I think Allah may be on to something - Christie-Peterson for President, 2012. Perfect North-South unity ticket, in a fashion.
Hey, it would be fun if nothing else. Watch the videos.
59 minutes ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Hey Dale....get your finger out of the trigger guard!
Second the motion. Motion made to have Phib as SecDef.
And one of the GOP candidates for AL Treasurer is a guy named Young Boozer.
I'd rather see Phib as SecState. It's a sucky job, but I expect after four years he'd have the State Dept. cleared out ;) Make sure that the only folks in it come from SEC schools would be a great start!
I LOVE both of these guys! Could you imagine Dale Petterson during a House session?
"Listen up you numbnuts, we ain't gonna keep doing stupid over and over again!"
Oh my. Those are bracing. Makes my conservative Republican heart go pitter-pat.
Both seem like excellent choices because candor and truth telling are superior to the typical "cover your ass, kiss babies and get re-elected" political BS that routinely streams out of many politicians. The truth is sometimes unpleasant but someday an honest politician might actually tell the truth about the real state of affairs.
Those are awesome!
Look's like they are running scared, the Cristie video was yanked. Anyone know of an alternate source?
Video shifted to another source.
Thank you, sir. That was awesome! Now, can you pull some strings and get SECNAV to unblock the You Tubes on NIPR?
dream team
It's never been a better time to be a conservative Republican.
Throw in Alan West and we get a trifecta :-D
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