A U.S. serviceman is in custody after he allegedly admitted he was planning an attack on the U.S. Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, the same base where 13 people were killed in a 2009 terror attack.
U.S. officials told ABC News an AWOL serviceman, identified by the FBI as a Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo, was arrested Wednesday after making a purchase at Guns Galore in Killeen, Texas, the same ammunition store where Maj. Nidal Hasan purchased the weapons he allegedly used to gun down 13 people and wound 30 others on Nov. 5, 2009.
Abdo, 21, allegedly told law enforcement he was targeting the base to "get even," according to law enforcement documents obtained by ABC News. The soldier had gone AWOL from Fort Campbell's 101st Airborne Division over the July 4 weekend, according to a senior military officer.
39 minutes ago
IVAW liked the guy. Shocking, I know.
Is he a far-right Christian? Can we make that assumption and begin discussions about his "religion" and politics being a danger to freedom?
This isn't Abdo's first run in with the authorities. He's the guy that SecArmy approved for Concientious Objector status based solely on the fact that he was Muslim (one of the dumber decisions around).
As we continue to celebrate "Diversity Thursday." (Someone got a two-fer there, right??)
Hooray diversity! (showering my keyboard with paperclips in his honor.) /sarc
Hush. You're not supposed to judge someone's sexual tendencies. Haven't you been to your DADT briefing?
At least somebody did their work this time in the police/intel community...
btw, it is supreme stupidity to use the shop where last one attack was supplied...
I am wondering myself, why in 1940s Nisei would fight for their new country despite having families interned, while today's "diversity force" comes up with such "gems".
Relax DB's not accussing any homosexuals of anything but making light of stupid political decissions forced upon the military by political officers (i thought only the Communist needed those?) and politicans.
<p><span>Exactly, James. Andrew, don't you see the road we're heading down? Let me spell it out for you. In some cultures THEY MARRY GIRLS YOU'D BE THROWN IN JAIL FOR TOUCHING IN THIS COUNTRY! Add that to the DADT attitude of not being able to criticize or notice or have a dim view of what floats someone else's sexual boat based on their cultural or gender or racial diversity and voila! Can't you see it coming down the road...?? Because our mindless respect and embrace for diversity in all its forms is leading to that cliff. First they have to get it over the pesky next hurdle of polygamy, but that's a mere bump in the road. </span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>It's all clear what defenses will be used legally for this... religious exemptions will take front seat. The nation that has to parry the flap over a steel cross fashioned by the disaster at Ground Zero will see religion used ironically to shove all kinds of abominable stuff down our legal throats.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Better respect it or your Diversity Officer will be marking you down on his computer.</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span></p>
<p><span>Exactly, James. Andrew, don't you see the road we're heading down? Let me spell it out for you. In some cultures THEY MARRY GIRLS YOU'D BE THROWN IN JAIL FOR TOUCHING IN THIS COUNTRY! Add that to the DADT attitude of not being able to criticize or notice or have a dim view of what floats someone else's sexual boat based on their cultural or gender or racial diversity and voila! Can't you see it coming down the road...?? Because our mindless respect and embrace for diversity in all its forms is leading to that cliff. First they have to get it over the pesky next hurdle of polygamy, but that's a mere bump in the road. </span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>It's all clear what defenses will be used legally for this... religious exemptions will take front seat. The nation that has to parry the flap over a steel cross fashioned by the disaster at Ground Zero will see religion used ironically to shove all kinds of abominable stuff down our legal throats.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Better respect it or your Diversity Officer will be marking you down on his computer.</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span></p>
