mascot? Then NAME THE SEQUEL!"
Furthermore, according to Wikipedia, Ackbar had a hand in designing the B-Wing fighter -- the Rebel Alliance's LCS.
B-wing was actually very good gunboat, just lousy dogfighter. Just what was needed to do torpedo runs on the Imperial capital ships. Think Beaufighter. Still it can't compare to Thrawn's Missile Boat, trust me.
Can't wait to see the Admiral Ackbar Listening Tour. Just keep him away from the cocktail sauce.
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