Admit it Hank - you feel kind of dirty, don't you? Like an applauding member of the Romanian Politburo?
1 hour ago
Proactively “From the Sea”; an agent of change leveraging the littoral best practices for a paradigm breaking six-sigma best business case to synergize a consistent design in the global commons, rightsizing the core values supporting our mission statement via the 5-vector model through cultural diversity.
Why not say the they value all of their employees? Why break it up? Some pigs are more equal then others. Sad.
"I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of all FAA employee associations that represent everyone except heterosexual white males..."
Silly me... and here I thought that it was illegal for any Feeral Agency, Program or department to discriminate on the basis of Sex, Ethnicity, Political Views, etc.
Isn't favouring one group over another a form of discrimination? I am SO in need of a regresher course in Orwellian Poli-babble.
None of these eight associations, nor the PC infected weenie who put out this pandering piece of paper contribute a damn thing to keeping airplanes and passengers safely in the sky.
I was hoping the final paragraph would read something like:
"We have thoroughly instituted zero tolerence for discrimination of any type in this organization, and therefore these eight organizations can celebrate their success and will cease to have any official recongition or special access effective immediately. I have disbanded the [diversity bully] office and saved the taxpayers $xxx,xxx by terminating the no longer needed employees who worked there,
Have a great FAA Day."
Too bad.
<p><span>I would like to thank the gay, bi, curious, blind, one eared, one legged pilot’s association. The seeing -eye dogs have dramatically improved the smell onboard some aircraft. In addition, I would like to thank any deviant, miscreant, freak show, illegal aliens, insane or sane while crazy individuals and associations that have enhanced our PC diversity posture. However, I will not be thanking any heterosexual white males as they have made no contribution to my PC diversity agenda. In addition, I will not be thanking any American employees per se as I find that term offensive to the PC diversity paradigm. </span>
</p><p><span>IMHO </span>
For those who study or live "The Trade," some very much subscribe to the "divide and conquer" approach to beating the "enemy."
I'm not much on conspiracies, but this is looking some sort of goal to make sure there is no strength, as we will be too busy in internal bickering of who is getting ahead of who to see the real exeternal (or have become "internal" from external influence) sources, until, of course, it's too late to shift targets.
Surely a plan to neutralize, if not subjugate "the enemy."
"...I have a dream, that one day, my five children will be judged solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin."--Dr. Martin Luther King
We have fallen seriously short.'re not. We need minds that are still sharp and logical...not trashed by emotional angst. You already have detected and evaluated the target. Next step is the warning off comms.
I envision on man who lived by non-violence, if he were to rise from the grave, would be toting a Lousiville Slugger and have his sleeves rolled up...looking to have a heart to heart with today's "Civil Rights" leaders....but then...I have that dream.
Interesting how the paradigm has shifted from "Equal Opportunity" for all employees, and its concommitant emphasis for respect for the individual has now been totally replaced by "Diversity" and its insistence on emphasizing groups of people, whether they wish to be placed in arbitrary groups or not.
So in short, these are the people we have to thank for helicopter crashes over Manhattan because FAA employees are on the phone with girlfriends, the Underwear Bomber breezing through customs, the Times Square Wannabe almost escaping via a plane at JFK, and all those scary near-misses where little planes almost mate with big planes in mid-air?
Well, Gosh! Bring back the white males then!
Cheer up guys, loose the anger and follow the link for the rest of the story. The white, middle class, male demographic is making great strides in achieving a certain equality of sorts.
From NPR.
"Honolulu's homeless demographic — on the streets and in shelters — is changing. The University of Hawaii's Center on the Family estimates the city's homeless street population has shifted from being 21 percent Caucasian in 2005 to more than 43 percent today. "
Full story here;
A Classic! How unfortunately typical these days as Govt memos go. Sickening, but a classic nevertheless.
Hank is a quentessential Civil Service "suit"...
OOOpp.... that was me "guest". Forgot I cleaned the cache earlier. :)
But wasn't that PATCO? ;)
To be fair DB, the FAA doesn't own the security piece. Thats the TSA...And they have their own set of winners.
And Hank isn't such a bad sort. Of late, he has been busy with the flurry of some recent operatioanl errors
But he is a "suit" and likely chopped that without even batting an eye.
On another note, I am aware of at least one controller who recently completed a his to hers transition...
A friend of mine used to work in a busy TRACON. I would chide her about working in a dark room with a bunch of men...
Of course, some of those white (union) guys have been known to show up in some mighty strange garb
i noticed that he blatantly omitted the transgender/transexual community. And cross dressers, and pedophiles, and NAMBLA associates, and polygamists. And no amateur women controllers. Wassup with that?
you'd think they're taking direction from the Navy for gosh sakes.
Hank, that's all CYA mollifying PC pap.
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