I guess not. Nice lead-from-the-front there CINC.
Way to make citizens feel like their President represents all Americans.
UDPATE: As AR points out in comments - it seems the CINC isn't the only one who doesn't seem to quite get it.
General Jones; -2. Putz.
3 hours ago
hahahahah! He violated that old rule about "never let them see you sweat." I guess "first time voters" is code for those who couldn't be bothered to read headlines or watch the news or get their butts to the polls before, but voted for the novelty of electing the country's first minority president.
Thank goodness that kind of voter is easily distracted and if something isn't novel they can't be bothered.
Hate to have my agenda based on them. I've heard too many anecdotal stories from those "first time voters" who now regret their votes.
Meanwhile he's stoking the fires under a lot of people who used to support him and now are afraid of his agenda... like our senior citizens....
When he lists how badly our country seemed to be doing before he came along, well, if we take his word for it... can't see that much has changed in 1.5 years.
Gee, I did not know our President was making campaign ads for the Repubican National Committee.
Words, just words Obama sez: You shouldn't be proud of the America in the BO period. That will unify...
What have you got against Claudia Schultz? lol
I'm so sick of his sickening smugly superior affected academic mannerisms that every time I see the guy now I want to throw up--wretching Jackals have nothing over me...
I'm so sick of his sickening smugly superior affected academic mannerisms that every time I see the guy now I want to throw up--wretching Jackals have nothing over me...
Does this mean that they won't be courting the Norwegian-American, male retiree voting block?
Bigotry. Now the <span>official</span> policy of the Obama administration.
Sorry, C-dore... it's even okay to make fun of "your kind" as troublemaking relics of a long bygone era....
(Try that with any other ethnic group!)
(Full disclosure: I watched every one of those commercials and laughed at them all.)
Yup.... somehow, he seems unable to transition from that Community Organizer role to the National Leader thing. Why am I not surprised? =-X
As an Olson Badger, I ask, are you a fellow Norske?
I guess what bothers me most, or saddens me most, is that none of this surprises me anymore. Nada. Zip. None.
This guy could have been sent from Central Casting to play "Big Brother". He's always talking and it's always about him, NEVER about US.
Badger, 3/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Welsh.
DB, That's one of the more entertaining ad campaigns around (wish I'd come up with it), although in real life having my ancestors come for a "visit" was apparently a very unpleasant experience. That, of course was long before they moved to Minnesota and started a line of unsuccessful farmers.
while we're talking about the administration's "tolerance"...
thank god for youtube. the "joke" was deleted from the official transcript.
Someone explain to me how this is appropriate?
What about me? I'm a mutt. I only know that I'm white, a short, somewhat chubby, with a MILF for a wife, man. Oh, and I want to keep what I earn.
Nope - they ain't courting me. Dependency, I tell ya', it's all about dependency!!
His idea of 'fair' is taking what was earned, and giving to those who did earn. Even Robin Hood would have a problem with that.
Wait until you see this week's Div Thu to see what your Chain of Command thinks of you Warrant.
How's that Hope and Change working out.? What the Ds don't have special interests on their speed dial? Had no idea all the pols were not pure. He talks and expects everyone to believe with out doubt in what he says. If he said [ reading off that telepromter of his] that the sun at hign noon was overhead and the sky was blue , I'm still gonna look outside.
It ain't nice. but I've never despised anyone more. That we elected him says alot about America for the positive. That he won't shut his mouth and is an America- hater? FBHO.
I see the white male club has mustered.
This is a tad...underwhelming. Pres Obama is shoring up his base, and getting folks prepped for the next elections.
Any reasonable watcher of recent events will likely surmise that the Reps might take back the House (or come close to it).
I voted for Pres Obama & will likely do so again. Anyone care to bet -- especially Mr. T -- that he gets a second term?
you're right. it's not like he has anything important to do...like run a country...
Jay - please, oh please, tell me why you voted for him? Was it because he was 'transformational'? Was he a changling?
So - the very people who screamed at the Bush administration about the deficits they had incurred at $200-400b annually, then in one year incurred more debt than all other administrations before him combined at $1.5 trillion? Now THAT'S change you can believe in. That's $1.5 trillion over and above tax receipts.
