About a week late perhaps ... but I owe it to him.
When Mr Kyle finally pulled the trigger, the woman dropped the grenade. He shot her again as it exploded.
But after four deployments to Iraq, he learned to stop hesitating and start shooting straight.... and he has your back at home too.
With 255 kills, 160 of them officially confirmed by the Pentagon, the retired Navy Seal sniper is the deadliest marksman in US military history.
... any yes; I'll believe Kyle's side of the story.
hmm give me 1000 such guys and I will conquer AFG! /jk
I believe Kyle as well.
The most puzzling aspect of this story is the Navy still used Jesse as a speaker at BUD/S graduations??? WTF??? I hope that practice has stopped.
That young man won't have to buy another beer the rest of his life ;)
I am reading his book now. Froggy reviewed it on B5's page. Good stuff!
hmm.. I wonder in the wisdom of bragging about his score? Make no mistake, I am glad he served and I am glad he has come to terms with his solitary warfare, and how he has saved American lives, but he has his name on the street, his general location, and raised his profile. The bad guys have long memories... I hope his CQB skills are as sharp as his marksman skills..
Jessie, time to shut up.
160 confirmed kills AND decking Jesse Ventura? Nobody will be beating that for a while.
When men like these write books, we need not even apply the sniff test. It is as pure as the driven snow. While manhood and manliness is under constant assault from the forces of feminism and liberal media / academia, supermen like SOC Kyle provide shining examples to men of all ages about our responsibilities as men to our country, our families, our teams and ourselves. Chief Kyle does a LOT for Naval Special Warfare Foundation as well as Marcus Luttrell's Lone Survivor Foundation.
I have gifted four of my best friends with this book.
I'm glad that he got out to raise his family. The happiest ending of all.
I don't think that he is bragging.
The Euroweenie comments at the Daily Mail article are priceless.
Putting kills to paper to sell a book = bragging in my book. Not judging, just saying he is elevating his profile and playing a dangerous game.
If not for himself... for his family down the road.
Yea, hat off to the guy, but what baffles me time and again is those famous marksmen showing themselves upfront with visage and names and general location et al. Unbelievable. It's just inviting disaster. Do these guys have a death wish??? And if they can be tracked, so can their spouses and children.
Butch, I'm a European myself, and I won't even go there. I can imagine it already. Painful.
DB, there's an awesome lady out in Colorado named Anne Barnhadt who has a blog about commodity trading and things in general. A few months ago she said something that pissed off a Muslim who wrote her an email saying she was going to die and that he'd put out his own personal fatwa on her. Anne replied with not only her address but directions to her home and told this cretin that she welcomed the target practice. She carries and carries heavy and goes to the range all the time.
You either stand for something up front, or you don't.
Read her, DB, she's a hoot and doesn't much care what anyone thinks of her telling the truth...and she's a devout Catholic to boot.
I see your point. But someone who may have children.... you're drawing a bullseye on them too. This is a culture that thinks nothing of attaching explosives to their own children to send them into crowds. I know for me... someone attacking my kids would hurt worse than anything they'd try to do to me. Just saying... in this day of modern internet technology and google gps... well... I'd wonder about collateral damage, no matter how strongly I felt about my right to state my opinion and stand by it.
It's not bragging if you really did it.
theyr'e already there.
there's this small problem of CS roe's.
He owns his own Blackwater-like Security company. I think he's probably well prepared.
Navy SEAL? Check.
Sniper? Check.
Most kills ever? Check.
Soon to be Best selling Author? Check.
Owns his own business? Check.
Husband? Father? Check and Check.
Selected for Salamander's Fullbore Friday? CHECK.
<span>LIFE FULFILLED.</span>
Navy SEAL? Check.
Sniper? Check.
Most kills ever? Check.
Soon to be Best selling Author? Check.
Owns his own business? Check.
Husband? Father? Check and Check.
Selected for Salamander's Fullbore Friday? CHECK.
<span>LIFE FULFILLED.</span>
To be fair, there are non-castrated Europeans giving the weenies what for.
Sorry, I did not mean to imply ALl Eros are weenies, just the hoplophobic ones.
Hey man, don't for a second think I felt offended. Me personally, I'm feeling comfortable.
Not that I ever served. I spent one day in the Belgian army - only to be sent home at the end of the day on account of my bad eyes. Pity, but that's how it is. I could have been a Field Marshal by now.
I could even have been the subject of a Fullbore Friday!
Life is not fair, but as a conservative I accept that.
Prepare the clone vats...
Recall the attempted murder of wife of Vincennes CO after Airbus downing. Bomb was placed under her minivan. It was unsuccessful, think she was moderately injured. Prior to this, she had seen suspicious people lurking about
their home from time to time, apparently familiarizing themselves with her schedule. Not sure if I would want my name out there, what with a family to consider.
DB and Outlaw,
that was precisely my point. AQ even caused Oliver North to consider a change to his security.
Irrevocable Mancard holder.
They try to bring in the "good ones" but sometimes the Jesse's and Dick's show up trying to remain relevant.
Fact of the matter is we know the "bad guys" want to target vets here on our home turf, so yes, you take a stand, but for God's sake, please do it smartly. I heard about that chick in CO, and even though it makes for an amusing read, her bravado needs to be tempered with a little common sense! (And I hope she dips all her bullets in pigfat, a la Phillipines.) I'm with Mr T (or do you prefer Haircut?) on the judgment issue here.
this guy managed to get his score DESPITE ROE. Enough of people like him and we have a WIN!
Chick CDR,
My Friends call me Haircut, MTH, or T, I respond kindly to everything but douche nozzle...v ;)
"MTH, what do you predict will happen if someone calls you 'douche nozzle?'
BTW, he also has parts where is wife writes what was going on w/ her during some of the portions of the book. That is a nice touch. I had to stop reading my Kindle just bit the dust. I think a seabag hit it when I had it in my cargo pocket. :(
I have to say this story is only topped by Buzz Aldrin decking the moon conspiracy theorist for calling him a liar.
I was attending SDSU at the time Mrs. Rodgers was attacked. For more reasons than I'll go into, I never believed the "disgruntled salior" theory of the attack on her Toyota van.
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