<p><span>Exactly, James. Andrew, don't you see the road we're heading down? Let me spell it out for you. In some cultures THEY MARRY GIRLS YOU'D BE THROWN IN JAIL FOR TOUCHING IN THIS COUNTRY! Add that to the DADT attitude of not being able to criticize or notice or have a dim view of what floats someone else's sexual boat based on their cultural or gender or racial diversity and voila! Can't you see it coming down the road...?? Because our mindless respect and embrace for diversity in all its forms is leading to that cliff. First they have to get it over the pesky next hurdle of polygamy, but that's a mere bump in the road. </span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>It's all clear what defenses will be used legally for this... religious exemptions will take front seat. The nation that has to parry the flap over a steel cross fashioned by the disaster at Ground Zero will see religion used ironically to shove all kinds of abominable stuff down our legal throats.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Better respect it or your Diversity Officer will be marking you down on his computer.</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span></p>
<p><span>Exactly, James. Andrew, don't you see the road we're heading down? Let me spell it out for you. In some cultures THEY MARRY GIRLS YOU'D BE THROWN IN JAIL FOR TOUCHING IN THIS COUNTRY! Add that to the DADT attitude of not being able to criticize or notice or have a dim view of what floats someone else's sexual boat based on their cultural or gender or racial diversity and voila! Can't you see it coming down the road...?? Because our mindless respect and embrace for diversity in all its forms is leading to that cliff. First they have to get it over the pesky next hurdle of polygamy, but that's a mere bump in the road. </span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>It's all clear what defenses will be used legally for this... religious exemptions will take front seat. The nation that has to parry the flap over a steel cross fashioned by the disaster at Ground Zero will see religion used ironically to shove all kinds of abominable stuff down our legal throats.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Better respect it or your Diversity Officer will be marking you down on his computer.</span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span></p>
Brilliant plan! He'll be spending the next 20+ years in custody of Uncle Sam. He's sure to be a popular prisoner when the topic of why-are-you-here arises. AMF!
Maybe he and Bradley "Optimal" Manning can console each other late at night.
Actually, the crack about wedding night photos over at B5 was kinda funny...
URR, there is so much win in your comment.....
Actually...... There is an ongoing struggle within ACLU leadership as to whether or not they should represent NAMBLA and other child exploitation advocacy organizations. NAMBLA ramblas about how they are "born that way" just like "homosexuals." Their argument is that just as homosexuality is being legitimized, legalized, endorsed and protected, so should they and their perversions.
sorry, no. He is in fact a muslim. Sad. That part of course is being left out of the story. They'll mention his Christian mom but not his muslim father or the fact that he resents christians because he feels that they look down on him. Oh, and he refuses to fight against other muslims.
You can find child psychologists in sufficient quantity to express the opinion that forcing young boys to have sex with grown men is actually helpful in their development.
Don't believe it? Look around the seamier side of this-here internet. There have been a large number of lawsuits regarding people who want to be teachers, etc., who have been "discriminated against" because their proclivity toward such behavior is known. And yes, they are "as God made them".
That will be the push that follows transsexuals.
I guess for the Muslims, any "Conscientous Objector" rejection of violence only applies to other Muslims, but not to infdels.
Well done to the folks who decided he was acting strange and did something in time to stop him!
Uh, were TSA or Homeland Security involved in that...?
I think it was Military and local police cooperation.
Convene field tribunal. Follow through immediately on sentence.
<span>No, I don't see that coming. What I see coming is finally judging people, who have already been serving, on their performance and character, rather then stereotypes. Finally, instead of having to lie about what should be the most important person in their life, they can answer a question about what they did on a weekend.
After all these years on this board I am absolutely shocked that you would seriously equate being gay with being a pedophile or with kiddie pr0n. I am deeply disapointed in you (and you too, URR).</span>
Wow you really missed the point. It was an acerbic comment about us not being allowed to have an opinion against his sexual preference toward kiddie porn because of Navy edicts about "discrimination" and "diversity." But you choose in this as in everything to make it personal.
We really don't know what kind of porn this guy is involved with. If it's little boy porn, I hate to inform you the vast portion of that is trafficked by GAY MEN. (You might figure not many women are into child porn). Sorry to draw a conclusion there you don't like.
