Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Checking Your Supply Chain Over a Decade Late


This is an article everyone should take time to read.  Beyond the entire, "Two decades in to land wars in Asia and we're only now doing this?" are two other critical vulnerabilities that are long overdue for correction and exist only to the everlasting shame of every Executive Branch civilian appointee and Congressional defense player this century.

Via DefenseNews' Joe Gould;

(Army officials admit) ...they rely on 55 foreign suppliers for certain equipment and materials ― like a TNT-replacement 2,4-Dinitroanisole, which comes from India ― because costs, environmental regulations and legal liabilities make many of them harder to develop in the U.S. The Army even relies on a small volume of detonators and pyrotechnics from China, Jette said.

Are we prepared for a high intensity conflict of any extent?

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