An attempt by the Naval Academy to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. this week by serving fried chicken, greens and cornbread in the midshipmen's dining hall sparked a debate on the Annapolis campus about racial sensitivity.Did they have an Al Jolson tribute player come out to serve the watermelon too?
On Tuesday, the academy served those items along with mashed potatoes, pie and lemonade as clips of King speeches were broadcast in King Hall, named after an academy graduate. The meal was served Tues-day because classes were not held during the holiday honoring the civil rights leader.
There are one or two reasons for this; first, there are tone deaf simpletons who are responsible for this or; second, the command climate in this area is such that no one is willing to point out that the emperor has no clothes.
I vote for a combo of the two. All that being said though, as a Southerner - that sounds like one good meal. Maybe next year they will serve it on Robert E. Lee's birthday...
Hat tip QSPN.