A word to the wise... in September when you finally are allowed to go on and on about your fantastic weekend with the man you love... do yourself a favor. Don't. I'm sure everyone around you has already guessed by now. They don't want to hear it out loud every Monday morning.
Why do I get the feeling if someone gave a deep sigh and rolled their eyes you'd be down at HR with a complaint before your coffee was cold?
It all started when we let women vote.
They had the gun store owner on Fox this morning. He was the initial tip off. It seemed the young man did not know what he was buying, but buying it in great quantities. It raised the former cop's BS flag, so he called it in and said that it seemed a bit strange. The magic happened after that.
I missed that one.
"<span>It all started when we let women vote."</span>
<span>One of the dumbest things (and insulting) said on this blog.</span>
I am sure the reward in store for that gun owner is to have BATFE run a sting operation to see if he filled out some paperwork incorrectly, so they can blame him for Mexico's drug violence, shut him down, and possibly send him to prison...
Andrew, I DO see that coming. While you may think this is about performance and character, I see it following the now well-worn path of having their particular lifestyle championed over mine, them getting special preference because of it, and me expressing any objection I might have toward it or that favoritism being punishable as a crime with dire consequences personally and professionally.
So please, save the "disappointed" stuff.
Hey Guest, especially if you are a heterosexual WHITE male, you would be the only person for which there has not been a set of laws, codes, and regulations championing your rights over someone else's.
Will I ever be the victim of a hate crime? Even if I were brutally murdered? Nope. Why not? Wrong color/gender/sexual preference.
So save your "straight man's world" crap for your special interest group advocates.
Guest, you are an idiot. Pick your ruffled panties out of their bunch and stop and think for a second. What argument is being made to justify the policy changes? What are the potential second and third order effects? Is this a genie that will shift political and legal paradigms to realms that NOBODY wants them to go? Arguably, the answer is YES. But you can't see past that.
If you really cared about the military, you and your ilk would couch the argument in such a way that did the minimal disruption. Instead, you are displaying all of the finesse of a MOAB. But that really is the homosexual advocacy community's way, isn't it? "We're loud, we're proud, we're dancing around in pink thongs but hey we're family friendly we deserve equal everything, let us adopt children and teach your kids about what we do in the bedroom!"
For two seconds stop. Think. How did Martin Luther King win the civil rights arugment? Oh yeah, that's right. They dressed up in their Sunday Best and marched as the ladies and gentlemen that they were, demonstrated that they were and deserved to be treated like equals.
Thank God we have TSA to pat down toddlers and wheel chair bound old ladies...without them we'd have never stopped this horrific attack!
i can just see the next major question:
how to stencil name and serial number in "ruffled panties" so that the ships laundry does not blow buttons through them.
Poor you, you don't have to deal with being beat up because your holding your wife's hand, and you don't have to deal with people accusing you of child molestation. I fell for you, I really do. It must be horrible.
"<span>you don't have to deal with being beat up because your holding your wife's hand"</span>
Depending on the neighborhood I am in, it could be much worse than that, couldn't it? Because my skin is the wrong color.
Or, I can be accused of being a potential rapist.
And not considered for advancement or promotion because we have too many of my kind, despite my qualifications or merits.
So yeah, it's a hoot. Go cry to the ACLU.
What does DADT have to do with child porn?
Seriously though, local police and citizens are first line of defence in such cases...
The scene from the original Terminator movie where Arnie walks into weapons store and demands all sorts of stuff up to "28-watt plasma rifle" played on my minds eye theather when i've read the news...
Also there is some paradigm shift from bomb terror to gun terror going on, look at Bombay, Oslo (where bomb was mere decoy to main shooting), previous Fort Hood incident... It is not that bomb threat is going away, but it isnt sole or even main modus operandi.
That was discussed yesterday. Someone did some porch sweepin' last night. I ain't sayin' nuthin' about it anymore. Reread James's comment a few times.
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