Typical of the Left - if you don't follow their diktats as defined by their world view, they will take you to court and bleed you dry. Have a sense of humor they don't like - to court.
The only valuable sort of freedom of speech is the sort that allows people to do or to say what others find wrong-headed, offensive, distasteful and intolerant.They will first come for the insulting, then for the rude, then the obnoxious, then the socially uncomfortable, then the politically different, then those who do not praise enough the correct ideas. Lenny Bruce may not be afraid - but in Canada or Australia he may find himself in court.
Being free to say and do what everyone else wants you to say and do is not a liberty or freedom you will ever have to fight for; it will make little difference to anything.
Already this Bolt trial is getting publicity in the US. Steyn is writing about it, as are others. And they're painting us as a Mickey Mouse little jurisdiction where being offended is enough to allow victims to paint some speakers as acting unlawfully. Some are suggesting we might be heading down the road Canada travelled.
I think any good, well-functioning democracy requires its citizens to man up and grow a thick skin. If you're offended, tell us why the speaker is wrong. Don't ask for a court-ordered apology and some two-bit declaration.
Hat tip Mark Steyn.