Would it be rude to mention that President Obama has no, zip, nada stake in African-American's history of slavery? His father and namesake was from a African Muslim tribe that was engaged in the slave trade for goodness sake, and the other half of his DNA is European. No one in his family line was a slave. He is as disconnected from the African-American post-slavery legacy as I am from the American-Indian legacy.
Well, there is one good thing from the above video. Smith knows that time is not on his side. Today's young generation does not have a use for his grievance wallowing. We as a nation have gotten past that. Sadly, we have a President who has made the decision that he wants to pick at the healing wounds of racism to enrage people to the ballot box. He wants to keep pull American back, not encourage us forward in race relations.
That is sad. Even though I didn't vote for him, I had hope that President Obama would take the chance to leave sectarianism behind. That was the high road, I guess we won't see that - at least not with this President at this time.
So yes Tavis - we will see a very racist filled 2012 election - but at this point the only place I see it being driven that way is by our President.
That is sad - but I shouldn't be surprised, I guess. I also guess that I am a racist for pointing this out. It is, I guess, racist to ask why someone is supporting another with a racist mindset. It is, I guess, racist to ask that people not act in a racist manner. It is, I guess, racist to want to live in a world where people interact with people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. It is, I guess, racist to deal in facts and not emotion.