In a way, I feel sorry for him. Like we saw with the trainwreck PPT of a few DivThu ago - the inherent illogic, unfairness, and just plain dishonesty of the Diversity Cult makes even the best minds muddled.
Meet Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), Juan M. Garcia III. Not Thurston Howell, but Juan M. Garcia the 3rd.
BTW, Asst. Sec Garcia - nothing personal here, you seem like a good guy - our paths (a moment of silence for the Connie) even crossed for awhile I believe - a couple of times. As such, this is going to bother me more than it will bother you.
If I were advising you, I would tell you that under no circumstances should you let yourself be put in the Diversity box - but you did .... so .... fair game. You want to play in that fetid sewer, its your choice. He seems like a nice guy with some good advice at the bottom of the interview ... but ... what about this?
- Hold managers accountable for diversity success.As we've covered this over and over - we know what that means; metrics, AKA goals, AKA quotas. If you don't meet your metrics, your UIC gets a yellow or red light. That is bad - so behavior is modified to give preferential treatment to certain groups that the Navy has decided it prefers over others; active discrimination in order to move to a green light. That means, more often than not, preferential treatment to self-identified, but not necessarily Hispanics and Blacks. Mr Garcia considers himself a Hispanic I assume - but does he or his children deserve any type of special treatment?
A Harvard Law School graduate and former Texas state representative, Garcia is a veteran of the Navy himself. He served as a Navy aviator, having gone through the Navy Officer Candidates School. He joked that his first naval commission was skippering the submarine ride at Disneyland while working his way through UCLA.Of course not - but he does and he will, all based on what he checks in the block.
When I sit in a meeting with senior officers and senior government civilians on a daily basis, I value their perspectives but I can also look around the table and look around the room and I can see that some perspectives are absent, and I know that because of that absence good ideas are going unheard as a result.There you have Admiral Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations admitting that he practices the most primitive and base of human behavior - judging someone simply on looks; in this case initial impression of racial and ethnic background. Yea, wow. Not to be undone;
... I walked in with an all-white male staff and tried to tell – and there were many young junior officers there, as well. And one of the pieces of feedback I got from that visit was: You know, nice try. You know, what about your staff? A big message.There you have Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a disgustingly generational narcissistic speech on race where he too admits in not only judging race and ethnicity on a blunt facial recognition basis - but has also actively discriminated against one race - in this case Caucasians - in order to positively discriminate in favor of another in his Staff selection.
And so, two years later, when I – and I think Les has heard this story. But two years later I was having a farewell party for my personal staff – for four or five of them. And we had this party at the quarters. And there were probably, I don’t know, 20 of us or so in the quarters. And I looked around. And as a – going back to that visit to New Orleans, that somebody called me on. And, literally, you know, from that moment forward, my staff diversified greatly, in terms of women and minorities – because of, obviously, just the message itself that that sent in terms of priority.
That is Asst. Sec Garcia's pic there on the upper right. Good googly moogly, who is he really - Thor Hammerstrom of Andalusia? I look more "Hispanic" than he does.
If he was sitting across the table from Roughead or Mullen and didn't have a name tag on - what do you think he would be classified?
If he came in as a prospective post CDR-Command Staff member to interview with the name, I don't know, Greenert as opposed to Garcia - would he be treated the same? A Harvard guy with the last name Garcia. What do they call that on 30 Rock
I think we know the answer - Roughead and especially Mullen already answered it.
Boomers with the slathering layers of self-hate. They cannot retire fast enough. Garcia is a early-Gen X like me, he should feel embarrassed to be part of this whole charade, he knows better. For shame.
hahaha... looks like Johnnie boy not only kissed the blarney stone, but he must have been born in its shadow.
This is ridiculous. Blarney is a great word for it.
Yeah, John Garcia (at least, as he was known before he ran for office in Texas) wasn't exactly the most outstanding skipper down in ol' VT-28. During and immediately after his tenure, we had to open a new can of officers after a few T-34s ran out of sky, taking some good men with them. Maybe we shouldn't hold a CO responsible for systemic maintenance issues, I dunno.
On a sidebar note, it's very, very hard to be a one-term legislator in Texas. Somehow John / Juan made it happen. Perhaps if he actually showed up to work he might have won re-election. But then, that's what "networking" as a Harvard grad is for: eventually, someone will hire you to be a diversity manager.
CDR, he's your buddy, not mine, but the irony of this...gentleman...holding ANYBODY accountable is just too rich for words.
For one, I think our government is not diverse enough - it is too homogenous when it comes to employing eggheads and pinheads from the Ivy League. Look around DC and what do you see in the halls of power? What do most of them have in common? This country has a permanent political class - contrary to the Founder's wishes - that hails largely from the leftist bastions of the Ivy League. Look how well they have screwed up nearly everything. Communism and socialism didn't work out so well for many other nations, but in their (the Left's) minds, it was only because those folks in other nations weren't nearly as smart as they are. Juan M. Garcia III, if that is his real name, feeds at the diversity trough slopped by the likes of Roughead and Mullen. The self hate and self loathing of the boomers is killing this nation. It is literally killing this nation. Divide and conquer my friends. Divide and conquer.
