Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diversity Thursday

You can almost hear the echoes of screaming Staff Weenies still .... I love the "I've got all the answers but these 18 ... " and the "Hey, I know it is just after lunch on WED, but I need this by 1000 on MON. Have a great weekend!" ... bluefalcon nature of this.

For you thinkers out there .... look at the "To" list (which BTW has a lot of duplicates...). Add up all those manhours just answering this tasker .... and then multiply that by all the other Chains of Command out there.

The Diversity Bully's Valentines Day present.

----- Original Message -----
From: [redacted], Christine A LCDR NAVCYBERFOR, N13
To: [redacted], Cathy J ITCS NETWARCOM, NETOPS-1; [redacted], John F ITC NETWARCOM NETOPS-1; [redacted], Ralph L Jr ITCM NETWARCOM, NETOPS; [redacted], James R LCDR, NAVSOC, N01; [redacted]; [redacted], Robert E CTNCS NCDOC; [redacted], Daniel R ITCS(SW/EXW) NCDOC; [redacted], Robert D CAPT NAVCYBERFOR, N00COS; [redacted], Gary M, ITCM, Navy Cyber Forces, SEA; [redacted], Christine A LCDR NAVCYBERFOR, N13; [redacted], Richard K OSC(SW) Navy Cyber Forces, N431; [redacted], Taheshea A. ITC NCMS Washington DC, N3; [redacted], Joseph R CTR NAVAIR, 7.4; [redacted], Erica LCDR NCMS Washington DC, XO; [redacted], Jackie CDR CSO NCTAMS LANT N01; NCTAMS LANT - CMDCM Sheri [redacted] - CMC ; [redacted], Carolina L ITC N6, N6; [redacted], Eric ETC NAVSUBSCOL N83; NCTAMS PAC - CTICM Phillip [redacted] - SEA ; [redacted], Michael M LTJG NCTAMS PAC, N35; NCTS Bahrain - CMDCM Donald [redacted] - CMC ; NCTS Bahrain - ITC Frank [redacted] - DAO ; Sylvia [redacted]; Robert [redacted]; NCTS Far East - CMDCM Robert [redacted] - CMC ; NCTS Far East - ITC James [redacted]- DAO ; Howard [redacted]; NCTS Naples - CMDCM Gary [redacted] - CMC ; NCTS Naples - ENS Richard [redacted] - DAO1 ; NCTS Naples - ITC Clifford [redacted] - DAO2 ; [redacted], John; [redacted], Charles E ITCS NCTSSD, N3; [redacted], James H CDR NIOC Suitland, XO; [redacted], Jacqueline L CMDCM NIOC-Suitland; [redacted], Eddie L LT NIOC Suitland, N2; [redacted], Yasmin LT NCWDG; NIOC Bahrain - CTI1 Jared [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Bahrain - CTICM Ronald T. [redacted] - SEA ; [redacted], Joshua ; NIOC Colorado - CMDCM Steven [redacted] - CMC ; NIOC Colorado - CTT2 Angel [redacted] - DAO ; Blake [redacted]; Michael [redacted]; NIOC Georgia - CMDCM Stephan C. [redacted] - CMC ; NIOC Georgia - CTIC Elizabeth [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Georgia - CTIC Felix [redacted] ; [redacted], Mdbosle ; NIOC Hawaii - CMDCM Terry [redacted] - CMC ; NIOC Hawaii - CWO2 Christi [redacted] - DAO ; [redacted], Rachel CDR NIOC MD, N0; [redacted], John S CMC NIOC MD, N0; NIOC Maryland - CTRCS Anthony [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Menwith [redacted] - CTI1 Jerrad [redacted] - DAO ; Christopher [redacted]; NIOC Menwith [redacted] - MCPO R T [redacted] - SEA ; NIOC Misawa - CTRC Melanie [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Misawa - CTRCM Mathew [redacted] - SEA ; NIOC Misawa - LCDR Derek [redacted] - XO ; NIOC Misawa - LSCS Carlene [redacted] - DAO ; [redacted], Ken J CAPT OPNAV, N3N5/N310; [redacted], Donald J CMDCM NIOC Norfolk; NIOC Norfolk - CWO4 Susan [redacted] - DAO ; [redacted], Robert L FC2 CSCS San Diego, N7423; [redacted], Lemuel S LCDR NIOC Pensacola, XO; NIOC Sugargrove - CMDCM Homer [redacted] - CMC ; [redacted], Jason A LCDR NIOC Sugar [redacted], SGRV; [redacted], Eric W CTRCS NIOC Sugar [redacted] (N3), SGRV; [redacted], Albert ; NIOC Texas - CMDCM Tom Ayers - CMC ; NIOC Texas - CTIC Laura [redacted] ; NIOC Texas - CTIC Laura [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Yokosuka - CMDCM Ed [redacted] - CMC ; NIOC Yokosuka - IT1 Malkia [redacted] - DAO ; NIOC Yokosuka - LCDR Sharon [redacted] - XO ; [redacted], Michael ITC - NMSC; NMSC - Mr. Thomas E. [redacted] - CO ; [redacted], Sadie M CIV NETWARCOM; [redacted], John W CAPT, NETWARCOM CDR; [redacted], Timothy ETCM NNWC, SEA; [redacted], Jaucelin OS1 NETWARCOM; [redacted], Heidi J CTNC NIOC Pensacola, N3
Cc: [redacted], Richard K OSC(SW) Navy Cyber Forces, N431; [redacted], Jaucelin OS1 NETWARCOM

