Not that I am advocating non-violent, legal, social action - but - some might click "Other" and put in "No, it is active discrimination." or something like that. Some might......

Hat tip FCC.
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
I am one of the 3.5% that thinks diversity is discrimination by color versus character.
Nice to see that as always they never share the results.
Wonder if they check IP addresses when you do the clickin' thing.
Obligatory web-http-geek comment: directly clicking on the link provided here will send information to the target site that you stopped by here first. A nefarious webmaster might use that information to discard responses not fitting the "desired" outcome. To get around this issue, open a new web browser and directly type in the link address (or use copy'n'paste). Use of a suitable web-anonymizer might be advised in certain cases.
For more info:
Anyone else noyce the other article on that page? The Navy is doing away with hard-copies of Personell folders. Everyone's records will be housed on a secure data base.
Sure they will. It will now be even easier to place false information into someone's files.
Not only that, but these idiots, and I mean idiots, are goping to have one hell of a problem when the balloon goes up and EMP takes out all their non-sheiled and non-hardened computers and data centers.
You keep hard copies for a reason.
Way back in the way back...and it was 1997 to be precise, I got a call from a retired ADM to come and work on the data integration of the many data items (pers/security/w&R/med, etc) onto SMART Cards. Every one thought the card's memory capacity was all for them. I'd be the referee to figure how much of a "hook" would be on the card, and how much in a connectable db somewhere on the beach...and how to connect to it.
But, the "$35K/yr" offer to do that for the joint services project.....was a show stopper. I told him he called me, I hadn't sought him out, beacuse of some other work, similar in nature I had been doing. think we're finally getting 'round to it...
@Philo if you vote in the poll then you get to see the results. 50+% say False/No, 12% said other, so 62% don't agree with the statement
Dude, you killed their battleship, I mean webpage. Not loading...those basterds, they killed Kenny...
I'll try later
I voted "other" "It's reverse discrimiantion!"
What a waste of time. I hope that my comment will not be used to help justify further waste of time, effort and money to perpetuate throwning resources down the rainbow hole of "Diversity."
They REALLY do not want to know what people think of their efforts.
I said other Diversity = institutional Rascism.
funny at 1200 pm the "Other " percentage was in the 8 percent range now it is in the 19 percent range... I suspect the poll will be pulled down soon.... Rascists...
Thanks for the heads up. That was fun sharing my opinion on the Navy's diversity farce, not that it even is a speed bump on diversity highway. I see the survey sucks you into their deeper survey to help educate us as well. Go to he11 & sea you bullies.
I rememeber hearing about the DoD replacing dog tags with CAT tags, CAT for Computer Assisted Tracking, the CAT tag having a chip containing the wearers medical records, pay records, etc. The tag could be placed in a reader on payday, at transfer to a new command, and "corpsemen" would have portable readers to access the allergies to meds and other emergency information. Did that go anywhere?
I finally went over to the link last night, from my home computer via an anonymizer :) . Hate to break it to y'all, but to me that looked like a training event, not a poll. Furthermore, it appeared from the http trail that the actualy survey/training page was hosted by a third party vendor.
Bottom line -- it was nice to blow off some steam, but I highly doubt a real human will ever see the comments posted in the "other" block. Even if someone does read them, no action will be taken.
And the beat goes on...
I shot them a wee bit of love. Diversity = Racism the way it is being implemented.
My "other":
Diversity is a quiet and deceiving term for keeping forms of racism and sexism alive in the Navy. Promotion and progression should be based upon professional and personal ability, skill, and competence, and nothing else. This is the US military, where lives always hang in the balance, and we cannot afford to have individuals in charge that were put there because of their color or sex, instead of the tactical, operational, and administrative abilities.
I fear that it's going to take something akin to another World War to beat the sense back into the military and refocus the emphasis on performance and not diversity.
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