Jay - you can stand behind that vote? How about this one - when GM was 'shepherded' through Chapter 11 banckruptcy court - Union shareholders who invested 10% of the total dollars invested, got .40-.50/dollar, but those investers who provided 40-50% of total dollars, then was given .10/dollar, and threatened by the Obama administration when they balked. And union's didn't have to give up much in the way of concessions, so we still have a boiling problem at GM and Chrysler.
That's a vote you can believe in Jay. Oh yeah, I suppose Clinton's womanizing is change you can believe in too. Good times, good times. 8-)
We must share some kumkake, and sandbakels filled with chocolate pudding sometime.
We must share some krumkake, and sandbakkels filled with chocolate pudding.
He and his cronies would have you think that you only earned what you have because you were somehow "privilidged", or that your success was at the expense of "a disadvantaged person".
Jay, your tired act just doesn't play any more. And I'm including the dem's line about Republican's always wanting 'tax cuts for the rich'.
Uh - happen to see that 50% of the population doesn't pay federal taxes at all? And 70% of all federal taxes are paid by those over $250k? Let's continue to hammer those folks and punish their success!!
Why bother earning your way when all you have to do is screw others for it?! Yeah, the big boys have all the money, so let's screw them out of it. They had to have screwed others out of it to get rich, so then let's us screw them and take it away!!
Good times, good times. Again - transformational change you can believe in. :)
Jay - just in case you're intellectual side isn't familar with Satire, I'm a Republican, a conservative, fun-loving, boat owning, girl watching (for the fun of it - I love my wife, would not cheat on her for the world - she's hot), family man, and believe the best way to raise my boys, and daughter, is to teach them that their efforts dictate their success, and their effort only. And I love the Navy.
and those that opposed Bush are , what ? this is the Prez we have now and those that disagree are what white racists.? give me a break . do you think that only the afro-americans voted for him and got him elected . many others voted for him too and look what we all got. hows that Hope and Change working out for you eh.
Hey Anon - where have they mustered? I'd like to head there.
Anon - you intellectual.............so, if I oppose Obama, that makes me......what? Exactly what does the fact that I am a white male have to do with anything?
So - if you oppose more debt at $1.5 trillion, that's over tax receipts of approx. $2.9 trillion, that means I can't say anything because I'm.......white?
Your tired troll arguments don't play here. I can't oppose Obama on a substantive argument? You folks bring out the race card on everything. Liberals talk about Hispanics, Latino's, African American's....blah, blah, blah. You know what I talk about? Being an AMERICAN.
can't wait.. salivating...
I didnt vote for him.. promise you that.. as for your vote.. didnt I back into your Prius with my Ram?
Badger, Just as long as we DONT HAVE ludefisk...
I love it when people bring up the debt numbers without looking at the brink the economy was on in the fall of 2008.
The truly irresponsible spending by the American government started in 2001, with the lapsing of paygo, the passage of No Child Left Behind and the first of two ginormous tax cuts, the first of their kind during war time - none of which was actually paid for. Indeed, Utah senator Orrin Hatch has gone on the record to say that it was standard practice not to pay for things when the Republicans were in power. Like two wars that we are still stuck in-all evidence of progress to the contrary.
In Karl Rove's new book, he defends the 2003 prescription drug benefit - a seven trillion dollar entitlement that no one bothered to pay for - as fiscally conservative because it came in under cost projections. What that means is that because it's only costing $500 billion that nobody has over the the programs first ten years instead of the projected $700 billion, it's a conservative dream project.
Yet these are the very same people that the Tea Party wants to put back into power. And I mean that they're exactly the same people.
Ask a tea bagger the really hard question, "If elected, will you seriously consider tax increases to balance the budget?" If they answer no ( as they most certainly will) they are not serious about deficit reduction.
Anyone who tells you that tax cuts will stimulate growth enough to close the budget gap is either lying to you or is functionally retarded. That's just not mathematically possible, particularly with tax cuts that aren't paid for.