Sent: Wed Feb 08

Subject: Chief of Naval Operations Tasker for CNO Diversity Brief - HOT TASKER

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is that time of year again for OPNAV N2/N6 to do the CNO Brief so I am collecting data for that brief. I know that most of you fall under C10F for Diversity now; however, I am collecting the data and compiling it since Diversity fell under us until a couple weeks ago. Going through the tasker I have a lot of the data that is required to be turned around to them but there is data required that I do not have so I am sending this out to request that information from you. Please provide the requested data from your Command and any Commands that fall under your purview. I need this data call back by the 1000 EST on Monday 13 Feb to have time to compile the brief for review for RDML Herbert, that is the absolute drop dead time I can give to have enough time to compile all of the data, I am sorry that again this seems like a short turn around tasker, but again there was some time spent clarifying what the requirements actually were and what data we already had so we did not go out and ask for things we already had available here. Once the brief is completed I will be forwarding a copy to your Force Diversity Officer, Ms. Donna Lacy, up at C10F so she has the same data/brief I am forwarding to OPNAV N2/N6.

What is needed from all Commands (your command and commands that report to you). I will not be putting Command names on the brief, I will reporting as a Domain and reporting as Echelon levels. The more data I get, the clearer the picture will be for the IDC since we will have the data for a large portion of the IDC. Please be as honest as possible because the intent is not to put anyone on report, but to give Admiral Greenert a clear picture of our Corp and how we are doing with Diversity. He is digging into more data then what was historically asked because he really wants to see how the Navy is doing in Diversity and where we need to shift the rudder, he has asked the same questions of all the different Corps.

1. Compare your investment in diversity to other operational core competencies? (i.e what are you spending and/or investing on diversity compared to other operational core competencies percentage wise - diversity versus training, operations, supply etc).

2. What barriers do you see in our community (INTEL, IW, IP and associated enlisted rates) to Diversity? (example would be that we cannot do a direct accession in our communities like the URL can for officers, anything else you can think of why we do not have open access to whatever type of personnel we want in our community - officer or enlisted)

3. What do you do for outreach? What organizations do you support i.e. ANSO, SSLA, BEYA. Why do you support those particular organizations (need justification on why those organizations and not others, i.e. ANSO because that is where the TYCOM Diversity training was held last year, if a Command member is associated with an organization you may support that organization, we just need to know why)?

4. What is your Diversity budget? What is your training budget? ( I am aware that most commands do not have a separate Diversity budget, please annotate that but if the CO, XO, or CMC has traveled annotate how much that has cost and also annotate how much money was spent if someone else in the command has went to a diversity event and which funds you took that out of)

5. Do you have someone working Diversity full time? If so is that person remaining competitive for promotion? If you have a full time Diversity person, who do they report to? (Again the Diversity person is not the same as the EO person).

6. What K-12 or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) focused efforts do you have relationships with? Include the name of the school, the grade, if it is just K-12 and/or STEM, if a MOU is signed and also include any STEM college relationships established (only if the college is STEM based).

7. Do you have a separate Diversity communications plan? (May also be included in your strategic plan)

8. Do you have a Diversity webpage? (Most commands will not have a separate one, an example would be like our portal diversity webpage)

9. What do you do for internal/external Diversity communication? How often do you communicate your Diversity message internally/externally? Compare this with how you communicate safety/readiness.

10. What was the date of your last climate survey? (DEOMI survey)

11. What questions did you develop relating to Diversity? (Diversity only questions)

12. What significant variances did you identify? What actionable items resulted from these findings and what was the due date?

13. List any Diversity awards in the last year that you submitted personnel in your Command for.

14. Does your command have a formal feedback mechanism in place to measure mentor/protégé satisfaction for commands that are following NAVCYBERFOR Inst 1500.1, Mentoring Inst?

15. Do you have metrics in place for the formal mentoring program to see how your command is doing?

16. How much does your command spend annually (books, IT) on the formal Mentoring program IAW NAVCYBERFOR Inst 1500.1?

17. What training do you have in place for Diversity i.e. INDOC, Appreciating Differences, annual training, NKO, Executive Diversity training etc).

18. How do you ensure the training you offer is meeting your Diversity training objectives?

I have the answers to the rest of the questions they have asked. Please call me or email me if you have any questions about the above questions. I have tried to clarify what I am looking for. I really need the answers to all of these for you and your tenant commands by Monday morning Eastern time. They do realize that we will provide the best we can so if you just cannot get the information do the best you can by estimating for the Commands that fall underneath you and please let me know it is an estimate and not actual numbers. My work phone number is 757-492-[redacted] and cell phone number is 757-
[redacted] if you need help with any questions. I appreciate your time and attentiveness in this matter. Have a great day. V/R

Do they really think this is a way to get a quality data call? Really? Odds are this data will be useless ... but it will be briefed to the CNO anyway. Amazing.

What sh1tty staff work - but not by the person who sent this email - just trying to do their job. The person who timed this though ....

Shame - I can actually see some "win" here - which is why having garbage quickie date is sad. I doubt they will capture the real cost or personnel numbers considering all the TAD etc that is going on to support that bucket of goo affinity group diversity support calendar and messages they put out all the time.

1 comment:

virgil xenophon said...

My God, it's even worse than my Barbancourt-soaked brain had imagined! Sheer madness... we are truly now living in a "Through the Looking-Glass" world...the armed forces of the old Soviet Union were a bureaucratic morass of straight-jacketed "party-line" strictures and useless, combat-degrading red-tape spawned/spewed by political commissars? HA! They had NOTHING on our modern-day PC DOD world!