Look at the below list. Ponder all the time taken in selection boards from the CDR-Command level on up. Multiply that by the number of commands that will process this. Add it up.
FEW Federally Employed Women (Any rank male or female) (significant contributions during 1 Jan 2009 - 1 Jan 2010)
SECNAV Energy Conservations Award
SECNAVINST 4101.2 / CNO MSG 071438Z MAR 11
Black Data Processors Association Epsilon Award (BDPA) (Civilian and Militray
SAIGE Society of American Indian Government Employees (military and/or civilian male or female) (performance June 2009 through May 2011
National Women of Color in Technology Award (NWOC) (STEM) (Group 1) (Civilian and Military)
2011 BDPA Epsilon Awards (5 Different Categories)
LULAC League of United Latin American Citizens (military and/or civilian male or female) (performance Jul 2009 trhough Jun 2011)
American Legion Spirit of Service Award
National Women of Color in Technology Award (NWOC) (STEM) (Group 2) (Civilian and Military)
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - Roy Wilkins Renown Service Award (military and/or civilian male or female) (performance Jul 2009 though Jun 2011)
American Indian Science and Engineering Society Award (Civilian and Military)
Hispanic Engineer National Achievements Awards Corporation (HENAAC)
BIG - Blacks In Government Civilian Meritorious Service Award (Civilian and Military) (performance Aug 2009 through Jun 2011)