Cutting spending alone does little to reduce the deficit, since there are increasingly large interest payments on the debt to be paid and the entitlement pool is growing larger every second, as America is spending trillions on overseas military adventures. If there was a way to avoid titanic spending cuts and painful tax increases, Canada would have figured it out twenty years ago. But there just is no alternative, as Jean Chretien and Paul Martin found out by 1994. Eventually the US will come to the same conclusion as Canada did and institiute a VAT and a tax increase-only unlike Canada, ours will come too late.
You know, you'd think that General Jones would have been smarter and figured out why most comedians aren't able to make a decent living at it. More importantly I can't imagine why he didn't realize that an ethnic joke of any type would come back to bite him in the...
Jay, Re: the bet on Obama's second term...let's see who the Republican nominee is first and then I'll let you know.
I dont get it. Just seems like generic president speak. I really dont understand the left and the right. Obama and Bush dont seem very different. This is the same whining crap thats on every comment field and message board everywhere.
And another thing, why do you people even pay attention to the president? No president in my lifetime has ever said anything interesting. If anything when they speak its annoying because they preempt tv shows. Ive experienced no change as a result of democrat or republican president. If its a democrat we are at war, if its a republican at war.
I do assure you sir, fish flavored Jello is not on my eatables list. Lutefisk is just plain NASTY.
Dude, go get your bong, load it up and watch some Comedy Central. Leave running the country to adults, please.
Do you really want to bring up why the economy was on the brink in 2008? You're another revisionist Liberal. Ever heard of the Housing and Redevelopment Act. Signed by one President Jimmy Carter and strengthened by one President William Jeffereson Clinton? Ever heard that it became a 'right' to own a home? Ever heard about rules that punished mortgage companies that followed traditional rules, but then rewarded mortgage companies that gave mortgages to those that couldn't actually afford the home? That's called government run amuck.
I'm more intellectually honest than you because I too didn't support the prescription drug entitlement - private sector should have come up w/something that would be a pay/go situation. No Child Left Behind - uh, remember when Ted Kennedy was an author of the bill? You can't just hang that on President Bush - but it was his baby too.
Irresponsible government spending began in 2001? You've got to be kidding me. What about the New Deal? What about the Great Society Program? Both led by Democrats who grew government way beyond our means. You think tax cuts won't work? Try Reagans cuts - which are being felt today. They worked. They grew government revenues in record fashion. The problem was it still meant our 'honorable' elected officials couldn't stick w/in the budget.
The problem is, and always will be - spending. You can't spend more than you take in. Both parties are guitly of it, and both parties have to knock it off.
It's waaaay too early for me to get this worked up.
before we Raise taxes.... how about we cut spending.. non enumerated powers spending... like welfare, education, raping of our treasury... well you get the idea... THEN if we need more money, we can visit a tax... but not until the freeloaders are off the payroll...
and once again media gives a pass...
I'm all for cutting spending, but it seems everytime this subject comes up everyone is quick to cut eductation, welfare, etc., but no one seems to jump on the DoD. We have all seen there are areas that need trimmed, no-loads who receive a paycheck, and programs that don't deliver. As a place to start I recommend cutting the number of flag officers by 10%
We can have a discussion about how to move America forward, but words like hate, despise, and bigotry below form a foundation of questioning the legitimacy of the current government.
I have no problem cutting 10% or more flag officers. We'd never notice.
To answer your first question, everyone starts with crap like education and welfare because they have no business in the federal budget. You likely could do away with 90% of the federal government if the various responsibilities were handled at the appropriate level. There are legitimate federal responsibilities. Dictating policy for local schools isn't one of them.
The real story in the Jones' flap (besides how this plays into the developing narrative that the Obama administration is anti-semitic) is how the media chose to down play the story because it was someone from their side making an inappropriate comment. If Jones was NSA for a Republican administration the press would be leading the charge for his head.
"Mr. Gorbechev, please break down that wall"
"Trust...but verify"
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" (yeah, amazing, a Democrat president said that one, won't be another that'll say something like this, he'd get stoned).
What LargeBill said.
I find it very sad that someone who has taken the oath to defend the Constitution would say, "he is not my president." He was elected, he is your president - it does not matter if you have anything in common. Stop trying to deligitimize the country and government you swore an oath to protect.