"<span>I look more "Hispanic" than he does.</span> "
Come on, now. Isn't it clear that the matter isn't what you ARE, it's how you LOOK? Has Transformationalism not taught you anything?
Juanphibian Salamandero. Que paso, hermano?
Wow, that gives this ...
... an even creepier vibe.
I did not realize that an orange goggly eyed salamander wearing a tricorner hat was considered "hispanic" looking!!
Clearly I need more training!
Goodness, FCC! What an interesting find! Navymother there had an instinct that something else is going on... PILOT quitting after 14 years? Who does that? PILOTS??? When they could fly for 6 more years? Yeah... interesting.
If he has $200k in Harvard law school debts maybe Harvard didn't deem him enough of a Hispanic to let him ride for free...
I denounce you - off to the camps!
Still waiting for the Old, Overweight, Ugly, Under-employed love group.
<span>Wait? That train has left the siding long ago. </span>
<span> If Captain Honors had disparaged only heterosexual males, would he have been so publicly flogged by CFFC, and fired FIVE YEARS ex post facto? That was a political genuflecting to the homosexual activists whom Mullen is so eager to ingratiate himself to. </span>
If it were otherwise, the people who thought THIS was a good idea would have been fired long ago.
Perhaps diversity kept him in "command"...
Debts...don't aviators get fat bonuses? Or as a VP guy, beaucoup per diem?
Leaves at 14 years and then runs for office? Ain't gonna pay off 200K that way. Something smells rotten.
I am reminded of an incidnet I witnessed while at NPC around 2005 when a policy was instituted that all nom packaged for aides, EAs, COS's etc had to have one female, one "diversity candidate" (black, brown, etc) and the last one could be a white guy. One package had a diversity candidate with a hispanic last name and it was rejected by the folks in DC because "he didn't look diverse enough."
These people coming up with these policies are idiots.
Back in the early 90s, I knew a blond-haired, blue-eyed Garcia. He didn't "look diverse" either, though his father was Central American. Even back then he was quite aware that being diverse would help his career and made sure people knew. Fortunately, he was actually brilliant, but....
Of course, it begs the question - if you don't look diverse and therefor would not have been discriminated against for looking diverse, should you now be rewarded if the goal is to reward those who would have been discriminated against?
My own family came over from the Basque country and foolishly intermarried with Germans, Dutch, English and Irish, not realizing they were destroying any opportunity for me to use the diversity card. The melting pot ruined me!
Agreed, it is literally killing the nation. A headline today "DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists" illustrates how pervasive and prevalent this has become.
Not a regular visitor to infowars, but the point made in the post is, to my thinking, dead on.
"Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person’s race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. Bizarrely, nearly every single one of the “patriotic” Americans who reports on their fellow citizen is either black, Asian or Arab. Imagine if the video had portrayed every terrorist as an Arab and every patriotic snoop as white, there’d be an outcry and rightly so, but this strange reversal must have been deliberate on the part of the DHS, but why? Is this merely political correctness taken to the extreme or is something deeper at work?"
"This has little to do with the color of a person’s skin, and everything to do with the fact that white, middle class Americans are the biggest roadblock when it comes to Big Sis expanding its control over every facet of American society."
Not just DON/DOD/USG. It is now a part of what America has become.
I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. It means no. Fire away; I can take it. Piss off. Keep hammering Sal. Thanks. Keep hammering.
CONNIE magic!!!
They learned that only white males can be prejudice here as well!
That clip never gets old!
Now, see, THAT'S a job I could excel at. Still have decent burst speed and lateral quickness, and when laying the lumber on someone in the break room, I wouldn't have to worry about a screen pass or a guard trapping me.
Take a look at some of the other ones. They are hilarious! I think it was a series of Reebok commercials. Some really crazy risque stuff if you really pay attention.
one of those fine pilots was a friend of mine.
LT B, did you ever see the "Big Safety" videos for Stennis? Now I know where they got the idea.
I always laugh when I see this.
I am diggin' it!
As a white male, I remain OFFENDED each week with more tales of mistreatment of my "community". It's not fair, and not sure if I should cry, see the chaplain, file suit, or temporarily abduct someone and get some air time to address my grievances on FOX.
Unfortunately Phib, the inculcation of X'ers was apparently part of the plan.
Well, it is becoming very hard to trust the sea services...
For thought basically on this subject from the "Philosophical Fighter Pilot" cited on a previous set of notes, see: http://www.usnwc.edu/NavalWarCollegeReviewArchives/1970s/1979%20May-June.pdf
For some reason, it makes me want to grow facial hair. ;)
Here is an object lesson of protected classes gone "wrong". Tell me all the things wrong with this guy's complaint:
"My mother is an immigrant, my mother-in-law is a Jew and I'm a gay man. Those are all protected categories, but you're going to put a felon in there as a protected category? That's not right," said Andrew Long, a board member of the San Francisco Apartment Association.
The rest of the article is priceless. Just priceless.
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