Then anyone who believes in those things must be violent extremists and as much a threat as AQ. That way, Napolitano can suggest that dissent is outlawed and free expression suppressed. For our own good, of course. All we will be free to do is earn the money that the government hands to someone else. But hey. We don't deserve it anyway. Because we're white. Right, BHO?
Matthew, are you serious or joking about Obama and Bush not being that different? If you are serious, then I hope that you are not serving because your powers of observation--or lack thereof--will get people killed.
the oath is to the constitution...not the executive. For a reason. However, Steve, I'd be careful that you don't run afoul of article 88 if it applies to you.
Oh, Anon you are acting like a shamutra.
Ya know if a bunch of hispanics get together to protest crackdowns on illegal immigration, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, it is ok and free speech. If hispanics want to band together and form a league called La Raza, which translates into "The Race," it is ok and free spech. If a bunch of guys happen to have a similar opinion, and may or may not happen to be white, it is:
- Racist
- Militia activity bent on overthrowing the government
- Sexist
- Something that everyone has to apologize for.
I know liberals consider themselves to be academics, so please explain!
the reason people start there is that funding those provisions isn't provided for in the constitution, where as the military is.
however, I agree there is some fat that could be trimmed in the DoD.
Agree with AR: Steve, POTUS is the NCA. You're oath is to "obey the officers appointed over me" POTUS is the top of the food chain. You obey him as if he were Gen. Mattis, and you respect him for the office he holds. And trust me, if the Warrior Monk heard you say this, you'd be seeing and hearing more of him than you ever wanted to.
Steve, It always used to bother me when my liberal friends would use that "...not my President..." garbage referring to G.W. Bush and I feel the same way when someone says that about Obama as well. If you are an officer your obligation is to "...well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office..." regardless of who the President is. I served under a number of Presidents, some of whom I had little respect for but there was never a doubt in my mind that I would remain faithful to my oath. If I couldn't do that I would have resigned.
Byron, One minor "quibble". "Obey the orders of the officers appointed over me..." is not part of an officer's oath of office.
Anon, I agree with your comment and take it at face value. However, over the past year I've found that the folks I know who complain the loudest about "delegitimizing" the current government are the same ones who liked to use the phrase "The Selected President of the U.S." when they talked about the previous administration.
You "liked" your own comment. You'll go blind doing that.
And doing it well, too...
Well there..."Rat"...
I didn't notice anyone here screaming about Pres Bush's spending habits, or lack of veto use...but, it seems deficits only matter when they guy you didn't vote for is the White House...
Or, as some of my more fiscally conservative pals decided -- even though Pres Bush's spending left them speechless -- they'd still rather have a Rep doing it, than a Dem (perhaps they stuck with VP Cheney's "Deficits don't matter" statement?).
I took a good look at Sen McCain (I was hoping he was going to do better in the 2000 primaries -- but then he got sandbagged by the South Carolina & National Republican smearing...), and Sen Obama -- and it just seemed to me that Sen Obama had a better handle on the issues, and certainly did a better job picking (& vetting) a VP candidate to run with.
It galled me a little bit, to vote against a Navy man. While Sen McCain is a true American hero, that isn't enough reason to give him my vote.
I noticed that GM is doing well (as is Ford). And that GM paid back their loan (so much for the "Government take-over...).
I am not sure I can explain any of the investment shenanigans over the past 10 years, but I do think that the Government did fail in any sort of reasonable oversight. Greed caught on (both sides of the aisle) like wild fire.
I realize that you are angry over having lost any moral authority that you may have thought you had re: spending, and that has to be tough to swallow.
Not sure why you brought Pres Clinton into this -- I don't know anyone who doesn't agree that he shamed the office.
hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! That wins the funny of the day!
C-dore -- lol...c'mon...where's your moxie?
My guess is that it might be Mitt Romney (although I expect the results will be the same, we'll see...).
Only in the middle of his first term...
hahaha doing it well... not even close...
one reason... DOD is required funding as an enumerated power in the Constitution... read it, learn it, be the ball Danny...
PULEESE,,,, really? more Bush this, Bush that... Enough! Obama OWNS this, he said so himself.. stop being disingenious and open your freaking eyes.
That is why unemployment is so low, gas prices are low, health care is fully funded, and the deficit is shrinking....
Shhhh... They probably all think we're men anyway. Let's not tell them the truth. :)
*adopting a lower octave voice* Quite right, DB, my good man. Say, I was planning on taking the Bentley up to Maine this weekend and updating my collection of Lacoste shirts. Are you in, there, chap?
You ladies owe me a new keyboard. ;)
ActusRhesus, I appreciate your concern, but I came off active service over a decade ago, and am very glad of it. Clinton was bad enough of an empty suit to suffer along under, but this fellow is clearly the enemy. He makes no bones about his intent to socialize america into his own marxist utopia. More frightening than that is this "anon" turd who is obviously so eager to tongue lap Nobama's balls though.
Anon idiot, read the oath of enlistment. The oath is to "protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic", which could well include the Marxist in Chief. It says shit about the president other than the section that says "to obey the orders of the president of the United States. " Either stop being a fuckwit or shut the hell up.
As for the Warrior Monk, screw him. Respect is earned not given. I have seen far too many fucked up officers who deserved none to just hand it out to someone who I know to be the enemy. And at the point where the President and his pet Congress cease to obey the will of the people as they have done at least twice now, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT. I will give him all the respect and cooperation that the libtards gave Bush, none. Remember, "DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC".
All this noble sentiment about him being deserving of our respect, adulation, trust, etc, would be fine except for the fact that he has clearly demonstrated what his intentions are along with those of his leftist associates. If you all really cannot look at this scumbag and not feel deep mistrust and misgivings, you are seriously in need of psych treatment.
It is conversations like this that keep me from talking about politics more often.
YNSN - politics needs to be discussed, debated, argued. It's the positions that people take. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
But often - it means sticking by a core value that you believe in. If you don't discuss, you don't win over those who may disagree. I've seen too many people not want to discuss politics, and then get people who believe different from them get in power and do some really unpleasant things, like expand the role of government, spend more than they take in, and then increase taxes to cover it, then spend more, because if you spend less, that means people were overtaxed. Whew!
People got to do some unpleasant things, like join in the discussion. Because if you wait for others to stick out, and you remain silent - you could lose, and lose big.
I thought I was going to fall off my chair I was laughing so much.................... 8-) :-$ :-D :-P
YNSN, just remember: as you grow older, you develop bullshit filters. Some things you listen to, think about, decide upon. Others, go straight to the round file.
Racist ass klowns
If I may, let me moderate myself.
I dislike BHO intensely based upon the research I did on him prior to the elections. What I fould was that through his associations, actions, etc. he was clearly and demonstrably a black racist, and a socialist with Marxist leanings, as well as a poor liar and an obvious America hater in his statements and actions when visiting other nations. I really knew nothing about him before I started checking into his history. There was nothing at all there that impressed me at all. He missed over two thirds of all votes when he was an Illinois legislator, then things went downhill from there. He is the president, yes, but he has no interest in anything other than his specific agenda, and that greatly troubles me. Add to the fact that the dems in congress seem to be very willing to backstop him even against the will of the VERY PEOPLE THEY REPRESENT, and that is severely disturbing to me and to many others. A lot of us now know we have no real reason to believe we have any voice in our government at all. We no longer count.
I don't care that he is a mulatto. His ethnic background does not interest me in the least. But he obviously is only interested in catering and manipulating the great unwashed masses that will benefit him, and clearly dislikes whites, and others who know what he is all about and won't go along with his program.
When talking with reasonable and civilized people, I have no problem in having frank discussions. But when they are unreasonable, indoctrinated automatons who cannot think rationally for themselves and stick to party diatribe rather than recognizing and addressing facts, then screw that. It is like trying to wash a pig having a conversation with them folks.
I believe in my country, not a bunch of power obsessed idiots who are currently running it, and when they get the boot, the other side better unfuck themselves and do it right, or I will be on their asses too.
Semper Fi to all.
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